Saturday, October 8, 2016

Pope's Words for the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary -- LightningStrikes the Cupola Again

(Rome) The Rosary Festival (Festum Beatae Mariae Virginis a Rosario) was held yesterday, which was originally the Feast of Our Lady of Victory. It was introduced on the occasion of the naval battle of Lepanto against the Turks on October 7, 1571, which was victorious for Christendom. The Feast was already established in 1573.

Pope Francis sent yesterday the following Twitter entry:

"The Rosary is the prayer that always accompanies my life; It is also the prayer of the simple and the saints ... it is the prayer of my heart."

It has  not yet been confirmed yet that yesterday a flash of lightning had hit the dome of St. Peter's in Rome, as on the evening of February 11, 2013, when Pope Benedict XVI unexpectedly resigned.

A lightning strike on the the dome of Saint Peter's has so far only been documented once for that dramatic day in the Church history. There are no historical indications, even without a picture document, of such a lightning strike on the dome of St. Peter's which was completed in 1590.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Civitas mediterranea (screenshot
Trans: Tancred


Friday, October 7, 2016

Bishop Bonny (Antwerp): "New Rituals for the Blessing of Aberrosexuals and Second Marriages"

Bishop Bonny wants "New Rituals" for the blessing of aberrosexuals
and second marriages

(Brussels) Johan Bonny, the Bishop of Antwerp in Belgium, wants a private ritual to bless gay couples, second marriages and "wild marriages".
On the 6th of October, the Gazet van Antwerpen reported the plans of the bishop. In a few days, on 11 October, Bonny's book " Mag ik? Dank je. Sorry.Vrijmoedige dialoog over Relaties, huwlijk en gezin "(May I? Thank you. Sorry. Frank dialogue about relationships, marriage and family) will appear. As the Antwerp newspaper reported, the bishop is thinking aloud about "new religious rituals." In cooperation with Roger Burggraeve (Emeritus Professor of Moral Theology at the Theological Faculty of the Catholic University of Leuven ) and Ilse Van Halst (editor of the Antwerp church newspaper Kerk & Leven ) he says of the resulting book: "The question is whether we were able to put it all in a single model."
"Should we not develop various rituals in which we can recognize the reality of life between homosexuals and also from an ecclesiastical and religious perspective?
Because, says Bishop Bonny, homosexual couples can enter into an exclusive and long term relationship."The deep symbolic bond between the different sexes and the fertility of this relationship, becomes the real sacramental covenant," reported the newspaper about Bonny's theses.
Even remarried divorcees, says Bonny, demand a differentiating approach. The Antwerp Bishop "believes that the Church in some cases can bless a second union," wrote Gazet van Antwerpen .
"It is known that the Orthodox Church traditionally practiced the confirmation of a new union for reasons of charity, which allows the new couple to find a place in the community. This new blessing is not a repeat or a substitute for the first sacramental marriage. That was and remains unique."
Johan Bonny was  in 2008 at the request of Cardinal Godfried Danneels and with the help of the then apostolic nuncio in Belgium, Karl-Josef Rauber, named by  Benedict XVI. as Bishop of Antwerp.

Belgian Situation

Cardinal Danneels, at that time Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium received criticism  because of his liberal views and aberrophilic church policy. 2010, where there were spectacular house searches in the episcopal palace and a scandalous grave desecration by the Belgian police, of the graves of departed bishops. There were no findings, and no official apology. Danneels survived everything.
Only Pope Benedict XVI. sought to correct the liberal course of the Belgian Church. This had previously become highly visible in the year, when only a single bishop defended the German Pope against the unprecedented criticism by the Belgian Parliament. The Parliament, unique in its history, had condemned the Pope's statement in a formal resolution, during his visit to Africa where he had reaffirmed the ecclesiastical condemnation of artificial contraception.

Catholic Action Flanders published this picture in response to Bonny's statements about a homo-event. What do children probably  think of the picture, who are the irresponsible ones there?

