Solomon Lew: the billionaire behind Smiggle, FCUK and Country Road

In the street fight that is modern retail, Solomon Lew is a seasoned veteran who's not afraid to take on anyone who stands in his way.

A polarising figure, he's feared and admired in equal measures but Lew's reputation for toughness is the stuff of business folklore.

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Solomon Lew: Modern retail champion

Business veteran Solomon Lew continues to kick goals with superstar brands Smiggle and Peter Alexander set to continue their overseas expansion.

Everyone's got their Solly story, from caterers to cabinet ministers, and they're not all bedtime tales. But it's a yarn about a coat that most neatly captures the lens through which Australia's best known retailer views the world.

"If Lew takes someone's jacket, I've seen him check the label," one associate confides.

'Cross the line and you are out for life.'
'Cross the line and you are out for life.' Photo: Simon Bosch

"He's not checking to see if it's one of his labels, he's genuinely interested in what people are wearing."

Politeness would prevent most people from checking a label. It's a bit like turning over the china at a dinner party. But this story speaks volumes about Lew's drive, a single-mindedness that runs through everything he has done.


The road to El Dorado

The 71-year-old wants to know what people are wearing, where they shop, what's popular with different demographics and ultimately how he can apply that knowledge to drive his own brands.

His experience in retail stretches back to his childhood and the death of his father, which thrust him into the world of work in his teens, supplying dresses to the Myer Emporium from the Flinders Lane rag trade precinct.

The billionaire businessman is probably Australia's best-known retailer and he's played a role in every major corporate deal in the retail sector dating back to the 1980s. His experience reads like a roll call of Australia's biggest retail brands, including Myer, David Jones, Coles, Colorado, Breville, Just Jeans, Smiggle and Peter Alexander.

Mr Lew and his family, including his three children, also own an impressive brand stable, including Simon de Winter, Thurley and Seed as well as the Australian licences to clothing and accessories chains FCUK and Nine West.

And then there is the apparel and accessories distributor Voyager Distribution and the property investment company Century Plaza.

In March this year Lew became the first Australian to be inducted into the World Retail Congress Hall of Fame alongside US fashion retailer Tommy Hilfiger.

He doesn't play golf, business is his sport.

Even Lew's critics acknowledge his standing as one of Australia's greatest retailers and businessmen, standing shoulder to shoulder with Gerry Harvey and Westfield Corporation chair Frank Lowy.

Powerful friends

Lindsay Fox (left) with Solomon Lew.

Lindsay Fox (left) with Solomon Lew.

Colleagues talk of a man with boundless energy and an attention to detail that borders on pathological. Work is Lew's life and he doesn't leave anything to chance, applying his intellect and experience to decisions big and small.

"He doesn't play golf, business is his sport," one insider said.

He said Lew would think nothing of calling in a staff member on a Sunday to comb through the sales results from the previous week.

Both friends and foes speak of Lew's fierce loyalty but cross it and they warn there's no coming back.

Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett summed up Lew as a man who was loyal to those who were loyal to him.

"But cross the line and you are out for life," Kennett says.

Lew has cultivated relationships on both sides of the political divide and his network includes heavyweights of both the Labor and Liberal parties, including federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, former treasurer Peter Costello and former Labor leader Simon Crean and one-time secretary of the ACTU Bill Kelty.

"I don't think anyone would be sure how he votes," says Kennett.

"He treats everyone equally in order to make sure he has those connections and the ear of the government, when it's necessary."

Fight or flight

Former ACCC head Graeme Samuel.

Former ACCC head Graeme Samuel.

As well as being loyal, Lew is also fiercely protective of his privacy and in the main eschews the media apart from when he's talking about the financial results of Premier Investments, his listed investment vehicle and superstar brands Smiggle and Peter Alexander.

He was characteristically reticent to be led away from the company's financial results when he sat down with BusinessDay for an interview this week. He even avoided wading in on whether the government was doing enough to stimulate the economy and boost productivity; when asked to name one thing the government could do to support business in Australia, he provided a one-word answer: "Perform."

However on occasion when he is in the public spotlight, like at last week's Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce lunch, he takes the opportunity to contribute to national debates. At the lunch, he warned the headline act, Mr Morrison, that the treasurers who had left a mark looked beyond the three-year election cycle and were prepared to lead.

Lew went on to say Australia had "largely squandered" the proceeds of a once in a century minerals boom and it was now grappling with public debt, personal debt and an industrial relations system that has "no apparent link to productivity".

These public speeches seem at odds with Lew's desire for privacy or secrecy as his critics call it but former head of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Graeme Samuel sees it as evidence of Lew's fearless leadership.

Samuel says Lew has the three Cs of leadership, conviction, courage of his convictions and an understanding of how to communicate his vision.

"He's got all three Cs and he's demonstrated that from the age of 15," Samuel says.

"In my experience with him, he's always rewarded loyalty with loyalty and at times he's had to take positions that are not necessarily in line with people, including friends and colleagues."

However, Samuel also described Lew as street smart with the intelligence to know when to fight and when to walk away.

