- published: 21 Jun 2016
- views: 241143
Hagen (German pronunciation: [ˈhaːɡən]) is the 41st-largest city in Germany, located in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is located on the south eastern edge of the Ruhr area, 15 km south of Dortmund, where the rivers Lenne and Volme (met by the river Ennepe) meet the river Ruhr. As of 31 December 2010 the population was 188,529. The city is home to the FernUniversität Hagen, which is the only state funded distance education university in Germany. Counting more than 67,000 students (March 2010), it is the largest university in Germany.
Hagen was first mentioned ca. 1200, presumably the name of a farm at the junction of the Volme and the Ennepe. After the conquest of Burg Volmarstein in 1324, Hagen passed to the County of Mark. In 1614 it was awarded to the Margraviate of Brandenburg according to the Treaty of Xanten. In 1701 it became part of the Kingdom of Prussia.
After the defeat of Prussia in the Fourth Coalition, Hagen was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Berg from 1807–13. In 1815 it became part of the new Prussian Province of Westphalia.
Zelda Según Hagen - Episodio 3 (Parodia de TLOZ: Ocarina of Time)
Hagen Rether: LIEBE - Update 2016 | 3satfestival 2016
UPDATE 19.10.16 - Hagen: Mit Machete und Messer bewaffneter Täter von Polizei erschossen
Schwerer Raser-Unfall fordert fünf Schwerverletzte in Hagen - Zwei Rettungshubschrauber vor Ort
Las Aventuras de Goku y Saitama
HAGEN ALLSTARS EPISODE #1 (immobeatz prod.)
¡Apúrate Hagen!
Actors: Guy Amram (actor), Elsa Lunghini (actress), Patrice Gablin (director), Patrice Gablin (producer), Patrice Gablin (writer), Barbara Buchmann (actress), Jules Grenet (actor), Simon Goffin (composer),
Plot: Hani must escape from the implacable and ruthless Nazi machine of death. She must survive and save the baby she is carrying. The fate of this baby is bound to the fate of these children, first innocent victims of the death camps. They were gathered in one single barrack called Block 66...
Genres: Short,Actors: Horst Baron (actor), André Dietz (actor), Birgit Stauber (actress), Peter Nottmeier (actor), Torsten Knippertz (actor), Dean Baykan (actor), Ully Fleischer (director), Ully Fleischer (writer), Ully Fleischer (producer), Thomas M. Held (actor), Elischeba Wilde (actress), Kerstin Linnartz (actress), Atilla Öner (actor), Christof Maaß (actor), Markus Kirschbaum (actor),
Genres: Action, Horror,Actors: Michael Brandner (actor), Rudolf Waldemar Brem (actor), Arthur Klemt (actor), Sebastian Pille (composer), Hans-Joachim Köglmeier (producer), Stine Sonne Munch (editor), André Kaminski (actor), Inka Calvi (actress), Jakob von Moers (actor), Adrian Zwicker (actor), Mahée Thorak (actress), Mike Viebrock (producer), Mike Viebrock (writer), Mike Viebrock (director), Ernst W. Heine (writer),
Genres: Short,Actors: Otto Waalkes (actor), Karl Lewis Miller (miscellaneous crew), Elmar Wepper (actor), Michael Brandner (actor), Norbert Herzner (editor), Joachim Regelien (actor), Karim Sebastian Elias (composer), Herman Weigel (producer), Herman Weigel (writer), Tom Gerhardt (actor), Tom Gerhardt (writer), Jan Sosniok (actor), Christine Rothe (producer), Janine Kunze (actress), Tatiana Pauhofová (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Richard Wagner (writer), Hans Hulscher (director), Eva-Maria Westbroek (actress), Roland Bracht (actor), Dieter Schickling (producer), Luana DeVol (actress), Lani Poulson (actor), Albert Bonnema (actor), Helga Ros Indridadottir (actress), Sue Patchell (actress), Tachina Vaughn (actress), Janet Collins (actress), Sarah Castle (actress), Franz-Josef Kapellman (actor), Hernan Iturralde (actor),
Genres: Music,Actors: Mario Adorf (actor), Uwe Friedrichsen (actor), Götz Schubert (actor), Maria Schrader (actress), Dieter Wedel (director), Josef Ostendorf (actor), Hans Diehl (actor), Wolfgang Pregler (actor), André Eisermann (actor), Judith Rosmair (actress), Susanne Tremper (actress), Moritz Rinke (writer),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Ted Nicolaou (writer), Marcel Iures (actor), Adrian Pintea (actor), Nita Chivulescu (editor), Alina Apostu (miscellaneous crew), Vlad Radescu (actor), Adrian Popovici (director), Adrian Popovici (producer), Adrian Popovici (editor), Ioan Carmazan (writer), Cornelia Palos (producer), Marius Bodochi (actor), Lamia Beligan (actress), Alina Petrini (miscellaneous crew), Radu Petrescu-Aneste (writer),
