- published: 01 Oct 2016
- views: 150985
Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessperson and media personality. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump's career, branding efforts, personal life, wealth, and outspoken manner have made him famous throughout the country. Since 2015, he is also a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election.
Trump is a native of New York City and a son of Fred Trump, who inspired him to enter real estate development. After two years at Fordham University and while studying at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Trump worked for his father's firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son. Upon graduating in 1968 he joined the company, and in 1971 was given control, renaming the company "The Trump Organization". Since then he has built hotels, golf courses, and other properties, many of which bear his name. He is a major figure in the American business scene and has received prominent media exposure. The NBC reality show The Apprentice bolstered his fame, and his three marriages were extensively reported in tabloids.
【IA & ONE】 Into Starlight -anniversary special ver.-
【IA】Shooting Star / TeddyLoid feat.IA【MV&SPOT; NEWS】
Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Council Bluffs, IA 9/28/16
[IA] A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night [English Subs]
【IA ROCKS】セツナドライブ【オリジナル】
IA - A Realistic Logical Ideologist (現実的論理主義者)
VideoCast Adrenaline: o fim do P2, o início da I.A. e polêmicas do No Man's Sky
Tito Karnavia Bicara Atas Pernyataan Jessica Dipaksa Krishna Murti Akui Ia Yg bunuh Mirna
já não me acontecia há algum tempo... BORA VER: http://bit.ly/BoraVer Segue-me! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wuantt Instagram: http://instagram.com/wuant Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wuantt JOGO: Bloodshot Por favor ignorem qualquer tipo de comentário negativo. Estamos aqui apenas para nos divertir! :) Músicas usadas: Incompetech: http://www.incompetech.com Audionautix: http://www.audionautix.com Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com •_•) ( •_•)⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
2013年10月30日(水)リリースのアルバム、 IA×SUPER GT 「CiRCUiT BEATS -SUPER GT 20th ANNIVERSARY-」から先行でお届け! 特設WEBサイト:http://ia-project.net/ia_gt-compi/ Amazonで予約する→http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00EV507RQ 先行公開第二弾! 【IA】 アメリカ~We are all right!~【MMD-PV】はコチラ! http://youtu.be/bXlEiyQvNrA 「SEE THE LIGHTS feat. IA / ASY」 Written by YUUKI MC,STY All Instruments & Programming by STY Recorded by Kanako Hayashi at DCH Studio Mixed by NAGIE VOCALOID Programing:ずきお [MMD-PV] Model:mqdl Stage:BTA Camera:金子卵黄(6次元アニメーション) MovieEffect:ビームマンP(6次元アニメーション) Choreographer:MASAMI, YURI(RSC MASAMI STUDIO) Motion Actor:YURI(RSC MASAMI STUDIO) SUPER GT2013年オフィシャルイメージソング、じん「アメリカ~We are all right!~」やアルバムメインテーマ曲、ゆよゆっぺ「Over the limit」、そして、レース参戦14チームのサポーターズソングと、サーキットやレースを彷彿させる疾走感溢れるレーシングミュージックが勢ぞろい! そして、SUPER GTのPRを担うイメージガールを中心とし...
IA&ONE;による人気楽曲「Into Starlight」の、IA4周年&ONE1;周年を記念した新衣装スペシャル・バージョン! New Costume Modelng:mqdl、Hiromu ///////////////////////////////// ■通常衣装バージョンはコチラ! Into Starlight/IA & ONE : https://youtu.be/9Ems4_tMQvE ■1月27日のIA4周年&ONE1;周年記念ニコ生をタイムシフト視聴できます! 番組URL:http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv249427766 ■IA & ONE アニバーサリー記念特設サイト http://1stplace.co.jp/works/specialized/ia_and_one_anniv_2016/ 引き続き最新情報をアップデート予定!ぜひチェックしてみてください! /////////////////////////////////
IA’s first live concert in North America for Anime Expo 2015! Join us at Club Nokia on July 4th! Check the Anime Expo official schedule for panel, movie screening and more promo appearances! 7/2-5『IA OFFICIAL GOODS BOOTH』 BOOTH No.70/71 Anime Expo 2015 http://www.anime-expo.org/anime-expo-presents-cool-japan-festival-featuring-wagakkiband-and-ia/ IA World Page https://www.facebook.com/IA.WORLD.PAGE IA OFFICIAL WEBSITE http://1stplace.co.jp/artist/ia/ * 2015年7月4日、 「IA’s first live concert in North America for Anime Expo 2015!」 開催決定! IA初の北米ライブを記念し、「IA」最新MV完全版がいよいよ公開! Anime Expo 2015 http://www.anime-expo.org/anime-expo-presents-cool-japan-festival-featuring-wagakkiband-and-ia/ IA World Page https://www.facebook.com/IA.WORLD.PAGE IA OFFICIAL WEBSITE http://1stplace.co.jp/artist/ia/...
