Monthly Archive: November 2013

Making all things new again

I am presently about a third of the way through the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium. In a previous post, I mentioned what appears to be a certain fascination with all things new that Pope Francis shares with his predecessor, Pope …

Christ the King sighting!

Today, on the Novus Ordo calendar, is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. As such, today will be the first time in the last year that most Catholics will hear a word about the Lord’s Kingship. The bad …

On second thought…

I an interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online conducted on February 25th, George Weigel shared some thoughts about the challenges facing Pope Benedict’s soon-to-be-named successor. I initially intended to comment upon the interview shortly after it was published, but taking …

Vatican honors boy genius

Sixteen year old high school junior, Jack Andraka, from my home state of Maryland, recently received the Vatican sponsored International Giuseppe Sciacca Award for having developed what promises to be a breakthrough, early-screening, pancreatic cancer test. The young genius, whose incredible achievement was …

A rudderless ship

Vatican Insider is reporting that Pope Francis’ infamous interview with the founder of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, has been removed from the Holy See’s website. How wonderful! The pope is finally coming to appreciate the power of his words and …