Against Cardinal Dannneels' wishes,  Benedict XVI. named this single courageous bishop, André-Joseph Léonard of Namur, as Primate of Belgium in January 2010. From the majority of progressive Church in Belgium, this was regarded as an unprecedented affront, one for which it has never forgiven Benedict. Nuncio Rauber, who was standing with these groups in the best of terms, led an outrageous media campaign and criticized the decision of Benedict publicly, which resulted in a dismissal from Belgium and Luxembourg and - because he had just become 75 - to retire.
Cardinal Danneels was, as was announced on 23 November 2014 in a book on the pope by the Englishman Austen Ivereigh, that along with Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, he had organized "Team Bergoglio"," for the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in conclave of 2013. On September 22, in 2015. this became known by a Danneels biography and from his own mouth that he was, since the 90s  subversive, belonging to clandestine circles within the Church. Named after the meeting in Sankt Gallen in Switzerland and founded by the  Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini SJ, deceased in 2012,  the aim was to achieve the election of a progressive pope and to boycott the activity established by the "restorative" Popes John Paul II. and Benedict XVI. Danneels explained frankly that the members of the secret circle thought of themseleves as "the Mafia."

Belgium Church remains in progressive hands

After the election of Pope Francis the bounty did not remain. Archbishop Leonard was denied the dignity of Cardinal. This however was a humiliating slap for Leonard and for Benedict XVI. for former Nuncio Rauber .  Francis retired Leonard at  75 years, although he was in perfect health. The new Archbishop and Primate was Joszef De Kesel, Danneels' preferred candidate before the "accident" Leonard. The attempt at a turnaround in the liberal occupied Belgian Church, which Pope Benedict XVI. had tried timidly, has since been considered "eradicated". Archbishop De Kesel called a few months after taking office for the abolition of priestly celibacy from, an old demand of the ecclesiastical '68ers. In this context, there was also the expulsion of a "too conservative"  French priestly community of Belgium whose ability to attract  priestly vocations in a considerable volume, bothered the usual complaint [pretext] over the "prevailing lack of priests."
Bishop Bonny attracted considerable attention by an accentuated aberroophilic attitude. The turn of 2014/2015 saw the demand that the Church should recognize homosexuality stir.  A Petition from faithful Catholics, turned to the Pope and demanded a clarification of the question whether Bonnys Homo-looking statements "are Catholic or not." Rome remained silent. Instead Bonny was summoned by the Belgian Bishops 'Conference in June 2015 appointed to Synod for the Bishops' Synod  on the family. Pope Francis in turn appointed Cardinal Danneels personally to synod. On May 6, 2015 Primate Leonard completed his 75th year. On November 6 De Kesel was announced as his successor. With that, the "reconquest" of Brussels was successfully completed by progressive church circles.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Catholic Action Flanders (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Lepanto and the Feast of the Holy Rosary

[Nobility] The Turkish fleet came on imposing and terrible, all sails set, impelled by a fair wind, and it was only half a mile from the line of galliasses and another mile from the line of the Christian ships.

D. John waited no longer; he humbly crossed himself, and ordered that the cannon of challenge should be fired on the “Real,” and the blue flag of the League should be hoisted at the stern, which unfurled itself like a piece of the sky on which stood out an image of the Crucified. A moment later the galley of Ali replied, accepting the challenge by firing another cannon, and hoisting at the stern the standard of the Prophet, guarded in Mecca, white and of large size, with a wide green “cenefa,” and in the center verses from the Koran embroidered in gold.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Vienna's First District Bans the Distribution of the Koran

The first district of Vienna, Döbling, now prohibits the distribution of complimentary Korans by a controversial Foundation [The First District, is the center of the city, where many of Vienna's cultural and religious treasures referring to its glorious historical past are located.]

Vienna ( The first district of Vienna, Döbling, now prohibits the distribution of complimentary Korans. This was reported by the "Kron" [Left-Wing Broadsheet]. The ban was the result of protests from local residents and a request from the Freedom Party controlled district council.

This is so that no more of the Koran's "Lies!" will be allowed to be distributed by the Foundation in public places in the district. The Foundation is, according to media reports, also accused of recruiting members to ISIS through their work.

Previously, the Foundation had started distribution campaigns already in the center of Vienna on Mariahilferstrasse and at Stephansplatz. But only in the civil district of Döbling. has the district administration  now cracked down.

Gender-Ideology: When the Pope Contradicts Himself

Pope Francis criticized gender ideology on October 1st, and then
contradicted himself on October 2nd to deny his statement. The
photo doesn't show the homo flag, but the peace flag which are
similar. For these symbols see the article "Seagulls and Ravens
Hunt the Pope's Doves -- of Signs and Symbols."

