

Newtons are Fruit and Cake

Filed under: news @ 12:17

Or at least they were.

Picture of Fig Newton Packaging - April 2010

From what I can tell from 13 seconds of research, Newtons started out life as chewy cookies (advertised by a creepy giant dancing fig), then became fruit and cake (advertised by british accented families), and are now back to being “just cookies”.

Fruit and Cake 4LIFE!


    Durian 04.12.2011 @ 04:12

    want to have a durian cake haha

    Adam 04.19.2011 @ 08:50

    I love Fig Newtons! Yea I remember growing up with those commercials saying Newtons are fruit and cake. Fruit, cake, cookies, they all taste good.

    banana 03.13.2012 @ 05:34

    I am very pleased with the bananas, because bananas can we make a cake bolue and taste very good.

    Beau Lebens 04.04.2012 @ 17:29

    But they’re so much more than “just cookies”! So much…. high fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, calcium lactate and other delicious-sounding things.


      studyonline 04.16.2012 @ 01:07

      Paul Frank isn’t

      just popular with teenagers and twenty-something’s, its loveable characters and individual style have earned it a wide and

      diverse fan base. It has even featured in Hollywood Blockbuster movies like American Pie, Austen Powers, Knocked Up, Super

      Bad, and Charlie’s Angels! What more of a celebrity endorsement could you ask for?! Paul Frank isn’t just some

      multi-million faceless business though; it has strong links with charities like the Elton John Aids Foundation, the

      Festival of Children and Boarding for Breast Cancer so you know that when you wrap yourself up in your Paul frank duvet at

      night, you won’t have to worry about where it came from! The Paul Frank design ethos has always been about having fun and

      it certainly isn’t a brand that likes to take itself too seriously. When you jump into bed with your Julius Monkey pyjamas

      under your paul frank duvet cover, I’m sure you’ll be smiling too! The official Paul Frank range can be quite hard

      to get hold of in the UK but you can get it all online at boredofthehighstreet.com including the Paul frank duvet set but

      get it quick because it’s selling fast!

    527yw 04.16.2012 @ 01:06

    The Paul Frank brand has long been known for its sense of humour and unique style setting it apart from other,

    less innovative designers, and now you can add a touch of the Paul Frank style to your bedroom! If you love all things Paul

    Frank then you would have to be crazy to miss out on a Julius Duvet that you could snuggle in night after night!

    Paul Frank started in 1995 in a garage in Orange County, when a girl received a hand sewn purse from her boyfriend

    featuring the now famous Julius Monkey. The purse was such a hit that all her friends wanted one and then all their friends

    wanted one and so on and so on until the demand was so high that Paul Frank industries was born! Formally incorporated in

    1998 Paul frank has now increased its range to include men and women’s wear, kid’s clothing and home furnishings. You can

    get anything from a Paul Frank watch to Julius flip flops and of course the best selling Paul frank duvet !

    Rhonda Gilbreath 10.26.2012 @ 19:55

    Who doesn’t love fig newtons? I guess my kids. They are in their 20’s and they call Fig newtons old people’s cookies and snacks. I’m not that old, but I love the taste. I grew up on Fig newton and will continue to purchase them as long as I can enjoy them.

    邵幸加昌 11.06.2012 @ 19:13

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