Why securing a trade deal with the EU will test Steven Ciobo

A populist backlash against free trade means Steve Ciobo wil have a tough job securing a FTA with the European Union.
A populist backlash against free trade means Steve Ciobo wil have a tough job securing a FTA with the European Union. Alex Ellinghausen

Andrew Robb last year described a free trade agreement with the European Union as the "missing piece" is Australia's trade puzzle.

Having secured deals with Korea, Japan and China it made sense for the outgoing trade minister to name the world's biggest single market as a potential trade partner.

But will be no easy task for Robb's successor, Steven Ciobo, if the sorry state of negotiations between the United States and the EU are any guide to growing unease about free trade agreements.

Overshadowed by the EU's record-breaking tax ruling against technology giant Apple this week were a series of dire pronouncements from European leaders about the potential US-EU deal known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

German vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel set the tone on the weekend when he said the TTIP talks had "de facto failed, even though nobody is really admitting it". French Trade Minister Matthias Fekl proved him wrong on French Radio on Tuesday by declaring: "these negotiations are dead and France wants an end to them." He was backed by French President Francios Hollande who described the discussions as "bogged down" and vowed to reject the deal in its current form.

Taken collectively these comments represent the end of TTIP this year and possibly the next. Just three years ago European Commission President José Manuel Barroso announced the start of negotiations as "a special day for relations between the European Union and the United States" while Barak Obama hailed a "a powerful demonstration of our determination to shape a free, open and rules-based world". But with both sides more interested in recriminations and objections there is no longer any cause for optimism.

So what went wrong and what are the implications for Australia's nascent FTA talks with the EU?The first thing to note that continental opposition does not just come from the usual suspects such as the farmers. German MPs on the left have expressed concerns a deal would dilute strict EU standards covering environmental regulation and workplace laws. Privacy advocates, a powerful lobby in Germany, have raised doubts about the security of personal information. And others have questioned whether the TTIP will deliver employment growth.

"We Europeans of course must not succumb to American demands," said Gabriel. Fekl accused the US of giving "nothing or just crumbs".

Similar French objections should also be viewed in the context of next year's presidential elections. Hollande's ruling socialist party faces a genuine threat in the form of Marine Le Pen, leader of the rightwing National Front party. Like most populist politicians upsetting the political establishment around the world, Le Pen is firmly against globalisation and all it stands for. This mean less immigration and protectionist policies. Objecting to TTIP is one way Hollande to signal to disenfranchised voters that he hasn't forgotten their concerns about globalisation.

It is a similar story across the Atlantic. While Obama remains a firm supporter of TTIP, his two potential replacements are not. Republican candidate Donald Trump has argued in favour of protectionist trade policies as part of his extreme brand of populism. Meanwhile, Democratic rival Hillary Clinton has refused to back the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement - which many voters hold responsible for the loss of industrial jobs across America - even though it was one her husband's notable achievements.

Phillippe Legrain, a former senior adviser to Barroso as well the director general of the World Trade Organisation, says it is becoming increasing difficult to strike free trade deals at a time of growing popular opposition to openness.

"The big picture around the world now is that the WTO doesn't work and that progress on trade elsewhere is slow and difficult," he says.

"I think that from Australia's point of view, the fact that TTIP is probably dead is a massive blow and it makes you wonder how much liberalisation there is going to be anywhere in the next few years and, indeed, if we are going to see backsliding rather than progress."

Another problem Australia and the US have in common is Brexit. For both countries, the UK represented a like-minded ally in the fight for trade liberalisation. With Britain no longer in the room, negotiations are expected to be even slower.

It is against this difficult backdrop that Ciobo awaits the result of a scoping study that would help set the parameters of any Australia-EU deal. He hopes to see the results in the first quarter of 2017. He will no doubt be hoping European anxiety about free trade eases in the meantime.