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Contributor Archive: Radical Philosophy

196 Contents

by / RP 196 (Mar/Apr 2016) / Contents


Why I write such excellent songs: David Bowie, 1947–2016

Keith Ansell-Pearson



Peter Osborne

Bildung and strategy: The fate of the ‘beautiful sciences’

Howard Caygill

Genre without genre: Romanticism, the novel and the new

David Cunningham

Romantic bureaucracy: Alexander Kojève’s post-historical wisdom

Boris Groys


Paolo Virno, When the Word …

194 Contents Page

by / RP 194 (Nov/Dec 2015) / Contents


‘Become a permanent migrant to the UK!’

Claudia Aradau


Race, real estate and real abstraction

Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano

Disaggregating primitive accumulation

Robert Nichols

Patent as credit: When intellectual property becomes speculative

Hyo Yoon Kang


Global homocapitalism

Rahul Rao


The Challenge of Surrealism: The Correspondence of Theodor …

191 Contents Page

by / RP 191 (May/Jun 2015) / Contents


Oceanic enemy: A brief philosophical history of the NSA

Grégoire Chamayou……………………………………………………………………………….2

Big data, small freedom? Informational surveillance and the political

Burkhardt Wolf……………………………………………………………………………………. 13

The signature of security: Big data, anticipation, surveillance

Claudia Aradau…………………………………………………………………………………….21


DOSSIER                      FUTURE STASIS

A Marxist …

190 Contents Page

by / RP 190 (Mar/Apr 2015) / Contents


Russell Brand, Lady T, Pisher Bob and Preacher John

Raymond Geuss……………………………………………………………………………………..2

Old alliances, new struggles: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Maïa Pal………………………………………………………………………………………………..8


Reason and revolt: Guy Lardreau’s early voluntarism and its limits

Peter Hallward……………………………………………………………………………………..13

Political economy of life: Negt and Kluge’s History and Obstinacy

Stewart Martin…………………………………………………………………………………….25


Food politics in the USA

189 Contents Page

by / RP 189 (Jan/Feb 2015) / Contents


Alternative economics: A new student movement

Engelbert stockhammer and Devrim Yilmaz ………………………………………….2

Green economics versus growth economics: The case of Thomas Piketty

Rupert Read………………………………………………………………………………………… 9


Introduction to Simondon

Andrea Bardin and Giovanni Menegalle……………………………………………….. 15

Culture and technics (1965)

Gilbert Simondon ……………………………………………………………………………….. 17

The Neue Marx-Lektüre: Putting the critique of political economy back into the critique of …

187 Contents Page

by / RP 188 (Nov/Dec 2014) / Contents

187 Contents Page

by / RP 187 (Sept/Oct 2014) / Contents

186 Contents Page

by / RP 186 (Jul/Aug 2014) / Contents


Boycotting Israel: Academia, activism and the futures of American Studies

Mandy Merck…………………………………………………………………………………………2


Translatorial hexis: The politics of Pinkard’s translation of Hegel’s Phenomenology

David Charlston……………………………………………………………………………………11

Bankocracy: Greek money and the ‘new idea’ of Europe

Marie Cuillerai and Maria Kakogianni…………………………………………………..23

Rhetorics of populism: Ernesto Laclau, 1935–2014

John Kraniauskas ……………………………………………………………………………….. 29


Howard Eiland and Michael …

185 Contents Page

by / RP 185 (May/Jun 2014) / Contents

COMMENTARY ‘Yes’: A non-nationalist argument for Scottish independence

Neil Davidson…………………………………………………………………………………………2


The monster and the police: Dexter to Hobbes

Mark Neocleous……………………………………………………………………………………8


The radical gap: A preface to Auguste Blanqui, Eternity by the Stars

Jacques Rancière…………………………………………………………………………………..19

Auguste Blanqui, heretical communist

Daniel Bensaïd and Michael Löwy………………………………………………………..26

Blanqui’s bifurcations

Peter Hallward……………………………………………………………………………………..36


Étienne Balibar, Saeculum. Culture, …

184 Contents Page

by / RP 184 (Mar/Apr 2014) / Contents

183 Contents Page

by / RP 183 (Jan/Feb 2014) / Contents

182 Contents Page

by / RP 182 (Nov/Dec 2013) / Contents

181 Contents Page

by / RP 181 (Sept/Oct 2013) / Contents

The Greek symptom

Debt, crisis and the crisis of the Left

by / RP 181 (Sept/Oct 2013) / Article, Dossier, The Greek Symptom

The texts in this dossier were initially presented to an international conference on the current crisis in Greece, ‘Le symptôma grec’, held on 18–20 January 2013, at the University of Paris 8 and the École normale supérieure.

The conference took as its point of departure the exemplary role that Greece has played over the last …

180 Contents Page

by / RP 180 (July/Aug 2013) / Contents

A transition period…

by / 2015 / Web Content

Dear subscribers,

As an independently-published journal which has for many years had to outsource the management of its subscription system, we’re excited to be bringing all of that in house at the moment – our databases, subscriber support and payment processes. Not only should this give us more control and flexibility over the publishing process, …

Subscriber Offer on The Great University Gamble

by / 2013 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy and independent progressive publisher Pluto Press are happy to offer a promotional discount to all our Full subscribers for The Great University Gamble by Andrew McGettigan.

Andrew has been a regular contributor to Radical Philosophy, writing in recent issues on the changes to Higher Education in England and Wales. To celebrate the launch …

The Great University Gamble Promotional Code

by / 2013 / Web Content

RP Subscribers:

Radical Philosophy and independent progressive publisher Pluto Press are happy to offer a promotional discount to all our Full subscribers for The Great University Gamble by Andrew McGettigan. Andrew has been a regular contributor to Radical Philosophy, writing in recent issues on the changes to Higher Education in England and …

179 Contents Page

by / RP 179 (May/Jun 2013) / Contents

178 Contents Page

by / RP 178 (Mar/Apr 2013) / Contents