
Big banks and AMP dominate 'fat cat' super funds

Bank-owned super funds dominate the ranks of "Fat Cat Funds" with high fees and poor performance, according to a new report.

The annual study by online investment platform Stockspot suggests super funds and managed funds owned by the big four banks and AMP have seriously underperformed their peers over one, three and five years. 

The big four banks and AMP represent nearly three-quarters of the 628 "Fat Cat Funds".
The big four banks and AMP represent nearly three-quarters of the 628 "Fat Cat Funds". Photo: Matt Davidson

Stockspot founder Chris Brycki says the big banks and AMP are "taking advantage of consumers with unfair fees".

"Over $777 million is raked in every year by Fat Cat Funds,"  Brycki says.

Stockspot estimates more than $777 million is raked in every year by Fat Cat Funds.
Stockspot estimates more than $777 million is raked in every year by Fat Cat Funds. Photo: Louie Douvis

"It's another depressing example of the cavalier attitude many banks have towards their customers created by conflicts of interest in the banking and wealth management industry."

Brycki says the findings support the idea of a national default super fund, recommended by the financial system inquiry last year.


The report estimates $59 billion is "trapped in superannuation funds and managed funds that consistently underperform".

The big four banks and AMP represent nearly three-quarters of the 628 "Fat Cat Funds".

ANZ (OnePath) is the worst offender, with 239 Fat Cat Funds. Stockspot estimates the bank takes $142 million a year in fees from members and investors in these funds. 

AMP/AXA owns 81 of the Fat Cat Funds, Westpac (BT) has 63, CBA (Colonial First State) has 50 and NAB (MLC) has 32.

Fat Cat Funds charge fees of 2.04 per cent, on average, whereas Fit Cat Funds – the best performers – charge 0.94 per cent.

"It means that a 30-year-old of today might lose nearly a quarter of their lifetime super if their money is in an average Fat Cat Fund,"  Brycki says.

Those in their 50s could lose over $100,000 in the years leading up to their retirement if they are in a Fat Cat Fund.

Brycki says not-for-profit industry super funds have fewer Fat Cat Funds and many more Fit Cat Funds than retail funds, owned by businesses such as the banks and other financial institutions.

For example, about 38 per cent of Fit Cat Super Funds are industry funds, compared with 14 per cent of retail funds.

Among super funds, the better performers include investment options offered by industry funds REST Super and Cbus Super.

It is not all bad news for the big banks and AMP. They do have a number of super funds and managed funds that feature in the ranks of the Fit Cat Funds.

Default super

Most people do not choose who manages their retirement savings with their super going to the fund chosen by their employer or specified by an industrial award.

The Turnbull government last year supported the recommendation by the inquiry into the financial system led by David Murray to open up super to a competitive tender process.

That was seen as a win for the big four banks, AMP and other financial institutions that have large superannuation businesses.

Retail funds could tender to be become the default fund provider to an employer whose default fund is currently specified in an award, which is almost always an industry fund.

However, an open and fair tender process would also be expected to allow industry funds to tender to become the default provider for employers whose default providers are retail funds.

Brycki says he supports the idea of a public tender. 

"Chile established public tenders for the right to manage default super that has reduced average super fees to 0.3 per cent versus average fees of over 1 per cent in Australia," he said.

The government asked the Productivity Commission to study opening up default super to competition and it recently issued its draft report.

The commission says decision-making could be centralised and taken out of the hands of employers or industrial awards. The commission will issue its final report to the government by the end of November.

Alternative views

Stockspot's report is broadly consistent with super fund researchers Chant West and SuperRatings in finding that industry funds outperform "retail" funds. The main reason is the lower fees of industry funds.

Brycki notes that the Fat Cat Fund category captures some of the big financial institutions' older "legacy" super funds that are no longer open to new investors. 

These funds were launched when fees were generally higher. He says their newer superannuation funds have lower fees.  

An ANZ spokesperson dismissed the findings.

"The report does not accurately reflect the fees paid by our customers invested in these products, as a large number of customers are eligible for discounts based on their level and duration of investment which, in turn, reduces the fees they pay," the ANZ spokesperson said.

"Since last year we have transitioned over 100,000 customers to new low-fee paying products as part of our MySuper transition program that is delivering substantial savings to customers and will see old underperforming funds closed or terminated. 

"We will ramp up this work in coming months with another 140,000 customers transferred to new lower fee products." 

A spokesperson for the Financial Services Council, which represents retail super funds, says research shows super fees are internationally competitive.

"They [fees] are continuing to fall over time as funds become larger and more efficient," the FSC spokesperson said.

Stockspot promotes investments called exchange traded funds (ETFs) that are very low-cost index funds listed on the Australian sharemarket.

They track or mirror the returns of all sorts of markets, such as sharemarkets, and prices, such as the gold prices. ETFs compete with actively managed funds, including those covered in the report.

Twitter: @jcollett_money