(Rome) After his Georgia visit, the media reported that Pope Francis criticized the gender ideology. OsservatorioGender by Rodolfo de Mattei has reached, however, a different conclusion. The papal statements on gender theory are quite ambivalent in total. The Pope criticized the gender ideology in order "to contradict himself and to deny" within 24 hours. The overall attitude of the pope on aberrosexuality is ambiguous, since he made the most famous phrase of his pontificate on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro on 29 July 2013: "If a person is gay, who am I to judge him?"

The opinion of the Catholic Pontiff on gender ideology in Georgia consist of two parts. On October 1, a meeting of the Pope with priests, religious, seminarians and pastoral workers was held in the Church of the Assumption in Tbilisi. Francis addressed Irina's, a Georgian woman, concerns about gender theory.

Pope Francis answered her spontaneously:
"You, Irina have mentioned a great enemy of marriage today: Gender theory. There is a global war today to destroy marriage. Today, there are ideological colonialisms that are destructive: They destroy not with weapons, but with ideas. Therefore you have to defend against ideological colonialisms. "
On the return flight on October 2nd to Rome, Pope Francis addressed a Rome correspondent from the progressive National Catholic Reporter about it. Joshua McElwee asked the Pope also: "What would you say to a person who has suffered for years with their sexuality and really feels that there is a biological problem that her physical appearance does not coincide with what he or she considers as their sexual identity? How would you accompany these people as a shepherd and priest?" has already published the wordy answer by the Pope already published (see The capital of Vézelay: Pope Francis in the school of Eugen Drewermann? ), Yet they want to play again in the full text for better understanding.
Pope Francis: First of all I have in my life as a priest, as a bishop - accompanied persons with homosexual orientation and homosexual acts - as Pope. I accompanied them, I have led them to be led to the Lord, some may not, but I have accompanied them and never let anyone down. This is what to do. You must accompany the person  like Jesus accompanies them. Go away, because you're gay, No: If a person who has this condition comes before Jesus, Jesus will not say that! 

What I have said to the malignancy, which today leads to the indoctrination of gender theory: A French father told me that they were talking at the table with the kids - he is  Catholic, the wife Catholic, the children catholic, superficial, but catholic - and he asked the ten year-old son: 'and you, what do you want do when you grow up?'  A girl. And the father then discovered that  gender theory was taught in textbooks. This is against the natural order of things. One thing is that a person has this tendency, this option and there is also gender reassignment. Another thing is to carry out the instruction in the schools on this line to change the mentality. I call this ideological colonization.'
Last year I received a letter from a Spaniard who told me his story as a child and as a teenager. She was a girl and suffered a lot, because she felt like a boy, but physically was a girl. She told her mother when she was already 22 years old. And she told her that she wanted a sex change and all these things. The mother had asked her not to do it as long as she lives. She was old and died soon. She then made the appointment. He is an employee of a ministry in a Spanish town. He went to the bishop. The bishop has very solicitous of him, a good bishop: he has given up a lot of time, 'to accompany this man.Then he got married. He has changed his civic identity, got married and wrote me a letter that it would be a consolation for him to be allowed to visit me with his wife: he, the one who was a she, but then is a he.  And I have received him. They were satisfied. And in the neighborhood where he lives, there was an old, octogenarian priest, the former pastor of the parish where the old religious sisters helped there ... And there was the new [pastor]. When he finally saw him, he scolded him on the sidewalk!  You'll go to Hell, when he met, the old man told him this: When were you to confess the last time? Come, come with, I'll hear your confession, and then you may receive Communion.' Have you understood? Life is life, and the things you have to take as they come. Sin is sin. The inclinations or the hormonal imbalance cause big problems, and we need to beware and not say, 'It's all the same, let's celebrate'. No not that. But suppose any case, accompany him, learn from him, differentiate and integrate him.  That's what Jesus would do today.
And, please, do not say, The Pope will canonize the Trans, Please! I can already see the headlines ... No, no.
Are there any doubts about what I said? I want to be clear. It is an issue of morality. It is a problem. It is a human problem. And you have to solve it as best you can, always with the mercy of God, with the truth, as we have said in the case of marriage, by reading the whole of Amoris laetitia, but always, always with an open heart. And do not forget that chapter of Vezelay. It is very beautiful, very beautiful."
The answer is wordy, but cryptic. "Rather than creating clarity on the relationship between the Catholic Church and aberrosexuality, he sowed new confusion by promoting free interpretations and easy instrumentalisation," said OsservatorioGender .
Briefly formulated, the Pope legitimized ultimately what he claims to reject. With the sentence: "He who is a she, but he is" legitimized by the leader of the Church what the gender ideologues proclaim. A person who comes with a biological sex to the world, can - with or without sex change - change his sex.
"Paradoxically, this contradicts what Pope Francis said earlier in the day with his critique of gender ideology and denies it."
The gender ideologues can now respond that they are not saying anything else, than the Pope also said in his "flying press conference".
"What seems to upset the Pope is not so much the content of the gender ideology, but the nature of their distribution, which he sees as ideological colonialism 'in the context of globalization," says OsservatorioGender .
The Church has always and unnreservedly condemned the "vice against nature" and is supported thereby with numerous passages of Scripture that speak of an "abomination" and a "blatant sin", and numerous statements of the Fathers, the Doctors of the Church and the Holy the Popes.  Pope Francis is in no way to blame for the epidemic spread of the confusion that is currently underway in Church and Society. Rather, he gave his infamous statements of 29 July 2013 without stating the Church's teaching, giving the go-ahead at the highest level.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Corrispondenza Romana (for "peace flag" image, and the very similar Homo Banner see ravens and seagulls hunt the Pope's doves - of signs and symbols
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Why does Archbishop Gomez Hate Americans?

