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Contributor Archive: Jean Grimshaw

77 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 077 (May/Jun 1996) / Reviews

Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991 Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century Simon Bromley

Raphael Samuel, Theatres of Memory, Volume 1: Past and Present in Contemporary Culture Krishan Kumar

Kathleen Lennon and Margaret Whitford, eds., Knowing the Difference Jean Grimshaw

Paul Virilio, The Vision Machine John Armitage

Shadia B. Drury, Alexandre Kojeve: …

76 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 076 (Mar/Apr 1996) / Reviews

Louis-Jean Calvet, Roland Barthes: A Biography David Macey

John E. Roemer, A Future for Socialism John E. Roemer, Egalitarian Perspectives Erik Olin Wright, Interrogating Inequality Gregory Elliott

Ronald Dworkin, Life’s Dominion Richard Norman

Lynne Segal, Straight Sex Jean Grimshaw

Martin Jay, Downcast Eyes John Armitage

Hilary Putnam, Words and Life Max de Gaynesford

Alphonso Lingis,

Philosophy, feminism and universalism

by / RP 076 (Mar/Apr 1996) / Article

Chinese Women and Feminist Thought, Beijing,22-24 June 1995

by and / RP 074 (Nov/Dec 1995) / Conference Report

73 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 073 (Sep/Oct 1995) / Reviews

Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx Terry Eagleton

Georges Bataille, The Absence of Myth: Writings on Surrealism Michael Richardson, Georges Bataille David Macey

Drucilla Cornell, Transformations Jean Grimshaw

Steve Fuller, Rhetoric and the End of Knowledge James Maffie

David Couzens Hoy and Thomas McCarthy Fuller, Critical Theory Stephen Eric Bronner, Of Critical Theory and its Theorists

69 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , and / RP 069 (Jan/Feb 1995) / Reviews

Roy Bhaskar, Dialectic Andrew Collier

Lutz Niethammer (in collaboration with Dirk Van Laak), Posthistoire Joseph McCarney

Chantal Mouffe, The Return of the Political Judith Squires

Genevieve Lloyd, Being in Time Jean Grimshaw

Tzvetan Todorov, On Human Diversity Jean-Jacques Lecercle

John Shotter, Cultural Politics of Everyday Life David Glover

Judith Squires, ed., Principled Positions Tim Jordan

68 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 068 (Autumn 1994) / Reviews

Jon Elster, Political Psychology Marcus Roberts

Lin Chun, The British New Left Gregory Elliott

Ross Harrison, Democracy Anne Phillips, Democracy and Difference David Copp, Jean Hampton and John E. Roemer, eds., The Idea of Democracy David Archard

A. Phillips Griffiths, ed., A. J. Ayer: Memorial Essays Jonathan Dancy and Ernest Sosa, eds., A Companion to …

59 Editorial

by / RP 059 (Autumn 1991) / Editorial

56 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , and / RP 056 (Autumn 1990) / Reviews

Geoffrey Scarre, ed., Children, Parents and Politics Carolyn Steedman, Childhood, Culture and Class in Britain: Margaret McMillan, 1860-1931 David Archard

Alison Assiter, Pornography, Feminism and the lndividual Jean Grimshaw

Otto Pöggeler, Martin Heidegger’s Path of Thinking Jonathan Rée

David Gooding, Trevor Pinch, Simon Schaffer, eds., The Uses of Experiment Jonathan Powers

Morwenna Griffiths and Margaret …

Mary Wollstonecraft and the Tensions in Feminist Philosophy

by / RP 052 (Summer 1989) / Article

50 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 050 (Autumn 1988) / Reviews

S. H. Rigby, Marxism and History: a Critical Introduction Derek Sayer, The Violence of Abstraction: the Analytic Foundations of Historical Materialism Alex Callinicos, Making History: Agency, Structure and Change in Social Theory Gregor McLennan

Diana Coole, Women in Political Theory Andrea Nye, Feminist Theory and Philosophies of Man Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell, eds., Feminism …

50 Editorial

by / RP 050 (Autumn 1988) / Editorial

‘Pure Lust’

The Elemental Feminist Philosophy of Mary Daly
by / RP 049 (Summer 1988) / Article

Philosophy and Aggression

by / RP 047 (Autumn 1987) / Commentary

The Situation of Philosophy in South Africa; Human Nature: Issues in Philosophical Anthropology (Conference Report, Middlesex Polytechnic, 3-5th April 1987); Applied Philosophy (Conference Report, Society for Applied Philosophy, Gregynog, 22-24th May 1987)

by , and / RP 047 (Autumn 1987) / News

43 Editorial

by / RP 043 (Summer 1986) / Editorial

36 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , and / RP 036 (Spring 1984) / Reviews

Rudolf Bahro, Socialism and Survival André Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class Martin H. Ryle

R.F. Geyer and D. Schweitzer, eds., Alienation Howard Feather

Necdet Teymur, Environmental Discourse Allan Cochrane

Richard Wolin, Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption Julian Roberts, Walter Benjamin Keith Pearson

Richard Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism Gregor McLennan

Marilyn Frye, The politics …

The Sceptical Feminist’; A Lacanian Psychoanalyst’s Comment on John Bird

by and / RP 034 (Summer 1983) / Extras

34 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 034 (Summer 1983) / Reviews

Carol McMillan, Women, Reason and Nature Jean Grimshaw Amy Hardie

Stephen Heath, The Sexual Fix Martin Barker

Anne Whitmarsh, Simone de Beauvoir and the Limits of Commitment Jonathan Rée

Oxford University Press ‘Past Masters’ Series: A. L. Le Quesne, Carlyle, lban Krailsheimer, Pascal, Quentin Skinner, Machiavelli Mike Shortland Terrell Carver, Engels, Anthony Quinton, …

Feminism: History and Morality

by / RP 030 (Spring 1982) / Commentary