
Manny Waks sues brother for defamation over 'harbouring paedophile' claims

Yeshiva Centre child sexual abuse whistleblower Manny Waks is suing his brother for defamation, in a case likely to re-inflame tensions over abuse cover-ups in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.

Avi Yemini is the co-founder of IDF Training in Caulfield.
Avi Yemini is the co-founder of IDF Training in Caulfield.  Photo:

Mr Waks' brother Avrahem (Avi) Yemini​ has refused to remove from his public Facebook page explosive claims that Mr Waks and his parents hosted a known paedophile in their home for financial gain.

Mr Waks has acknowledged that the Waks family had a man convicted of a child sex offence - New York Rabbi Moshe Keller - staying at the family home over a period of days last year. (Rabbi Keller was convicted of endangering the welfare of a child after a court heard he had inappropriately touched a 15-year-old boy, The New York Times has reported.)

Manny Waks is suing his brother for defamation.
Manny Waks is suing his brother for defamation.  Photo: Penny Stephens

But Mr Waks says the family was initially unaware that Rabbi Keller would be staying at the home, and as soon as the Waks family was aware of the situation, they asked Rabbi Keller to leave.

Yeshiva wrote to parents in September last year to say it had been brought to their attention that "an individual ... who was previously charged with child related crimes, is visiting Melbourne and is staying in close proximity to the school campus.


"We have been in contact with Victoria Police and consulted with the relevant authorities and the individual is completely excluded from any access to the Yeshivah Centre in its entirety, at all times," the letter stated.

Mr Waks came to national prominence after he broke the silence about sexual abuse within Melbourne's Orthodox community, specifically at the St Kilda East Yeshiva College.

Mr Yemini is the co-founder of IDF Training, a pro-Israel gym in Caulfield that has come under attack for recruiting members to serve in the Israeli army, and has offered training in weaponry hosted by former Israeli Defence Force snipers.

The brothers' relationship has been strained for years, but the defamation suit represents a new low.

In documents lodged with the Supreme Court, Mr Waks says Mr Yemini's claims held him up to contempt and ridicule, and seriously injured his credit and reputation.

But Mr Yemini told Fairfax he would fight the defamation action.

Last year Mr Yemini posted on his public page a photograph of Manny and his parents, Zephaniah and Chaya Waks, beneath a headline reading "PLEASE SHARE: IMPORTANT CSA [child sexual abuse] OFFENDER COMMUNITY ALERT!"

Beneath, it read: "Moshe Keller, a notorious, convicted child sex offender is currently staying at the Waks' family home which is located literally metres from a school frequented by hundreds of children. Ironically, it is the very same school that Zephaniah (and Manny) Waks have been attacking relentlessly for years now in a so called bid to 'protect the children' who attend there."

Mr Yemini made further claims which Fairfax has chosen not to republish.

The post remains visible on the public page.

In 2013, the Waks family put their home on the market and moved to Israel, saying they had been bullied, harassed and ostracised from the Chabad community after Manny blew the lid on abuse at Yeshiva.

Two years later, Mr Waks said on his website, his parents had "finally" managed to sell their house, "unknowingly" selling it to Rabbi Keller's daughter and her large family.

"At the time of sale they were completely unaware of the link (the Keller daughter has adopted her husband's family name)," Mr Waks wrote in September last year.

"The contract has already been finalised and the settlement is due in December. As the family needed a place to stay for a few months, my parents generously offered them to move into the house this week free of charge (over Rosh Hashanah only Moshe Keller and his wife stayed over)."

He said once the link was known, the Kellers were asked to leave.

Mr Waks is seeking damages and court costs against his brother, saying Mr Yemini failed to offer him a right to reply before putting his Facebook post online, and did not alter the post after Mr Waks had publicly responded.