Daily Life

About Last Night: Is marriage the right choice?

Q: Ryan (37) and I (34) have dated for two years. I love him, and we're best friends. Last weekend he proposed, and I accepted. I really want children, and he'd make a great dad, but I have one concern. In my 20s I had a couple of very intense and turbulent relationships. There was a lot of sexual passion, but also a lot that was toxic and destructive. Things are calmer with Ryan. Our sex life is good, but there isn't the same sexual charge. I'm worried I'd be settling. How can I be sure I'm making the right decision?

A: You can't.

Wedding Cake With Bride And Groom Figurines
Wedding Cake With Bride And Groom Figurines Photo: Monkey Business Images Ltd

You know that you are approaching an age when decisions must be made. A woman's fertility drops after 30, if you want a family you need to get underway soon.

On the other hand, you do not want to be panicked into committing to someone who is only a sperm donor. I cannot tell you what to do, but I can suggest a few things for you to consider.

Maureen Matthews.
Maureen Matthews. Photo: Simon Schluter

Firstly, remember that there are no guarantees. The majority of couples hook up because they believe that they have found the love of their lives. The divorce figures prove many of them are mistaken. Alternatively, you might make the perfect choice, but be parted by illness or an accident. Very few of these people say they regret the existence of their children.

Make some space, calm your thoughts, and listen to your gut feeling.No amount of logical reasoning and practical calculation can guide you as surely as this feeling, so trust yourself.


Tortured love affairs like Cathy and Heathcliff's in Wuthering Heights make great stories, but living one is rarely successful, and they are not ideal for raising children. It's important to feel connected to your partner, to be able to share loving intimacy, but desire alone is neither the measure of your love, or enough to sustain a relationship.

Even the most sexually compatible couples discover that things change, if only temporarily, when babies arrive. Hormones, tiredness, adjusting to a new role, anxiety, a shift in priorities, beliefs about how parents should behave, lack of privacy, physical pain … all these factors impact on your libido. This is perfectly normal, and is not a sign that the relationship is a failure.

Instead, you can show love by being thoughtful and understanding. Sex will be less attractive than practical assistance, patience, respect and appreciation. You will both need to learn to be unselfish and kind, in order to avoid the biggest sexual turnoff in the world – anger and resentment.

Just as not all love matches work out, so too even arranged marriages are not all loveless deserts. Your expectations and beliefs can affect how your marriage works. You can choose to do your best, with goodwill and determination.

Once you have joined forces, and successfully navigated the rapids of baby raising and childcare you will then enter a new phase of your lives in which you can reap the benefits of the investment you have made. Many couples get a whole new lease of lusty life as things settle down, and build on the trust and love they have built to reinvigorate and rediscover a strong, erotic connection. After all, there are a lot of very sexy things you can do with someone with whom you feel safe that you cannot do with a stranger. You will have built a rich and complex connection that Romeo and Juliet could only have dreamed of.

A decision of this sort is like standing on the top diving board deciding whether or not to take the plunge. After a period of thought, calculation, and indecision, you reach a point when you have to make a leap of faith, and trust that all will be well.

Email your questions to abtlastnight@gmail.com