Edit: here's an interesting article on Lew Rockwell by Christopher Manion which attempts to explain why 30 million Americans identify themselves as former Catholics. Archbishop Gomez, himself, has no answer as to whether or not opposition to Amnesty is a sin, for he appears to have nothing but contempt for a large portion of his flock.

[Lew Rockwell] That is certainly what Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez tells them. He is the point man among American bishops for open borders, mass immigration, and amnesty. Born in Monterrey, Mexico, he has never publicly disagreed with the views of the Mexican government and, alas, of his fellow Mexican bishops, when they condemn the United States. He does not defend Americans against their slanders, even though he knows that the leftist Masonic unigovernment of Mexico has always blamed the United States for its own rapacious exploitation of its people.

Taking a page from Lord Peter Bauer, the swaggering Junta tyrants always blame the United States: “Our poverty is your fault!”

In recent days, three Catholic priests have been murdered in Mexico. I have written Archbishop Gomez requesting that he provide any public comment he might have made regarding these horrific crimes and their possible causes; so far I have had no response. I have also asked Archbishop Gomez a simple question: are faithful Catholics bound by Church law to embrace your opinions regarding amnesty for illegal aliens with the same “religious submission of mind” that we are to embrace and follow the church’s moral teachings on sex and marriage?” (Viz. Can. 753)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Young Wheelchair Bound Woman Walks Again at Lourdes

(Paris) On Tuesday, September 27 occurred in Lourdes, the famous Marian shrine in the French Pyrennäen a miraculous healing. During a pilgrimage by the Italian Lourdes Association UNITALSI, pilgrims visited the water basin and the waterway into which the spring water flows that St. Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) found at the direction of the Blessed Mother, who told Bernadette on 25 February 1858: "Drink from the fountain and wash yourself." The water is said to have a healing effect. 50 of the 69 recognized miraculous cures are associated with contact with this water.

Among the pilgrims there was also a 28 year old Sicilian woman with a brain tumor, who has been bound to a wheelchair for years. The mother accompanied the daughter in a wheelchair to the waterway. According to numerous coinciding testimonies, the young woman suddenly jumped up from her wheelchair upon arriving at the Holy Door, to the amazement of those present, and ran for joy off towards the grotto where the Virgin Mary had appeared for the first time to Saint Bernadette. After several steps, she stumbled over her own legs. A doctor rushed to her aid and carried out an initial investigation. Priests came near and prayed with weeping for joy, as the young woman got up and was able to move without restriction on her own legs.

As a witness told the press office Basilicata (USB)  that she met the young woman in the afternoon of the same day again. The young Sicilian woman could move around without any help or restriction. When asked where she was going , she replied: "I want to go to Jesus".

