We are not 'inflation nutters', RBA's new chief Philip Lowe says

New Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe says the central bank's policy makers aren't "inflation nutters" when it comes to moderating price growth. 

In his first appearance at the parliamentary standing committee on economics, Lowe said that when it came to monetary policy, the RBA did not see its job as always keeping inflation tightly in a narrow range. 

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Philip Lowe and Guy Debelle are the unlikely duo taking the reigns at the Reserve Bank of Australia.

"We have not been what some have called 'inflation nutters'," he said. 

"We have had a more balanced perspective, recognising that some degree of variability in inflation from year to year is both inevitable and appropriate."

RBA governor Philip Lowe faced the standing committee on economics for the first time since his appointment.
RBA governor Philip Lowe faced the standing committee on economics for the first time since his appointment. Photo: Brook Mitchell

In a broad-ranging, upbeat speech, the newly appointed central bank chief said the drag on national income from falling commodity prices could be coming to an end. 

Weak growth in nominal incomes went "some way to explaining the sense of disappointment in parts of the community about recent economic outcomes", he said. Over the past five years export prices had fallen by about one-third. But the fall needed to be kept in perspective. 


Export prices remained considerably higher relative to the price of our imports than they were in the 1990s and early 2000s. And some of the fall in prices is because of increased production from Australia. 

"So while we are receiving lower prices for our exports, we are selling more." Dr Lowe said. "The recent news on commodity prices has been a bit more positive than it has been for a while. Over the past couple of months, the prices of some of our key exports have risen, partly in response to production cutbacks by high-cost producers elsewhere.

"While it is difficult to predict the future, if these increases were to be sustained then we could look forward to the drag on national income from falling commodity prices coming to an end."

Prospects brighten 

More broadly, business conditions had improved, employment had increased and there are signs of a modest pick-up in private investment.

Dr Lowe said the bank was somewhat more comfortable about the housing market, despite rising house prices in Sydney and Melbourne. 

But he believed the labour market was weaker than statistics showed, due to the skew towards part-time work. 

Despite this, he said the economy would continue to benefit from low interest rates as it transitions out of the mining boom. While mining investment still had some way to fall, the RBA's best estimate was that around three-quarters of the total decline was "now behind us".

"At the global level there has been a very heavy reliance on monetary policy to stimulate growth. 

"Some central banks have taken extraordinary actions, including large-scale money creation and setting negative policy interest rates. This has had global ramifications. 

"While these actions have generally not been taken with the direct intention of influencing exchange rates, they have, inevitably, affected international capital flows and exchange rates." 

The RBA board cut the cash rate by 25 basis points in May and again last month, taking it to a record low of 1.5 per cent. 

"Our judgement is that this easing in monetary policy is supporting jobs and economic activity in Australia, and thus improving the prospects for sustainable growth and inflation outcomes consistent with the medium-term target," Dr Lowe said.

While China was in the middle of a difficult economic transition, the latest data suggested it had not faced a major interruption to growth, he said.

Trump and the Big Four

Looking to the US presidential elections and their potential ramifications, Dr Lowe said a win by Donald Trump would be a surprise to many in financial markets.

However the RBA head doesn't think a specific contingency plan is necessary to meet any market shock that might arise, such as that which followed the surprise Brexit vote.

"We haven't got a particular contingency plan for that event, but we would be watching the markets and we have the capability to respond if there was an adverse response," Dr Lowe said.

Asked about the decisions by each of Australia's big four banks not to pass on all of the August interest rate cut, Dr Lowe said they had done no more than maintain their profitability in the face of higher funding costs, but he said it was reasonable to ask whether borrowers should have borne those costs rather than shareholders.

It is the first time Dr Lowe has fronted the parliament in the top seat, having only just taken over from Glenn Stevens last weekend. 

His comments came after the US Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged on Wednesday, but strongly signalled it could still tighten monetary policy by the end of the year.

The Fed's decision followed one by the Bank of Japan to continue loosening its policy while limiting the impact of low rates on financial institutions.

The minutes of the RBA's latest monetary policy meeting, released on Tuesday, showed the central bank was not overly concerned by rising housing prices or the high auction clearance rates reported recently.

Dr Lowe has taken over as head of the RBA amid a period of slower economic growth, ultra-low inflation and high levels of debt, and with central banks' effectiveness under scrutiny.

The hearing is continuing. 

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