Rugby League

Melbourne Storm

Leading brain expert questions concussion protocols

Not removed from field: Dale Finucane is attended to by a Storm trainer during the 2016 grand final against Cronulla ...

One of the country's leading authorities on brain injuries has warned the NRL missed an opportunity to show how serious it is about tackling concussion when Melbourne lock Dale Finucane's removal from the field was delayed late in the grand final.

Bellamy says Storm can stand proud

Dejected: Storm coach Craig Bellamy and several players after the game.

Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy says nothing will stop him feeling proud of his side's evolution in 2016 despite their grand final loss.

Ennis thought the dream had vanished

Back from the dead: Michael Ennis.

Michael Ennis said he thought the dream was over. With just over 15 minutes to play, after a half of Cronulla pure domination, he saw Melbourne's Will Chambers power his way over to put the Storm in the driver's seat.

McLean 'changed forever' after tackle

Ashen faced: Jordan McLean at the judiciary hearing before his seven-week ban after being found guilty of a dangerous throw.

The day after being forced to endure endless replays of the tackle that paralysed Alex McKinnon, Jordan McLean fell further into the abyss when his brother was sent to prison for a one-punch attack.

Ain't life Grand Final edition

NCH NEWS. Pic of David Ninness aka MC Hammerhead one of the official Cronulla Sharks mascots stands in a paddock in ...

It's gameday! The important news you need to know for the biggest day in the NRL's calendar. What are the Storm and Sharks listening to? What's the view from our unnamed Melbourne expert? Where is Harold Holt?