On the official website of the Marian Shrine, it states: "According to the Catholic understanding, God heals through the natural elements and the sacraments, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the saints and the prayer of Christians. Thus, this water is a sign, not a fetish. Bernadette Soubirous said: "One takes the water like a medicine ... One must have faith and we must pray: this water would have no effect without faith"

The news of a possible miracle cure should be treated with due caution, until appropriate investigations carried out by the competent authorities. In the following video a witness describes the incident.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: USB (Screenshot)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Vandalism Against Roman Churches: Suspect Captured

In Rome several churches have become the target of attacks - a suspect is already known, a 39-year-old Ghanaian - Pastor of the church concerned: "I thought it would be ISIS"

Rome ( In Rome several churches have become target of attacks. After two incidents occured on Friday night, just a few steps apart, the churches of San Martino ai Monti and Santa Prassede, on Saturday a rioter also beset  San Vitale and San Giovanni dei Fiorentin, according to police. According to physical descriptions by the priests, police have arrested a man in Rome. It is presumed to involve a previously known 39-year-old Ghanaian.

The suspect has since been questioned. Whether he is actually responsible for the actions and for what motive he acted, according to the police, is still unclear.

According to the report a statue of the saint in the church of San Martino ai Monti on the Esquiline was damaged on Friday night and a man had fled. Shortly afterwards, apparently the same person appeared in Santa Prassede and attacked two saints. The rector of the church declared then that about 15 present had chased the perpetrators, after a moment of shock, before he could set alight a crucifix. The man appeared deranged.

According to the Italian newspaper "Messaggero,"the priest of Santa Prassede said: There was a great noise, "I thought it would be  ISIS". The church was filled with pilgrims, who became panicked, "the people fled and ran. But I managed to stop him while he was on the altar, then other people came and helped me. However, he managed to escape. We were in fear and anxiety, because we did not know if he was armed."

In retrospect, explained the priest, he obviously does not know whether it was a terrorist or not. In any event, it is but "a great lack of respect for the religion. That was a very serious matter."

Link to

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Schönborn: No Understanding Why There is Resistance Against Pope Francis

Cardinal in prayer for peace in the cathedral: People are grateful world that Francis "exemplifies the Gospel", within the church, there are hostile - Call for "patience" for Vatican ruling on Medjugorje

Vienna ( Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has expressed shock at the resistance from Church circles against Pope Francis: "It hurts me that he faces so much hostility - within the Church. What is this? He is the successor of Peter! He's the pope!" said the Archbishop of Vienna on Tuesday in his homily during the Medjugorje prayer of peace, "Message for you" in the cathedral. Many people in the world are grateful for the witness of Pope Francis. "For his kindness and his love for the poor and the fallen. It is the gospel that he teaches us," said Schönborn.  To learn that the Pope is receiving "so much resistance" from his own ranks, was completely incomprehensible to him. It is important to pray for the Pope.

Regarding the so far not carried out confirmation by the Vatican for the alleged [and heretical] Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, the Cardinal called on the faithful to be patient. You should "persevere and remain faithful in prayer and intercession," said Schönborn, and continued: "I think to myself, God knows why he is linked to Medjugorje, so patience requires of us thus our heart is willing.. " As one of the positive consequences of the events of Medjugorje, Schönborn described the emergence of numerous prayer groups around the world and also in Austria. It was particularly noteworthy that these groups since their inception in the 1980s - the Viennese Dominican Church was then a starting point - would largely continue to exist to this day, said the Archbishop of Vienna. 

The Medjugorje prayer groups were the focus of this year's Peace Prayer again with around  4,000 believers who had come to St. Stephen's Cathedral. Currently I am tempted to link the dozens existing groups in Austria with each other more, explained Christian Stelzer of the prayer community "Oasis of Peace", who had organized the prayer for peace.

Trans: Tancred

Enzo Bianchi's Eleventh Commandment: "Love the Earth as Yourself"

(Rome) "We have a new religion: It has just been invented by Enzo Bianchi," said Antonio Gurrado in the daily Il Foglio . The reason behind the "invention of a new religion" is the international Slow Food event "Salone del Gusto", which was held this last Monday in Turin.
The "new religion" is not the result of a revelation, but of "two convictions" by Enzo Bianchi, which he "announced" in the special supplement of the newspaper on September 16, La Stampa 11th Salone del Gusto of Terra Madre. The first conviction was "a sort of eleventh commandment" and reads: "Love the earth as yourself". The second conviction was the realization that the best way to love your neighbor, was to cook well for him.
"I wonder"; asks Guarrado "whether Enzo Bianchi is really convinced that the earth is a deity." Bianchi seems to think of the earth as a "creator deity," as a "mental deity" thank to think of him as a "revenge deity".  Bianchi wrote for the Turin Slow Food event of a "vital relationship between man and nature," the fact that "our inner life of the earth is no stranger," and: "God always forgives, but the earth never forgives."