Genres: Action, Drama, Horror,Actors: Rudolf Schündler (actor), Horst Sachtleben (actor), Bernd Eichinger (producer), Camilla Horn (actress), Gert Burkard (actor), Lambert Hamel (actor), Barbara Rudnik (actress), Heidi Genée (producer), Christine Neubauer (actress), Veronica Ferres (actress), Barbara von Weitershausen (editor), Dietrich Kerky (actor), Claudia Bobsin (costume designer), Leopold Gmeinwieser (actor), Nena (actress),
Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi,Actors: Jürgen Heinrich (actor), Peter Reusse (actor), Erik Veldre (actor), Gerd Staiger (actor), Hans Teuscher (actor), Günther Simon (actor), Hermann Beyer (actor), Wolfgang Pietsch (composer), Pedro Hebenstreit (actor), Gerhard Lau (actor), Victor Keune (actor), Lothar Bellag (director), Lothar Bellag (writer), Günther Grabbert (actor), Helmut Schellhardt (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: David Bruce (actor), Lee Bennett (actor), Jim Davis (actor), George Eldredge (actor), Paul Cavanagh (actor), Kit Guard (actor), William Haade (actor), Myron Healey (actor), John Indrisano (actor), Sid Melton (actor), Steve Pendleton (actor), House Peters Jr. (actor), Lee Phelps (actor), Ralph Sanford (actor), Charles Sullivan (actor),
Plot: A truck driver stops on a rainy road at night to help a stranded motorist, but it turns out to be a ruse--he is attacked, knocked out and his truck stolen. Since he has a criminal record, the police immediately suspect he's involved in the hijacking, and their suspicions are reinforced later when he is discovered--unknown to him--to be hauling stolen merchandise. He realizes he is being set up as a fall guy by the organization behind the truck hijackings, and he and a friend set out to determine who is trying to set him up, and why.
Keywords: hijacker, truck, truck-driverVisita http://www.crunchyroll.com/hagen y obten una prueba gratuita de 30 días para tener acceso a una gran librería de Anime y apoyar a la industria de la animación japonesa. Apóyame en Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/hagenwolfhowl Sígueme en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hagenwolfhowl Ó en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hagenwolfhowl Música: FamilyJules7x (Ocarina of Time Medley) Sí te gustó el video suscríbete y deja tu like y comentario, toma 5 segundos y me ayuda mucho :D
Besucht uns auf Facebook für mehr Kabarett: https://www.facebook.com/kabarettsatire Hagen Rether: LIEBE (Update 2016) Nach einer längeren Fernsehpause war Hagen Rether 2015 wieder einmal zu Gast beim 3satfestival. Am Ende der Aufzeichnung musste er feststellen: 45 Minuten reichen bei Weitem nicht aus, um all seine Gedanken zur Weltlage mitzuteilen. So kehrt er in diesem Jahr zurück ins Zelt auf dem Lerchenberg – schließlich ist die Welt im vergangenen Jahr nicht einfacher, sicherer oder gar besser geworden. Unter der Oberfläche Hagen Rether stellt sich der Gegenwart in all ihrer Komplexität. Mit scheinbar naiven Fragen, klugen Einwänden und mutigen Antworten bringt er ein wenig gedankliches Licht in eine recht finstere Welt: ein undurchsichtiges Geflecht aus politischen und wirtschaftlich...
Visita http://www.crunchyroll.com/hagen y obten una prueba gratuita de 30 días para tener acceso a una gran librería de Anime y apoyar a la industria de la animación japonesa. Apóyame en Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/hagenwolfhowl Sígueme en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hagenwolfhowl Ó en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hagenwolfhowl Links de las canciones (Recuerda apoyar a las bandas si te gusta su material): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp3zDtzS1CM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYUdlGwV7ZY Tema de fondo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKrehAnOJwk Sí te gustó el video suscríbete y deja tu like y comentario, toma 5 segundos y me ayuda mucho :D
POL-W: W/HA-Gemeinsame Presseerklärung der Polizei Wuppertal und Staatsanwaltschaft Hagen - Bewaffneter Mann in Hagen von Polizei erschossen Wuppertal (ots) - Im Hagener Stadtteil Kabel kam es gestern (18.10.2016), gegen 14.50 Uhr, zu einem Polizeieinsatz. (Siehe hierzu auch Pressemeldung der Polizei Hagen v. 18.10.2016.) Nach bisherigen Ermittlungen betrat ein Mann (34 Jahre) eine Versicherungsagentur und verletzte unvermittelt eine Angestellte (51 Jahre) mit einer Machete. Als der Versicherungsleiter (49 Jahre) dazwischen ging, um den Angreifer abzuwehren, wurde er von dem 34-Jährigen mit der Machete schwer verletzt. Der Agenturleiter flüchtete daraufhin aus dem Geschäft und suchte Schutz in einem nahegelegenen Imbiss. Passanten und die Angestellten der Versicherungsagentur informier...
