DigitsEgiaztatu kontua


No more passwords. Powerful login that grows your mobile graph.

San Francisco, CA
2014(e)ko urriak(e)tik Twitterren

@digits blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @digits desblokeatuko.

  1. Finkatutako Txioa

    Passwords = pain. Make login seamless with phone verification by Digits. Free & trusted by 7000+ apps since 2014.

  2. Launching Digits 2.0 for Android: Better performance & alignment w/ modern Android libraries

  3. Congrats to our friends on their massive growth in new user sign-up rates! Glad was able to help 👏

  4. Introducing dynamic routing for Digits: lightning-fast SMS for optimal login performance

  5. (r)i erantzunez

    5/ The team is incredibly humbled by and thankful for your support. We look forward to continue supporting you!

  6. 4/ Backed & inspired by Twitter’s infrastructure that supports 320M MAUs, Digits is trusted by thousands of top apps

  7. 3/ That’s why we built Digits in 2014. We’re passionate about helping developers and we’ve been listening & iterating over the past 2 years.

  8. 2/ We think the phone number is the solution & future to user authentication for mobile apps

  9. 1/ Passwords = poor UX. Non-password forms of are emerging: phone, fingerprint & even the selfie.

  10. Voice verification that supports 29 languages? Check. Read more in our March Update

  11. Just launched: Digits is now embeddable for web! Also, new UX upgrades on both web & mobile

  12. We kicked off 2016 by working on an integration with Answers, the #1 mobile analytics tool!

  13. 2015 is almost over! Relive some of the biggest moments for Fabric this year

  14. Finally, login that's actually seamless on Apple TV. Introducing Digits for tvOS!

  15. We'll be LIVE 🎥 in one hour with the team! Tune in on :

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