
The Canadian Centre for Architecture | It All Happened so Quickly

Nov 15 2016
Apr 09 2017

1920 Rue Baile
Montréal, QC, Canada
H3H 2S6
Event Details

The Shanghai Project

Sep 05 2016
Mar 05 2017

Ying Hua Lu 869
Shanghai, Shanghai Shi, China
Event Details

Bit Rot | Exhibit | Villa Stücke

Sep 29 2016
Jan 08 2017

Museum Villa Stuck
München, BY, Germany
Event Details


Sep 17 2016
Nov 06 2016
Daniel Faria Gallery
188 St Helens Ave
Toronto, ON, Canada
M6H 4A1
Event Details
PressSüddeutsche Zeitung

Andy Warhol hat Facebook vorausgesehen

Den Weltbestseller »Generation X« hat er nur aus Verlegenheit geschrieben, als Siebenjähriger verehrte er Roy Lichtenstein und sein Arzt hat ihm verboten, ganze Bücher zu essen. Ein Interview mit dem großartig verschrobenen Autoren und Künstler Douglas Coupland.
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PressSüddeutsche Zeitung

Der Visionär

25 Jahre nach seinem Bestseller Generation X produziert Douglas Coupland vor allem: Kunst. Und die ist mindestens genauso klug wie seine Bücher.
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Lexus Hybrid Art: The Future is Unwritten

Oct 12 2016
Oct 15 2016

СПБ, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Event Details
EssayMontecristo Magazine

Vancouver in the Seventies

The following foreword, written by Douglas Coupland, is excerpted from “Vancouver in the Seventies: Photos from a Decade That Changed the City,” an historical book by Kate Bird with an introduction by Shelley Fralic. Chronicling the protests, the fashions, and the businesses, the book highlights some of the best 1970s...
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**Haters Gonna Hate** – Bit Rot: Die Ausstellung von Douglas Coupland

Wie sähe wohl das Internet aus, wenn man es in ein Zimmer sperren würde? Und was hat Datenverfall mit Andy Warhol zu tun? In der aktuellen Ausstellung „Bit Rot“ von Douglas Coupland können Besucher genau das herausfinden.
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PressNational Post

Neil Gaiman explains How to Talk to Girls at Parties on this week’s National Post Bestseller List

The National Post Bestseller List is reported weekly by a different Canadian bookstore, featuring local favourites alongside national hits. This week’s list courtesy of Munro’s Books (munrobooks.com – 1108 Government Street Victoria, BC).
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PressThe National (United Arab Emirates)

Book review: Douglas Coupland’s Bit Rot – inside the dark heart of the information age

The line between art and technology is becoming ever more blurred. Perhaps part of the reason is that by force of necessity, art always follows money, and in 2016, technology is increasingly where the money is. As the greatest of internet behemoths, it stands to reason that Google would get...
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EssayThe Guardian

Douglas Coupland: ‘I’m actually at my happiest when I’m writing on a plane’

No more clock-based passivity from the novelist, who disrupted a 20-year routine with a decision to embrace the unpredictable
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PressMuseum Villa Stuck

Interview mit Douglas Coupland - "Bit Rot"

Video interview with Douglas Coupland
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PressNational Post

In Bit Rot, Douglas Coupland reflects on digital and intellectual entropy — and missing cigarettes

Early in his new book, Douglas Coupland explains that “bit rot” is “a term used in digital archiving that describes the way digital files of any sort spontaneously (and quickly) decompose.” He borrowed the term as a title for his new collection of fiction and non-fiction as a description of...
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Bit Rot

Bit Rot is three things: An internationally traveling art exhibition, a catalogue accompanying that exhibition and a very large compendium of essays and fiction to be published in October 2016. Bit Rot the book explores the ways humanity tries to make sense of our shifting consciousness. Coupland, just like the...
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PressThe Globe and Mail

Douglas Coupland dives into the meaning of the Internet age in Bit Rot

I start with the Daily Mail because if the front story is a wardrobe malfunction, it means everything’s fine with the world,” Coupland says during a recent interview. “What you don’t want is if the Daily Mail, the New York Times and The Globe and Mail all have the same...
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PressVancouver Sun

Douglas Coupland back to books with Bit Rot

What publishers are noticing is if you’ve got a book in one hand and season two of Narcos in the other (then) people are probably going to choose season two of Narcos
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PressBR Fernsehen

Wohin geht unsere Reise?

