Monthly Archive: August 2016

The latest from Cardinal Burke

On August 30, Cardinal Raymond Burke held an international teleconference with media members in anticipation of the release of his book, Hope For the World: To Unite All Things in Christ. Writing for Catholic World Report, Carl Olson, who participated in the call, …

Clerical Messiah Syndrome

What’s up with men like Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider? I mean, don’t they recognize the simple fact that Amoris Laetitia contains textbook examples of sheer, unadulterated blasphemy and heresy? Do they not realize that certain of the propositions set forth in …

SSPX on the verge of regularization?

In a recent interview with the German newspaper, Die Zeit, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, indicated that the SSPX has been offered a personal prelature on the following conditions: The Church’s tradition is developing, but never …