Hasil pencarian
  1. successfully launches its satellite from .

  2. Congratulations for successfully launching alongwith 8 satellites from

  3. Congratulations scientists for the successful launch of with & 7 other satellites from

  4. Congratulations.. for Forecasting, Cyclone Detection and Tracking

  5. Proud Moment to all Indians. Kudos to for the successful launch of 's longest flight

  6. Proud moment credited again to ,Success of longest mission,congratulations to all on launch of , &7 other satellites.

  7. A delight for India, Congratulations on its longest mission on launch of , & 7 other satellites.

  8. Jubilant achievement of Mumbai Students as successfully launches 'Pratham' celebrating their hard work!

  9. Congrats for the successful launch of Weather Satellite from . 1/2

  10. launched carrying weather satellite & other 7 satellites

  11. Congratulations 4 successfully launching wth 8 satellites, U keep setting new milestones with successful space programs. 👍👍

  12. India successfully launched a PSLV rocket from Satish Dhawan with this AM: Will note when TLEs are up.

  13. Watch: Launch of 's weather satellite from

  14. Congratulate for launch of weather satellite & 7. A spectacular achievement & huge milestone in space technology

  15. C-35 injects India's in orbit

  16. Hey if you interested, has launched with for weather & ocean study with other 7 satellites.

  17. How changed the way the world looks at India | | Throwback |

  18. carrying 's and 7 other satellites lifts off from spaceport of

  19. LIVE: ISRO launches carrying weather satellite , also launches 7co- passenger satellites

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