Many sites seem to be dying and newspapers are not providing feeds anymore or even block our site. Is this the end? We hope not! Currently working on some new ideas, thanks for your patience.



FootballFilter is a compilation of the best Football* content available on the internet, including news, blogs, forums, pictures, videos and podcasts. All content is updated automatically so you can quickly scan all the latest stories that are appearing on the web. You can read a summary of each news item by hovering your mouse over the text. To read the full article just click on the link.

* football is referred to as “soccer” in some parts of the world


We are trying to create a site that is completely focused on quick easy access to the best sources of Football. We want to display these sources in a simple and easy to access manner that is available to more users, especially those less technically inclined who don’t know or care what an RSS is.

Discover new and interesting football content

We hope the site will help people discover new and interesting content in the world of Football. We also hope it might encourage some others to start their own Football blog, upload some videos, report on the game or take some pictures and share with fellow fans. This site will provide some exposure for new and existing football bloggers, authors, photographers, reporters.

Get involved and claim your 15 minutes of fame!

Here are a few ideas on how to get involved

  • Upload some pictures to flickr and tell us about your sets - or get them added to your team pool (for example the Derby County Pool - or create your own and let us know)
  • Upload some videos to youtube or dailymotion and tag them with your team name (for example “Derby County”)
  • Create a twitter account and become a live “roving reporter” by texting in your views of the game
  • Create a blog and start writing about your team (you can create free blogs at many sites including or Blogger among others)

All content will eventually be syndicated back to the footballfilter pages and hopefully you will get that 15 minutes of fame.

The Future

The site is still in heavy development and are tweaking the pages and adding great new sources every day.

Upcoming features will include :

  • greatly improved page load times
  • Even faster page load times!!!
  • better analysis of what are the most popular stories and sources.
  • open links in new window option
  • different layouts so you can read more or less information
  • a “read later” option so you can quickly add interesting stories to a list for reading at a later time (like on the train to work)

Technical background

All the tools we have used to make this site are open source. We have just put together a back-end system so its easier to mange the different sources, the layout and allow some extra features. If you would like to create your own similar site, either for your own interest (like tea or music) or as a company intranet portal or as some sort of market intelligence portal (to keep an eye on all your competitors), get in touch and let us know.


Let us know what you think of the site and tell us if we have missed any sources.

Use our Feedback page or send us an email


We are making this site out of our love and interest of all things Football (and from our own pockets and time :). We will not be adding any flashing banners or distracting advertisements - because we use the site for ourselves and we find them as annoying as you do. If we do any advertising it will be for something that is relevant to a football fan and is something that we like or would recommend.

We are tracking site usage and clicked links but this will be open, and used to provide a better view of the most popular sources and stories.

Can you please remove “this picture” or “that video” ….

We do not host or manage any of the videos or pictures seen on this site. If you would like them removed from the web please contact the relevant hosting service (flickr, youtube, dailymotion) or website - as they will be able to help you further.

Its just like News Now?
Newsnow is a great site that we also use. We are offering a wider selection of sources as well as different formats like video, images, forum posts, and blog searches. We are also displaying the content in (we hope) a simpler format to digest. We also plan to have a similar “river of news” timeline view that newsnow makes use of, although this is not our main focus.

Its just like PopUrls, Alltop etc
We have taken a lot of inspiration from these sites. We use popurls every day to catch up on the latest tech news and love the concept. We also love football and thought it would be a good idea to do someting similar for our fellow football fans.

Why not use iGoogle or netvibes?
These are all great start pages and we also use them on a regular basis (especially netvibes). In fact we have our own netvibes page -
You are welcome to export all the sources we use and import them into any other service or feed reader. Just view the approved page and scroll to the bottom for an option to export all sources for that team page.