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Prince George was happy to hold dad's hand.

Why more strangers should be like Justin Trudeau

Yes, we've all been there. Whether it's an acquaintance, a random person in a shop or a beloved grandparent, all kids have moments of not wanting to provide a requested high five, cuddle or kiss.

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Seven Year Switch stars Tim and Jackie have called their new son Chadwick Wolf.

Seven Year Switch couple Jackie and Tim 'shocked' by new parenthood

Three weeks after announcing the birth of their son, Chadwick Wolf Naugton, Seven Year Switch couple Jackie Martin and Tim Naughton have shared something most new parents can relate to: life with a newborn is tough on relationships.

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Just add baby once you've made this fringed play mat.

DIY fringed play mat

A do-it-yourself project for parents and kids who like to play together.

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A sexless relationship is defined as having sex fewer than 10 times a year.

Can a sexless marriage survive?

Many couples I see in my practice used to enjoy good sex lives - but now they rarely have sex any more. 

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