The "eleventh commandment" really has it all. Jesus taught that men should love one another as themselves. Bianchi's "new commandment" does not speak either of loving God or neighbor, but the earth.
Bianchi knows his "conviction" is novel. "Love the earth as yourself, and the earth will reward you."
Enzo Bianchi  describes himself as the prior of a community of monks of the "Monastery of Bose". but Bianchi is neither prior nor monk but a layman who heads an "ecumenical grassroots group" he founded, called "Monastery of Bose". This isn't changed by the fact that Bianchi occasionally appears in a [creepy] cowl.
He and his "monastic community", which does not exist according to canon law,  represents a progressive adogmatic direction in the Church, which represents a horizontal, anthropocentric Christianity. The only way to "salvation",  says the Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi, "is for Bianchi a demagogic search for peace and an illusory universal friendship and secular solidarity."  In this sense, Bianchi is a media favorite.
The former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University described Bianchi in 2012 as a "false prophet" and spoke of "atheist monks".
Pope Francis appointed Bianchi on 22 July 2014 as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Cardinal Ruini's Mission to Pope Francis: "In seeking after lost sheep, do not put the faithful sheep in danger"

Cardinal Camillo Ruini's Mission to Pope Francis: Praying to
the Lord, that the papal quest for the lost sheep does not cause
difficulties for the faithful sheep

(Rome) The Corriere della Sera published an extensive interview yesterday with Camillo Cardinal Ruini. The occasion was the publication of his new book C'è un dopo? La morte e la speranza (Is There a Thereafter? Death and the Hope) published by Mondadori. At the end of the interview the cardinal made a statement, "which has to do with the big question mark over the current pontificate," reports the daily newspaper Il Foglio :

"I ask the Lord that the indispensable search for the lost sheep does not trouble the conscience of the faithful sheep."
The petition expresses the wish that the misleading and ambiguous gestures and words of the reigning Pope for the benefit the non-believers, do not give rise to misunderstandings and overlook the faithful. The search for lost sheep should not lead to bringing the faithful sheep in danger.
This refers to spontaneous statements made by Francis for the press like those on (Islamic) terrorism, which is nothing compared to wars. Or the equally irritating statement about baptized Christians, who "kill" their mother-in-laws, and therefore are not much better quality than those two Islamic jihadists who,  during Holy Mass, ritually slit the throat of a Catholic priest at the altar in Rouen and  then decapitated him.
Cardinal Ruini's plea expressed concern that such irritating papal messages will probably not lead those who are distant to the faith, but are more likely to hurl the faithful into confusion and give rise to more or less intense, internal Church disputes and conflicts. This will not revive the ever apathetic acting Church in the West, but rather keep it from a renewal, says Il Foglio .

Kardinl Ruini with Cardinal Müller (right)

"The words of Ruini make another observation: The daily revolution triggered by the Bishop of Rome  - always seems more inclined to engage in a dialogue with the non-Catholic world and not always to exhort the Catholics with fatherly tone - causes discomfort which is detected not only by columnists or so-called nostalgic traditionalists, but also by many Catholics who have no Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas lying on their bedside table. Ruini's gloss is an indication of a lack of orientation, with which   the Italian episcopate dully stammers forward, which Ruini knows best, even now, where its fresh forces were grafted who are close to the new course, the search for shepherds with the smell of sheep," said Matteo Matzuzzi, the Vatican expert of Il Foglio .
Cardinal Ruini was the closest collaborator of Pope John Paul II. In Italy.  From 1991-2008 he was Cardinal Vicar of Rome and at the same time from 1991-2007, President of the Italian Bishops' Conference. Ruini's rise in the Church began when the then auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Reggio Emilia and Guastalla in 1985 delayed the post-conciliar "swing" in Loreto at the second Italian "Church Congress", where he boldly countered the then progressive majority in the Italian episcopate, which was included then leading Cardinals, Anastasio Ballestrero OCD and Carlo Maria Martini SJ and the young Bruno Forte, who was then allowed to make the introductory speech, much as Cardinal Walter Kasper at the Cardinal Consistory in February 2014. Ballestrero was confirmed by Pope Paul VI. In 1977, as  President of the Episcopal Conference. Ruini had taken a turn against the prevailing progressive majority within the Church  which Pope John Paul II initiated and which was rejected by the progressives as "an atttempt at restoration."  Already that year, Ruini was appointed by John Paul II as General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Evangelical Church in Germany Suffering Dramatic Clergy Shortage

Edit: if only the Lutheran Church would turn back the clock and have a celibate clergy, perhaps they might not be having a vocations crisis?