Hagen, 20.05.2016 - (fb) Fünf Schwerverletzte forderte ein schwerer Verkehrsunfall gestern Abend, nachdem zwei PKW mit über 100 Stundenkilometern auf der Feithstraße (50km/h erlaubt) unterwegs und in den Gegenverkehr gerast waren.... Unter den Schwerverletzten sind zwei Kinder - ein Junge kam mit schwersten Verletzungen per Rettungshubschrauber in eine Spezialklinik. Nach einem der Verursacher fahndet die Polizei - er war von der Unfallstelle geflüchtet. Nach Zeugenaussagen soll es sich um einen Audi handeln. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen sind zwei Fahrzeugführer (33 und 46 Jahre) mit deutlich überhöhter Geschwindigkeit über die Feithstraße gefahren. In Höhe der Einmündung Universitätsstraße geriet der 33-jährige Fahrzeugführer vermutlich aufgrund eines vom Parkstreifen anfahrenden Smarts ein...
Visita http://www.crunchyroll.com/hagen y obten una prueba gratuita de 30 días para tener acceso a una gran librería de Anime y apoyar a la industria de la animación japonesa. Apóyame en Patreon: http://patreon.com/hagenwolfhowl Sígueme en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hagenwolfhowl Ó en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hagenwolfhowl Sí te gustó el video suscríbete y deja tu like y comentario, toma 5 segundos y me ayuda mucho :D Canales del elenco: Broly: https://www.youtube.com/YunaikerTM Goku: https://www.youtube.com/Millofandubs Saitama: https://www.youtube.com/UCMtSkxMXICo1UFqOPEzumNA
✔ Kanal abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1DSbhDg ► Host: immobeatz https://www.facebook.com/immobeatzmusic ► DOWNLOAD MP3 ◄ ► http://bit.ly/1Mn9koW ◄ ► Regie und Video: XIO, Samuel Kumanan, Pasindu Goldmann, Erhan yildiz ► Scratches by Poggio Piano ► Rap: Robin Ruff, BoTodaFlow, Samurai, Nezer, McMo, MaxxBase, DaveMC, Collapz, Rabbit, Tasso, SAZ, Breef ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HAALLSTARS
Si te gustó el video, por favor considera apoyarme en Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/hagenwolfhowl Sígueme en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hagenwolfhowl Ó en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hagenwolfhowl Sí te gustó el video suscríbete y deja tu like y comentario, toma 5 segundos y me ayuda mucho :D
EEStreetStyle prezentuje pierwszy klip Hagena promujący jego nadchodzącą płytę "Jedność Rodzi Siłę". Kawałek pod tutułem "Taniec Śmierci" Goscinnie na tracku Ozi a w skreczami ubrał kawałek Dj Gondek. Realizacją klipu zajął się Stoned Label. Ujęcia zostały nakręcone w Kartuzach oraz Obornikach Wlkp. Życzymy miłego odbioru ! EESS HAGEN: https://www.facebook.com/HagenOficialnie?fref=ts OZI: https://www.facebook.com/OZINOWYofficial?fref=ts EESS: https://www.facebook.com/EEStreetStyle AVT: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Audi-V... STONED LABEL: https://www.facebook.com/stonedlabel?fref=ts MADMAN SHOP: https://www.facebook.com/madman.shop?fref=ts Rap: Hagen Ref: Ozi Skrecz: Dj Gondek Tytuł: Taniec Śmierci Beat: Feru Mix/Master: Łukasz Dryl Rok: 2014 przekierowanie do artystów: Hagen - https:/...
Sé que no he subido videos ultimamente, así que hice un video acerca de mí no subiendo videos ultimamente (?) Sígueme en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hagenwolfhowl Ó en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hagenwolfhowl La verdad esto sólo fue una experimentación rápida de varios movimientos, no sabía bien lo que estaba haciendo, pero aprendí mucho en el proceso :3 Música por Shattered Eyes: http://www.facebook.com/shattered.eyes.band Sí te gustó el video suscríbete y deja tu like y comentario, toma 5 segundos y me ayuda mucho :D
Welcome to Copenhagen, Denmark! This stunning place is also called “The City of Spires,” and after arriving here, you’ll see why. A tour of Copenhagen reveals cobblestone streets, beautiful canals, and many 16th and 17th-century buildings crowned by the aforementioned spires. Don’t let the archaic exterior of these buildings fool you; they house very modern restaurants, theaters, and shops, and you can easily spend days sampling seafood and coffees at the various eateries. One of Copenhagen’s most beloved attractions is Tivoli Gardens, a theme park that dates back to 1843. Watch a pantomime, ride one of the oldest roller coasters, or just enjoy a trip in a dragon boat. After a few hours at Tivoli Gardens, continue your Copenhagen sightseeing in the city proper. Copenhagen is like someth...
