Georgia Wilkins

New Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe wants major investment by government in infrastructure.

RBA chief hits out at bankers' bonus culture

The new RBA governor has hit out at the incentives-based culture at the major banks, saying banks need to return to being strong, valued professions not "marketing or product distribution businesses". 

The ACCC is investigating customer reviews for platforms such as Uber.

Uber, Airbnb customer reviews probed

The consumer watchdog is investigating whether customer reviews for 'sharing economy' companies are legitimate as part of an investigation into online reviews.

Ostrava Equities and eight associated companies have been wound up.

Ex-ASIC lawyer banned, Ostrava wound up

A former ASIC lawyer and her husband have been banned from providing financial services after the Federal Court in Melbourne found their company ripped off self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) clients.