Wednesday, September 28, 2016:Full replay of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Council Bluffs, IA at Mid America Center Convention Center. LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Council Bluffs, IA 9/28/16
"Are you alright?" It was a toneless, metallic voice and it carried no emotion, but anything was better than his mother, honestly. Song: A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night (六兆年と一夜物語) Lyrics/Music: kemu Art: hatsuko Movie: ke-sanβ SMC: suzumu Singer: IA Translation: vgperson
2014年6月27日発売! 「IA」最新音声ライブラリ [IA ROCKS -ARIA ON THE PLANETES-] デモソング第九弾! 人気ロックバンド「9mm Parabellum Bullet」のギタリスト、滝 善充さんによる 「CiRCUiT BEATS 〜SUPER GT 20th ANNIVERSARY〜」収録楽曲が、 IA ROCKSによるボーカルとしづによる新MVにてここに新たに登場! 「セツナドライブ|滝 善充(9mm Parabellum Bullet)」 Words:尾形回帰 Music:滝 善充 Arrangement:滝 善充 VOCALOID Programming:Ciel(神無月P) Mix Engineer:川面晴友 Movie:しづ "クリスタルヴォイスの歌姫"Liaによるボーカロイドとして話題を呼び、発売以来ユーザーから非常に高い評価を得続けているVOCALOID™3 Library「IA -ARIA ON THE PLANETES-」。「より元気に歌うIAライブラリが欲しい」というユーザーの声に応えるべく、そのIAのアペンド的な位置付けとなる最新音声ライブラリ「IA ROCKS」が、約2年半の歳月を経て遂に発売決定! 商品内容はこちらから! [IA ROCKS -ARIA ON THE PLANETES-] http://1stplace.co.jp/software/vocaloid/ 【CDのご購入はコチラ】 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00YHV6T30
Isn't it fine if its just in my dreams? ;w; Thanks for the 250,000 views guys ;A; um but I do have to say, please check out my tumblr because I've posted a more accurate translation there. http://amesubs.tumblr.com/post/29753986420/ia-a-realistic-logical-ideologist music/lyrics by ゴボウメン illustration/movie by koyubi AUTHORS COMMENTS: i have hay fever. sneeze. ^so cute. =w= original video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17191781 * i do not own or make anything other than the subtitles. all credit goes to the uploader and maker of this video at niconico douga. *
O VideoCast Adrenaline de hoje vem pesado em tech com novidades importantes como a galera do USB-IF trazendo áudio pra conexão Type-C, os gigantes da tecnologia como Google, Facebook e Microsoft se unindo pra criar inteligência artificial e as maluquices do Elon Musk querendo ir pra Marte. Vamos comentar também algumas novas informações sobre o Project Scorpio e ainda mais polêmicas sobre No Man's Sky. A apresentação da vez fica por conta de Andrei Longen, Diego Kerber e João GAN, com técnica de Thiago Santana. E amanhã atualizaremos o post com os tempos dos assuntos devidamente marcados! 00:09:42 - Começa Tech 00:12:24 - Elon Musk apresenta seu plano de mandar espaçonaves para Marte em 10 anos - http://adrenaline.uol.com.br/2016/09/27/45934/elon-musk-apresenta-seu-plano-de-mandar-espa...
Tito Karnavia Bicara Atas Pernyataan Jessica Dipaksa Krishna Murti Akui Ia Yg bunuh Mirna 30 September 2016 - Tito Karnavia Angkat Bicara Atas Pernyataan Jessica Dipaksa Krishna Murti Akui Ia Yg bunuh Mirna Thanks for Subcribes and Share Please Like and Coment Terdakwa dalam kasus kematian Wayan Mirna Salihin, Jessica Kumala Wongso, menceritakan saat Kepala Bagian Pengembangan Kapasitas Biro Misi Internasional Divisi Hubungan Internasional Mabes Polri, Kombespol Krishna Murti, mengajaknya berbicara pada hari kedua dia ditahan di Polda Metro Jaya. Saat itu, Krishna masih menjabat sebagai Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Jaya. "Hari keduanya (saya ditahan), Minggu, Pak Krishna Murti masuk ke sel. Lalu, dia bilang, 'Jessica, saya mau ngomong'. Saya dibawa ke satu ruangan yang s...