Monthly Archive: September 2014

This just in!

Have you heard all the buzz in Catholic Candy Land lately? Multiple news agencies worldwide are reporting that Pope Francis, during the Spanish bishops’ ad limina visit earlier this year, allegedly said, “This was established by Jesus Christ and the Pope cannot …

Bergoglion Careerists

For those keeping count, it appears that a grand total of ten cardinals have now gone on record with arguments against Cardinal Kasper’s proposals concerning Holy Communion for the civilly divorced and “re-married,” and this in the face of widespread confusion and angst …

The enemy of my enemy…

Communiques from both the SSPX and the Holy See provide little detail other than to describe today’s meeting between Bishop Fellay and Cardinal Muller as “cordial.” That said, one might speculate that there is more to this than meets the eye… When news …

Bergoglio News Agency

Once upon a time, Catholic News Agency (CNA), although never a truly “traditional” outlet, offered an orthodox alternative to the USCCB owned Catholic News Service (CNS). Those days are over. In 2009, CNA began publishing my Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II columns. …

Pre-Synodal Reconnaissance

As most readers know by now, Pope Francis witnessed the marriage of some twenty couples in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, September 14th. As Cardinal Dolan might say, Good for them! Bravo! (No, wait… these were heterosexual couples. Never mind.) In any case, …

What a weekend!

Wow, what a weekend! I’m just getting back into the swing of things after the Catholic Identity Conference. (Image above is from last year’s event.) As those of you who were there can attest, it was spectacular – from the liturgies, to the …

Redefining Jesus

If nothing else, Pope Francis is consistent. How so? Well, in any number of ways, but today I have in mind his near-singular focus on the things of this world, his remarkable disdain for the Church’s teaching office, and his habitual pitting of …

Cardinal George pops out

A number of friends have been applauding a recent article by Cardinal Francis George entitled, “A tale of two churches;” echoing the review given by Fr. Z who said, “His Eminence knocks this one over the fence.” With all due respect, this article …