#UnitedPatriotsFront + #Fortitude : ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US

Somehow or other, material published on the Facebook group “UPF & FORTITUDE ~ INNER CIRCLE” — comprising the ‘inner circle’ of the UPF/Fortitude — done got made public. It provides an interesting glimpse into the inner workings of the group of a dozen or so men who comprise the inner circle, and no doubt similar material will be forthcoming. Here’s a sample:

1. Chris Shortis (‘Chris Neil’) assures new member, Perth-based neo-Nazi Nic Genovese, that the inner circle is safe and secure.

2. Fuehrer Blair Cottrell assures the inner circle that everything is safe and secure. Note that along with Christian fun-da-mentalist Scott Moerland, neo-Nazi Jim Perren, formerly of Toowoomba, is the UPF’s flunkey in Queensland.

3. Blair Cottrell makes a funny about Thomas Sewell’s dreams of being a little Nazi.

4. Perth-based Elijah Jacobson asks who the man is what expresses ABSOLUTE UNWAVERING LOYALTY to his Fuehrer (Sewell provides the answer: Rudolf Hess).

5. The boys have a discussion about who’s gonna be standing for Fortitude come this year’s federal election. The other UPF/Fortitude flunkey in Perth, Dennis Huts, like Cottrell, has done time in jail: thankfully, for less than 12 months, meaning he’s free to catapult himself into the Australian Senate.

6. Cottrell quotes Hitler.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2017 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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