Monthly Archive: October 2013

Redefining Christ

In his speech at University of Dallas, Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga gives us a glimpse at certain of the underlying principles that are influencing the direction in which Pope Francis intends to take the Church. Revealed in the process is yet more evidence that …

A flag waving modernist

On September 21, in a blog post dissecting Pope Francis’ interview in America Magazine, I wrote, “Pope Francis is a modernist.” The outpouring of indignation that I received in the aftermath prompted a more thoroughgoing examination of what it means to say that …

Vivat Christus Rex!

The altar prepared for Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ at St. Alphonsus in Baltimore. During the opening procession, an incredibly beautiful statue of Christ the King was carried in and left in the sanctuary …

Portrait of a Restorationist

“Restorationism,” broadly speaking, is a protestant movement that seeks to “restore” to Christianity a mythical non-denominational purity, such as it is imagined to have existed in Apostolic times, apart from the Holy Catholic Church established by Our Blessed Lord. Lately, however, the “restorationist” …

Slings and Arrows

Over the past several months, I’ve received countless emails from readers from all over the world expressing gratitude for the commentary offered here.  Many said, “Be prepared; you will be attacked!” I knew the moment I started down this road that there would …

Blueprint for the City of Man

Pope Francis continued his assault against the “Pelagians” of traditional Catholicism (Homily, 17 Oct. 2013), returning to a theme introduced shortly after his elevation when he belittled as “restorationist” those who offered him a spiritual bouquet of Rosaries. Letting loose against those who …