  • For a socialist strategy against imperialist war!
  • Unite the international working class!
  • Fund schools, jobs and healthcare, not the Pentagon and the CIA!
  • Withdraw all US forces from the Middle East and Central Asia!
  • Stop the confrontation with Russia and China! No to World War III!


Detroit, Michigan

Wayne State University
General Lectures Room 100

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November 5th

11AM – 6PM

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This conference will analyze the political situation and discuss a strategy for mobilizing workers, students and youth all over the world against this immense threat to the very survival of the planet.

About the Conference

On November 5, the Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality will hold a conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism & War,” at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. This conference will analyze the political situation and discuss a strategy for mobilizing workers, students and youth all over the world against this immense threat to the very survival of the planet.

Since declaring the “war on terror” fifteen years ago, the United States has invaded or bombed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and countless other countries. More than a million people have been killed, and hundreds of thousands turned into refugees. Entire countries have been laid to waste, while trillions of dollars have been squandered on death and destruction.

Now, the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia are more and more intertwined with the global confrontation of American imperialism with Russia and China, two nuclear armed powers.

Not since the eve of World War II has the danger of a global conflagration been so great. Yet the issue of war has been all but excluded from the 2016 election campaigns of Clinton and Trump.

The foreign policy of American imperialism is determined by the banks, major corporations and the arms industry. The fight against war is the fight against capitalism. All the great issues confronting the working class–including inequality, poverty and the drive to dictatorship–are inseparable from of the struggle against war.

Conference Speakers

Jerry White

SEP candidate for president

Niles Niemuth

SEP candidate for vice president

David North

Chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, national chairman of the SEP and author of A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990-2016

Joseph Kishore

National secretary of the SEP

Andre Damon

National secretary of the IYSSE

Naomi Spencer

SEP candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates, District 16