All articles by: Chris McLaughlin

Labour rebels threaten a ‘war of attrition’

Published: August 8, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

A “kamikaze” plot to unseat Jeremy Corbyn as the democratically elected Labour leader has entered a summer of choreographed discontent by right-wing MPs prepared to adopt the discredited Trotskyist theory …

Labour in turmoil

Published: July 23, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

Chris McLaughlin examines the battle for the heart and soul of the Labour party   A senior Labour MP on his way to the ‘hustings’ at which the leadership candidates …

Brexit exposes a nation in denial

Published: July 11, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

Britain’s decision to vote in favour of leaving the European Union has lifted a stone on a country which, underneath its comfortable, conservative surface, is wracked by division. The divide …

Far right denied

Published: May 27, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

An attempt by the far right to take the presidency of Austria was seen off by the narrowest of margins when the former Green Party leader beat the anti-immigration Freedom …

Austrian Chancellor quits

Published: May 13, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

Austria’s social democrat Chancellor Werner Faymann has unexpectedly resigned following his party’s heavy losses in last month’s presidential election.

In Perspective – Catherine Macleod

Published: April 30, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

Of course the economy is important. So is the health service, education, our trade figures, immigration and many of the other issues debated in the run up to the European …

Glimmer of hope for UK steel

Published: April 29, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

A glimmer of hope for the British steel industry emerged with indications that Tata might retain its Port Talbot plant amid improving prospects for the UK business.

News in Brief

Published: April 29, 2016
Written by Chris McLaughlin

American President Barack Obama intervened in the UK referendum on European Union membership with a hint at punitive action if Brexit wins the day, saying that Britain would have to …