
Qld Premier steps up anti-Struggle Street campaign

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has lashed out again at the makers of the documentary Struggle Street, saying they aren't welcome in her state.

The Brisbane City Council has denied SBS film crews permission to shoot in Ms Palaszczuk's electorate of Inala.

The SBS program Struggle Street attracts protests in western Sydney in 2015.
The SBS program Struggle Street attracts protests in western Sydney in 2015. Photo: Nick Moir

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk this week stepped up his campaign against the series by calling on residents to report any filming that took place.

Ms Palaszczuk on Tuesday again expressed her "strong feelings" about the project after meeting with the managing director last month.

Ashley Kennedy's family was at the centre of Struggle Street, which detractors accused of being "poverty porn".
Ashley Kennedy's family was at the centre of Struggle Street, which detractors accused of being "poverty porn". Photo: SBS

"I made very clear to him that I do not want the people of Queensland, let alone the people in Inala, made fun of on national TV," she said.

"He assured me it was going to be a different program, to which I said to him 'why are you still calling it Struggle Street'."


The first series of the documentary shone a spotlight on the Sydney suburb of Mt Druitt, but was panned by some critics as "poverty porn" for making light of the circumstances its subjects were battling.

Ms Palaszczuk said many people in her electorate were also doing it tough.

"People are just getting on with their jobs, looking out for their families and doing the best they possibly can," she said.

"We do not need a film crew in here cherry-picking what they think would be entertainment value for the rest of Australia."