"People who are extremely street smart avoid a scrap if they can ... but he will be combative if that's necessary to get the result," Samuel says.

Tough times


Lew carved out his place in Australian business history through his bruising public spat with the Coles Myer board in the early 2000s, which ultimately resulted in shareholders ousting him from the board in 2002.

He played a pivotal role in bringing together two of Australia's best known retail brands to create Coles Myer but his leadership of this retail powerhouse was overshadowed by his private dealings with the company and a complex share transaction, known as Yannon.

The Yannon transaction resulted in $18 million of losses being transferred from Lew's private interests to Coles Myer while he was chair. It attracted the interest of what was then the Australian Securities Commission, now known as ASIC but no charges were ever laid against any parties.

More recently Lew built a 10 per cent stake in David Jones after South African retailer Woolworths launched a takeover bid for the department store in 2014.

The interest was not enough to block the $2.2 billion bid but market watchers suggested it was instrumental in the negotiations over Woolworths' mop-up bid for Lew's 11.8 per cent stake in the Country Road chain.

Winning formula

Shareholder advocate Stephen Mayne.

Shareholder advocate Stephen Mayne.

Lew's skills as a trader of retail businesses and interests in retail operations are as much admired as his capacity to build retail brands such as Smiggle, which he plans to transform into a global icon to rival Disney and Lego.

Shareholder activist Stephen Mayne believes Lew's greatest strength is his skilful trading of retail shares.

"He's got a great record of acquiring businesses and I would expect he will continue ... being an opportunistic trader," Mayne says.

Mayne says Lew has a great eye for value and was unsentimental about selling.

"Solly will run a business until someone offers him a great price, he's an opportunistic, canny chess player with a reputation for toughness and great international contacts.

"He's got a great eye for detail and an even better eye for corporate manoeuvring."

Mayne, who has previously challenged Lew over his running of Premier, describes the retailer as secretive, powerful and very well connected.

"People go out of their way not to get on the wrong side of him," Mayne says.

"He's a great Australian success story but he's had more than his fair share of controversy, he's quite feared because he's very controlling and powerful."

Despite his tough reputation, Mayne said Lew disliked being questioned, which he said was an issue for the chair of a public company.

The two butted heads at Premier's annual meeting last year.

The dream team

All smiles: Mark McInnes (left) with Solomon Lew.

All smiles: Mark McInnes (left) with Solomon Lew.

For former David Jones chief Mark McInnes Premier has been his saviour as well as the proving ground for his retail expertise.

McInnes unexpectedly quit David Jones in 2010 following a sexual harassment complaint from a 25-year old female staff member.

Lew subsequently hired McInnes, laying the foundations for what has developed into a formidable partnership and arguably Australia's most successful retail team.

The secret of its success is McInnes' respect for Lew, according to one insider.

"Lew is the sharpest mind and hardest worker you'll ever meet and Mark knows he's working for someone who is probably smarter and better at retail than he is.

"Consequently the partnership is very powerful."

Retail adviser Steve Kulmar said the only other retail partnership that got close to Lew and McInnes was the Cotton On team of founder Nigel Austin and chief executive Peter Johnson.

"There's no doubt that in Australian retail there's only a few groups that are operating as well as Premier," Kulmar says.

"I would put Cotton On with them and again that's also an owner working with a brilliant chief executive."

Cotton On and Premier have both successfully pushed into international markets, demonstrating that with a unique proposition and strong leadership Australian brands can compete on an international stage.

Kennett has a different theory on retail's power couple, he believes Lew recognised McInnes' talent and was prepared to take a chance on him at a time when no one else was.

"Lew gave him an opportunity to earn his reputation back and now they're so close you couldn't separate them with a cigarette paper."

It's a gamble that's paid handsomely with Premier revealing its full-year sales punched through the $1 billion mark for the first time in fiscal 2016 as Smiggle sales surged 41.8 per cent to $188 million.

Bigger is better

Products in the Peter Alexander store=

Sales from its pyjama star Peter Alexander surged by more than 20 per cent to $169.1 million and net profit was up 17.9 per cent to $103.9 million.

In combination these two brands are likely to represent half of Premier's sales by 2020 as the operation explores an overseas expansion for Peter Alexander, probably starting in the UK, and runs the rule over new markets for Smiggle.

Behind the dazzle of these two rock-star brands Premier has its stable of mid-market apparel brands, including Dotti, Jay Jays, Portmans and Jacqui E.

Lew insists Premier is still investing in these chains and it's launched a new format for each of the brands in the past three years.

It's been a tough year for fashion, with the unseasonably hot start to winter forcing many retailers into early clearance sales to move stock.

The challenging conditions have forced a number of retail businesses onto the market, with one retail insider reporting he couldn't remember a time when so many fashion and apparel businesses were up for sale.

"If there's one thing we know for sure about Lew, he never buys a business when things are flying," says one retailer.

"He's the Warren Buffett of Australian retailing."

Lew was this week circumspect about the possibility of any acquisitions saying it was "always on the lookout" for opportunities.

"Investing into your own business, provides some of the best returns," says Lew.