On our 2nd day in Copenhagen, we hop on bikes and explore the birthplace of New Nordic cuisine - from street food to Danish hot dogs and a very special craft brewery. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday & Saturday! http://bit.ly/Vagabrothers VAGABROTHERS: We're Alex and Marko Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and video bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Subscribe and join the adventure! + INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Vagabrothers + TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers + FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers + SNAPCHAT & STORIE: @Vagabrothers + WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com -------------------------------------------------------------- People and places we vi...
Papua New Guinea Wahgi Show Mt Hagen Western Highlands Province Rondon Ridge Wahgi Guest House Karawari Lodge- East Sepik Province Ambua Lodge Tari Southern Highlands Province Airways Hotel Port Moresby V Australia LAX-BNE-LAX Air Niugini BNE-POM-BNE Charter flights Trans Niugini Tours Fri 10 June Fly with Air Niugini to Mt Hagen. Afternoon Tour. Overnight Rondon Ridge Sat 11 June Road transfer to Nondugl. Full Day Wahgi Show. Overnight Wahgi Guest House Sun 12 June Full Day Wahgi Show. Road transfer to Mt Hagen. Overnight Rondon Ridge Mon 13 June Charter flight to Karawari. Afternoon Tour. Overnight Karawari Lodge Tue 14 June Full Day Tour. Overnight Karawari Lodge Wed 15 June Charter flight to Tari. Overnight Ambua Lodge Thu 16 June Full Day Tour. Overnight Ambua Lodge Fri 17 June...
As we get to know Copenhagen, we'll discover reminders of its Viking history and see reflections today of its proudly independent ways. We'll stroll down Europe's first great pedestrian boulevard, ogle crown jewels in the palace treasury, and take a bike ride through an inspirational hippie squatter community, finishing at Copenhagen's full-time carnival, Tivoli Gardens. © 2008 Rick Steves' Europe
Synth says what?! ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VolxLP ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/VolxLP ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/lieutenantvolx ► Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thebranfony As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the wasteland. Welcome home. https://www.fallout4.com/ Buy it on Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/
Papua New Guniea, one of the few places where it’s still possible to experience stone age cultures. It’s a country that boasts dramatic natural beauty that’s characterised by jungle-clad mountains and underwater reefs. -------------- Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5 -------------- Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! Please: respect each other in the comments. Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy...
Planning to visit Papua New Guinea? Check out our Papua New Guinea Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Papua New Guinea. Top Places to visit in Papua New Guinea: Kokoda Track, Bomana War Cemetery, Port Moresby Nature Park, Kitava Island, Mount Wilhelm, National Parliament House, Sepik River, Adventure Park PNG, Kokopo War Museum, Mount Hagen Cultural Show Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https:/...
Stunning footage in FULL HD - 1080p. All main regions - Karawari, Tara, Mount Hagen, including famous Mount Hagen Cultural Festival
This video shows the beautiful Mt Hagen, Sepik, Tari and Port Moresby. It Illustrates the experiences available at each destination, as well as the fabulous accommodation options. Most destinations offer enriching cultural experiences, untouched natural beauty and either river or coastal experiences. It showcases the Rondon Lidge (Mt Hagen), Karawari Lodge (Sepik) and the Ambua Lodge (Tari). Find out more at: http://www.pngtours.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/papuanewguinea.travel Twitter: https://twitter.com/PNG_Tourism
Infomercial about Copenhagen, Denmark and Scandinavia.
The sun shines on my pillow as the dawn is breaking through
The birds are singing merrily but I'm forever blue
Blue for you
It's June outside my window November in my heart
If only we could try again and make a brand new start
'Cause I'm tired of feeling lonely so tired of feeling blue
Can't face another morning just can't go on without you
I've told you that I'm sorry
I've tried to understand
For your love I'd do everything
Your wish is my command
I've told you I will follow
Anytime and anywhere
I'll beg and steal and borrow
Just to show how much I care
I've told you that I love you
And my love goes on and on
I will love you true forever
'Til the day of Kingdome come
But oh why did you go
Leaving me sore wondering
Oh why did you go
Leaving me sore wondering why
Music: Anders Rosen, Hans Rosen, Michael Ohlsson.