The number of evangelical theology students fell in less than 25 years from 26,000 to 2,400

Travemünde ( the shortage of clergy in Germany is apparently not a purely intra-Catholic problem. Even the Protestant churches are threatened with a dramatic shortage of clergy, as the evangelical news agency "idea" reports. The number of evangelical theology students has been alarmingly low, said the President of the Federation of Protestant pastors in Germany, Andreas Kahnt (Westerstede / Oldenburg) in the context of the German Pastor Day in Travemuende. According Kahnt there were 26,000 students of Protestant theology in 1986; currently there are about 2,400, reported "idea." Compared to the impending retirement of baby boomer pastors, this number is not sufficient, says Kahnt.
Photo: Fine Art America
Trans: Tancred

Monday, September 26, 2016

40 Years of Hand Communion in Spain -- "An Unhappy Anniversary in Spain"

Communion on the Tongue: Since the introduction of
hand Communion forty years ago in Spain -- an "unfortunate anniversary"

(Madrid) 40 years ago, Communion in the hand was allowed in Spain on March 18, 1976, the Secretariat of the Spanish Bishops' Conference published in a recent press statement. It was explained that the Holy See, at that time ruled by Pope Paul VI., had upheld a petition by the Episcopal Conference. The Episcopal Conference granted the option, in addition to the ordinary form of receiving  Communion, kneeling on the tongue, to allow Communion in the hand in Spain. 

They said:
"The Holy See granted the practice of Communion in the hand in Spain by decree of the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship, adopted on 12 February 1976. The permission was at the request of His Eminence Cardinal Vincente Enrique y Tarancon, Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, where, who by a letter of 23 January in accordance with the XXIII Plenary Assembly of the Spanish Bishops' Conference, which reached an agreement in a meeting which took place from December 15th to the 20th  in Los Negrales,  addressed the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship. 

The  permission was made in accordance with the standards of the letter of the Sacred Congregation of the President of the Episcopal Conferences, the preamble of which states that each bishop may, at his wisdom and his conscience, allow this kind of Communion in his diocese.'
The authorization does not displace the practice of receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, but also leads to the existence of a new type. In future, the faithful going to Communion may decide to receive Communion on the tongue, as in the past, or on the hand."
Furthermore,  the Episcopal Conference stressed that Pope Paul VI. with the instruction Memoriale Domini stipulated about the kinds of Communion of 28 May 1969 that the "centuries-old custom"  of receiving Communion on the tongue is not changed. "At the same time he granted the episcopal conferences the opportunity to consider whether it was appropriate, due to some special circumstances, in addition, to offer Communion in the hand," said the Spanish Episcopal Conference, which made use of this "opportunity" in 1976.
"An unhappy anniversary for Spain," wrote Secreteum meum mihi, referring to the crisis of faith, which was accompanied by the introduction of Communion in the hand. Unlike Pope Paul VI's stipulation,  there was a systematic suppression of receiving Communion while kneeling on the tongue. For decades, the vast majority of all first communicants were forced to receive Communion in the hand. Only rarely is the ordinary form of the Communion reception, Communion on the tongue, ever mentioned. Hand Communion could be abolished at any time, or even prohibited, but not Communion on the tongue. In fact, however, the opposite impression has reigned in recent decades.

