Monthly Archive: November 2012

Liturgical Dishonesty

November 25th (on the new liturgical calendar) was the Solemnity of Christ the King Now, tell me, aside from the observance of this annual solemnity, can you point to any clear and consistent exhortations coming from the Holy See (or any of the …

Coexist? I have a better idea.

CONVERT. That’s right. Convert. Over the last four or five decades, Catholics from all walks of life – clergy, laity and religious alike – have expended way too much time and energy practicing feel-good ecumenism while making far too little effort (if any) …

The New Normal

Here we go again. The enlightened cognoscenti of the psychiatric community are lowering the bar once more in redefining the new “normal.” According to the NY Times, “The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (due out in 2013, …

Visualize World Peace

Have you ever seen those bumper stickers that say VISUALIZE WORLD PEACE? For some reason, they often seem to be plastered right next to some kind of MOTHER EARTH sticker. Maybe they’re sold in pairs. I don’t know. At any rate, when I …

Year of Faith Presentations

I recently had the great pleasure of presenting a Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II Workshop for the Archdiocese of Denver, as well as addressing the 14th Call to Holiness Conference in Detroit, MI. If your diocese, parish or organization is interested in …

Urgent Prayer Request

As I write, my beloved uncle, who has been suffering for the past several years from a parasitic infection that has weakened him significantly, is undergoing a life-saving heart operation. The procedure is complicated and is expected to last upwards of 18 hours. …

Who is your King?

“These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you,” says the LORD… “He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain …

See the Church in disarray.

See Dick. See Dick run his mouth. Meet the longtime Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul in Baltimore, MD, Fr. Richard Lawrence, (“better known simply as Dick,” according to the parish’s website), who made national news for preaching in support of “same-sex marriage” …

Poll Parsing and Common Sense

According to Gallup, “Currently, 46% of likely voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 54% in 2008. But in 2008, Democrats enjoyed a wide 12-point advantage in party affiliation among national adults, the largest Gallup had seen in at least two …