Surfer Cooper Allen shows off bite marks after Lighthouse Beach shark attack

Surfer Cooper Allen has given the thumbs up to cameras from his hospital bed, but a graphic photograph of the teenager's injuries reveals just how close an encounter he had with a shark off the NSW North Coast on Monday.

Four deep bite marks can be seen on Cooper's upper right thigh in a photograph that was taken by one of his friends as he recovered in Lismore Base Hospital.

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Shark attacks surfer in Ballina

A teenage surfer pleads with his rescuers not to tell his mother that he was attacked by a shark while surfing in Ballina.

Remarkably, the Year 12 student did not have to undergo surgery for his wounds, but was stitched up and could be released from hospital as early as Tuesday.

In another photograph, obtained by Channel Seven, Cooper is shown giving the thumbs up from his hospital bed, with his father by his side.

Cooper Allen was bitten on the right thigh by a shark.
Cooper Allen was bitten on the right thigh by a shark. Photo: Facebook

Cooper was surfing with a friend at Lighthouse Beach at Ballina about 9am on Monday, the first day of the school holidays, when he was knocked off his board and bitten on the leg.


His friend helped him to shore, where a nurse and lifesavers provided first aid before NSW Ambulance paramedics arrived.

Throughout the ordeal Cooper remained in good spirits, reportedly asking another surfer not to tell his mother what had happened.

A 3½-metre great white shark was seen off Lighthouse Beach just after the attack, police said, and all beaches in the area were closed for 24 hours following the attack.

On Tuesday morning, Lighthouse Beach, Shelly Beach and Sharpes Beach re-opened to swimmers, however Lennox Head Beach will remain closed at least until mid-morning after a great white shark was spotted just offshore.

A helicopter sweeping the coastline about 8am on Tuesday spotted the 3-metre great white shark at Lennox Head Point, as well as a 2½-metre great white shark at Cape Byron.

Two months ago, Cooper spoke to The Australian about plans to install an eco-friendly shark barrier at Lighthouse Beach. Those plans were scrapped last month due to ongoing rough sea conditions at the beach.

Cooper said at the time that he thought the shark barrier was a waste of money.

"We still go out there without the net, at our own choice. I don't think there is any need for it," he said.