

Fifth Estate # Remembering Federico Arcos

Esta labor ha sido
realizada con
trabajo voluntario, comprendida la labor artística hasta el de
imprenta y encuadernación en el que ha participado el autor,
conforme a las caracteristicas de Black and Red, sin que nadie reciba
remuneración alguna.
Black & Red
Box 9546
Detroit, Michigan 48202
This work, has
been completed in its
entirety, Including the artistic component, the printing, and binding
with the participation of the author and by volunteer labor without any
remuneration in keeping with the tradition of Black and Red.

Black & Red
Box 9546
Detroit, Michigan 48202




El autor desea
expresar su agradecimiento al viejo amigo, el artista Alfredo
Monrós, por las hermosas ilustraciones y su valiosa ayuda; a los
amigos Fredy y Lorraine Perlman por el trabajo de imprenta; y a V., a
M. y a J. que animaron a llevar a cabo este librito.

The author wishes to express his gratitude to an old friend,
the painter Alfred Monrós, for the beautiful drawings and his
valuable assistance; I also wish to thank my friends Fredy and Lorraine
Perlman for their help in the printing process and V., M., and J.,
whose encouragement helped the completion of this little book.