Diesmal ist nichts weniger als ein Genie zu Gast bei Bumillo und SÜDLICHT: Der kanadische Schriftsteller und Künstler Douglas Coupland hat nicht nur Worte für die Welt und ihr Schicksal erfunden ("Mc Job", "Generation X"), sondern schon das eine oder andere Mal die Zukunft richtig vorausgesagt. Visionär nannte man so...
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Douglas Coupland in München

Die Villa Stuck widmet sich in ihrer aktuellen Schau dem Werk Douglas Couplands. Der 1961 auf dem badischen NATO-Stützpunkt Rheinmünster-Söllingen geborene Kanadier ist eher für seine schriftstellerische Tätigkeit bekannt. Die Ausstellung in München entstand in Kooperation mit dem Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam und beinhaltet neben...
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PressTwo in a Row

Douglas Coupland „Bit Rot“ in der Villa Stuck

Douglas Coupland dürfte vielen durch sein Buch „Generation X“ bekannt sein. Ein Titel, der sich zum übergreifenden Schlagwort für eine wohlstandsverwöhnte, aber trotzdem perspektivlose Generation entwickelte. Seine Arbeiten als bildender Künstler sind in Deutschland jedoch weniger bekannt, was sich nun mit der Umsetzung seiner Ausstellung „Bit Rot“ in der Villa...
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PressDeutschlandradio Kultur

Mit Pop Art gegen Daten-Verrottung

Mit seinem Roman "Generation X" hat Douglas Coupland ein Stück Zeitgeschichte eingefangen. Die präsentiert er auch als bildender Künstler in der Münchner Ausstellung "Bit Rot" – neben Arbeiten zu verrottenden Daten ist eine Totenmaske David Bowies zu sehen.
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PressCalgary Herald

Fortney: Glenbow Museum to celebrate art collection during 50-year festivities

When people mark a milestone birthday, it’s often a combination of celebration, nostalgic reflection and taking inventory of all that’s come before.
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Celebrate 50 years at the Glenbow museum with Glenbow at 50 exhibit

Canadian artist Douglas Coupland, famous for Generation X, contributed his life-sized sculpture of a iconic green toy soldier à la Toy Story.
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PressCBC News

Lord Stanley's gift keeps on giving, so what exactly are we commemorating?

At an athletic banquet held at the erstwhile Russell House hotel at the corner of Sparks and Elgin streets back on March 18,1892, then governor general Lord Frederick Stanley offered — via letter read aloud to the dinner group — to donate a championship cup to the winning hockey club in the Dominion.
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PressQuill & Quire

Bit Rot: stories + essays

The most interesting material crops up when the author plays economist and focuses on the conjoined role of money, jobs, and technology in spawning the current gig economy. Earlier in his career, Coupland gloomily predicted we would all one day be Microserfs, but with traditional jobs going the way of...
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PressEsquire Russia

Почему не нужно бояться будущего

Писатель, художник и футурист Дуглас Коупленд рассказал Esquire о том, почему с каждым днем мир становится лучше, а мы старательно это игнорируем.
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PressThe Star

If it looks like Van Gogh, is it art?: Whyte

The finalists have been announced in Douglas Coupland’s strange summer contest, but what exactly does it mean?
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Art Market News

Denmark’s leading Contemporary Art fair finished on Sunday reporting the most successful edition yet. The fourth CHART ART FAIR with its ambitious presentations across the event generated strong sales and encouraged meaningful dialogue between collectors, curators, and art enthusiasts. This year more galleries participated in the fair than ever before...
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Максим Семеляк поговорил с Дугласом Коуплендом о принципах современного существования, жизни до бога и после Дэвида Боуи.
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How Chart Is Helping Art Reach a Wider Community, Both in Denmark and Beyond

While enjoying the snack, Canadian author and artist Douglas Coupland—whose “Slogans for the 21st Century” series was plastered across the buses, subways, and balconies of Copenhagen through the duration of the fair—gave me his unsurprisingly witty theories about the work’s meaning.
Read on Artsy
PressThe Wall Street Journal

A Day in the Life of Hans Ulrich Obrist

After 25 years in the art world, the Serpentine Galleries’ artistic director is more prolific than ever
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