- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 3181
One of the primary 'Daily Spiritual Practices' of the Balinese Hindu is making 'Offerings' or 'Ceremony' to the God's. The Hindu people are extraordinary, their Daily Spiritual Practice is fundamentally based on their principles, which honor their belief that we live in a karmic Universe. They believe there is order to this Cosmos, known as dharma, along with a disordering force called adharma. Their life's work is to reach a balance between the two, as to end the cycle of reincarnation and to attain the state of Moksha. Therefore, they believe that we have responsibility to God, to Mother Earth, our families and community. They believe that there are harmonic energies and chaotic energies or angelic entities and demonic energies, aka Adhara. As they do believe in One God, they also...
LA LIMATURA DEI DENTI NELL'INDUISMO BALINESE Tutti i fedeli induisti dell'isola di Bali devono sottoporsi durante la fanciullezza, o almeno prima del matrimonio, ad un rituale alquanto arcaico: la limatura dei denti. I brahmini limano i denti più belli, i quattro incisivi e i due canini superiori, essi sono legati simbolicamente a due importanti aspetti della personalità. Il rituale simboleggia la rinuncia alla vanità e all'essere aggressivi, due peccati rilevanti per l'induismo, che potrebbero incidere sul karma del giovane, influendo negativamente sulla successiva reincarnazione. All the Hindu people of island Bali must undergo during childhood to a archaic ritual: the filing of the teeth. The Brahmins cut out the most beautiful teeth, the four incisors and the two upper canines. They ...
This image depicts a process of gratitude we presented to the creator God and the ancestors { } who have been willing to witness and bless our marriage . Because without the presence and blessing us , he certainly is not anything in his eyes . We are very thankful and grateful for our wedding procession though simple but very deep meaning obtained . Unlike other Hindus ceremony wedding ceremony we are very very simple . This is supported by funds owned . Understandably we do not have substantial funds. Even this we owe our relationship just for the sake of the validity of both so it does not violate the norms and laws in order of religion , state and society surrounding environment .
Produced by Ashok Thakkar, this Documentary describes the Hindu Art of Bali including its history. The objective is to enrich current and future generations of Hindus and students of Hinduism. This video is intended for private viewing. Any and all commercial use is forbidden without express written permission from Ashok Thakkar. This is first of a few more documentaries to come on the subject of HINDU ART.
Ida Resi Alit is the only High Priestess whom was born into a peasant family and without any formal training. Her story is proof our birthright, Divinity. I was blessed to spend time with the Priestess at her Ashram just north of Ubud, Bali. Join me for Free DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICES @ Facebook.com/ErinFallHaskell #DailySpiritualPractices Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/erinfallhaskell/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erinfallhaskell Twitter: https://twitter.com/erinfallhaskell YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ErinFallHaskell Instagram: http://instagram.com/erinfallhaskell Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/ErinFallHaskell/ #Spirituality #Bali #enlightenment #consciousness #universe #transformation #empowerment #selfhelp #revelation #transcendence #erinfallhaskell #awakenthedi...
Students and teacher were very impressed by Balinese culture during short workshop in Steinerschool Lier
Kuningan Day is another biggest holiday for Balinese Hindu which is usually commemorated every 6 months after Galungan Day. Kuningan Day is commemorate every Saturday, Wuku Kuningan and Balinese Hindu does the ceremony in their own family temple and other temples around the village. Bali Star Island/PT. Bewish International Tour (http://www.balistarisland.com ) cooperate with Roni Family to present the unique video to describe the situation during Kuningan Day
Quatre amics balinesos preguen al temple Pura Dalem (Temple dels Morts) seguint el rigorós ritual de l'hinduisme que es practica a Bali. El vídeo mostra del començament de la pregària fins al final, quan un dels nois, de la casta dels sacerdots, s'alça i els aspergeix aigua beneïta. Descripció tècnica: Vídeo enregistrat amb càmera Nikon D7000. Enfocament manual. Arxiu original: MOV(Quick Time). HD 1920x1080. Gravació sense trípode. Technical descriptions: Recorded by camera Nikon D7000. Manual Focus. Original file: MOV(Quick Time). HD 1920x1080. Shooted by hand, no tripod used.
Upacara Ngelungah adalah upacara atiwa – tiwa bagi anak-anak yang berumur di atas tiga bulan dan belum tanggal giginya. Bila meninggal dunia maka diselesaikan dengan upacara yang dinamakan upacara Ngelungah ini. Kalau bagi anak yang belum berumur tiga bulan, bila meninggal maka jenazahnya dikubur saja dan selanjutnya dibuatkan upacara pengrapuh. Namun, anak yang berumur di atas tiga bulan dan sudah tanggal giginya diupacarakan dengan diaben seperti orang dewasa. Burning The Death as ritual in Bali Indonesia called Ngaben. The balinese believe that when they burn the death body, the spirit of the death body will be with The God. hinduism in bali island of indonesia. balinese hinduism. burning the death ritual. bali hindu dharma. Holy ceremony. Anggara Sri Wisnu seni, budaya, art, cultur...