Queen Sophia during Communion, 2010 in Barcelona

Sophia Margarita Victoria Friederika of the House of Glücksburg and Hannover, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Princess of Greece and Denmark, known by Spaniards as Sophia of Greece for short, since 1975 Queen of Spain - whose title she retained even after the abdication of her husband King Juan Carlos I  -, forced Communion in the hand on 7 November 2010 from Pope Benedict XVI, although this practice was abolished at Papal Masses in 2008.  At Holy Mass in the Church of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, a kneeler was erected to receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue for the faithful. The Queen was obviously of a different sensitivity than the Pope. The behavior of a queen should not only draw attention in the national media, she should be an exemplary figure as a role model. It's all the more amazing because of the origin of the queen. Before her marriage to the inheritor of the Spanish throne,  her family belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church, who only know  Communion on the tongue.
The number of believers who desire Communion on the tongue has increased again in the past year. It's not desired everywhere. In some places Communion is denied, or the faithful will be snapped at by priests, as so happened even at the Requiem Mass of Bishop Kurt Krenn in February 2014 in the Cathedral of St. Pölten.
Believers who kneel for Communion may disrupt a smooth reception of Communion and waste time, they say. The offering and reception of the Body of Christ on the tongue is considered incidental and  a waste of time, so say critics that not only hold the "meal-theology" in the "spirit of the Council" which led not only served toward the desacralization of Communion, but has added to the harm of belief in real presence.
Inspired by the example of Benedict XVI. a Spanish priest broke the taboo on Communion and refuted the platitude that Communion kneeling   was "obsolete" and interested "no one" any more. He established an equality between the two forms of the reception of Communion in his parish. Here the faithful lined up in two lines, one for Communion in the hand, and for the other line, a communion rail. He explained to the faithful his plan. He ask each to chose according to his sensibility for the corresponding line. Within a short time it was found that more than half of the visitors on Sunday Masses preferred the ordinary posture, kneeling and receiving Communion on the tongue. There was no sign of this half taking this option in previous years. During weekday Masses almost all receive Communion on the tongue.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rest in Peace Paul Likoudis

A devoted Catholic journalist has completed his earthly pilgrimage. Paul Likoudis, news editor for The Wanderer Catholic newspaper from 1990 to 2014, died Sept. 22 at age 61 after a lengthy battle with cancer. (I contributed articles to The Wandererprimarily from 2000 to 2005.)

I've referenced Paul's work several times in this column over the last 12 years. The amount of material he collected and wrote during the course of his career was, and is, remarkable. Paul wasn't afraid to take on heterodox bishops, priests and religious, while at the same time promoting Catholic orthodoxy. He deserves praise for exposing church corruption in the years prior to 2002, when the clergy sex abuse scandal exploded in the secular mainstream media.

Paul had his critics, but he clearly cherished the Catholic faith. He will be missed. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his family. Below is an obituary for Paul.

Assisi and the Absent Prefect of the CDF: 1986 Ratzinger, 2016 Müller

(Rome) The images are repeated with shifted accents. In 1986 Pope John Paul II attended  the first World Prayer Meeting Religions for Peace to Assisi that was organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio. The prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, his closest collaborator, refused and remained in Rome.
In 2016 Pope Francis attended the 30th world prayer meeting in Assisi. The prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, remained in Rome. Those present did not notice the absence. Anyway, it seems, in contrast to 1986, to have disturbed no one,  the least of all, Pope Francis.
Cardinal Müller took a position in his own way to the battery of problems by taking a position on the issue in Assisi. He traveled to Regensburg for another anniversary. Ten years ago, on 12 September 2006,  Benedict XVI. held his historic Regensburg speech about the unity of faith and reason, with two specific areas: western relativism and Islam.
Cardinal Müller described the speech as his "finest hour"."Prophetic"  where Benedict XVI. analyzed Western society in crisis and Islamic terrorism.
Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, saw the matter differently and distanced himself. "I do not identify myself with the words of the Pope," he did this through his press spokesman Don Guillermo Marco for Newsweek. When a Pope does not recognize the "values of Islam," he destroys in twenty seconds, that which was built in the last twenty years, was his indictment of the Regensburg speech by Benedict XVI.
The Vatican was not pleased with this stab and demanded an explanation. Bergoglio was to distance himself from his the statements or those by his press secretary. The primate of Argentina was ready to do neither to do one nor the other. Half a year later, as even the Argentine government criticized Marco for something else, the speaker was been replaced. Officially,  the archdiocese spoke of a "restructuring in the press" of the archdiocese "to optimize the relations with the media." Bergoglio had not distanced himself from his criticism of the Regensburg speech.
Guillermo Marco, whose star remained undimmed with his superior, now elected pope, at the beginning of 2016, appeared in the first and most controversial "video of the Pope."  The video caused outrage because of its syncretistic message that Marco made even stronger in an interview with " abstruse theories." Whith that, we come full circle to Assisi IV.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred
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