Federal Politics

NSW RSL prepares for major financial audit

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - APRIL 25:  Generic image from the 2016 ANZAC Day dawn service at the Shrine of Remembrance on ...

The NSW branch of the RSL is preparing to launch a forensic audit of the past seven years' spending by its senior leadership amid concerns about possible fraud and questions about financial transparency.

Private schools issue warning over funding

Education Minister Simon Birmingham said on Q&A that some private schools were 'over-funded'.

The powerful private schools sector has warned the Turnbull government not to use it as an "easy target" for cuts after Education Minister Simon Birmingham said some schools are over-funded and may need to have their federal funding reduced.

'Vulnerable' asylum seeker now detained with violent criminals

Part of one of "Spik's" paintings.

An asylum seeker who says he still suffers nightmares from the violence at Manus Island more than two years ago has been transferred from a Melbourne detention centre to Christmas Island to share a compound with some of Australia's most violent offenders.

Malcolm Turnbull takes another hit in latest poll

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time earlier this month.

Tuesday's Newspoll holds more grim news for the Member for Wentworth, who despite enjoying his best two weeks in in the job strutting the world stage is back facing the reality of his domestic woes after presiding over another fall in the Coalition's primary vote.

Just one electorate opposed to same-sex marriage

Families opposed to a plebiscite on same-sex marriage rally outside Parliament earlier this month.

Just one electorate in the country has a majority of voters opposed to same-sex marriage, according to research that suggests MPs and public debate are significantly trailing voters in backing change.

Families to save hundreds of dollars under PBS changes

Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley addresses the media about a new round of medicine price drops which will take ...

Australians will save hundreds of dollars a year on more affordable medicines from October 1. A person with diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and gastric reflux would, for example, save $35 a month and $410 a year, for example.

Plebiscite hate speech fears overblown: Hanson

Senator Pauline Hanson at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 13 September 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Pauline Hanson says she would be prepared to put aside her personal opposition to same-sex marriage and vote for it in the Senate - but only if the Australian people vote in favour of it at a plebiscite.

Liberals behind same-sex marriage misinformation campaign

"Trying to connect marriage equality with the Safe Schools program is factually incorrect," said Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's promise of a "civil" debate over same-sex marriage is unravelling, with a group behind an anti-equality smear sheet distributed in suburban Sydney revealed as members of the Liberal Party.

Disgraced former MP's 'money for jobs' scheme

Craig Thomson leaving the County Court. 24th February 2015

Disgraced former federal MP Craig Thomson is quietly running a migrant worker placement business from his home on the NSW central coast, raising questions about possible loopholes in sponsored migration schemes.