Privacy Policy

The website is operated by Macquarie Media Syndication Pty Ltd ABN 14 002 015 821 from it’s offices at Level 2, 170 Pacific Highway, Greenwich, New South Wales, Australia.

1. Terms Of Use

(c) Macquarie Media Syndication Pty Ltd
This website and all materials on the website, including pages and on-line images, are subject to copyright and protected by the laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties. All rights are reserved to Macquarie Media Syndication Pty Limited and its related bodies corporate and in some cases, third parties.

In accessing the Macquarie Media Syndication’s website you agree that:

  • You may view the website and its contents using your web browser.
  • You may retrieve material on the website for information only.
  • You may save an electronic copy or print out parts of this website for your own personal use or in order to inform authorised and potential users about Macquarie Media Syndication’s materials.

However you may not:

  • modify the copy made of Macquarie Media Syndication’s materials, without the express permission of Macquarie Media Syndication;
  • make any charge for your use or for informing other users of the site; and
  • commercially exploit any Macquarie Media Syndication material.

You must include the copyright notice, (c) Macquarie Media Syndication, in any copy you make of the materials from the website.

  • You must not reproduce, transmit or broadcast, adapt or otherwise use the whole or parts of the Macquarie Media Syndication website without the prior written consent of Macquarie Media Syndication.

This internet website may contain links to other internet websites (‘Linked Sites’) which are not under the control of Macquarie Media Syndication and Macquarie Media Syndication is not responsible for the contents of any Linked Sites, including without limitation any link contained in a Linked Site or any changes or updates to a Linked Site.

Macquarie Media Syndication is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link on the Macquarie Media Syndication website does not imply endorsement by Macquarie Media Syndication of the site or any association with its operators.

Advertisers and On-Line Shopping
Your relations and dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers and vendors located on or contacted through the website, including the payment for and delivery of goods and services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings are solely between you and the relevant vendor or advertiser.

You agree that Macquarie Media Syndication and its related bodies corporate shall not be responsible or liable, either directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in relation to any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on the website.

2. Notice of Trademark
The words Macquarie Media Syndication and its logo used on the website are registered trademarks in Australia and may be the subject of rights in other countries. You may not use the trademark or logo without the prior written consent of Macquarie Media Syndication except by saving or printing out a copy of the website as permitted by the copyright notice.

3. Disclaimer
In compiling material contained on the website, Macquarie Media Syndication has used all reasonable efforts to ensure that the material is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect in the material. Macquarie Media Syndication makes no representations or warranties about the content or the suitability of the material on the Macquarie Media Syndication website for any purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, Macquarie Media Syndication disclaims all warranties with regard to the material on the website including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall Macquarie Media Syndication be liable for any damages whatsoever including special indirect or consequential damages, resulting from loss, including loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action for breach of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the material from the Macquarie Media Syndication website.

4. Applicable Law
By accessing the Macquarie Media Syndication website or downloading any information from the website, you accept that any disputes about the website or its contents is to be governed by the laws of New South Wales and determined by the courts having jurisdiction there. Macquarie Media Syndication makes no representation that this website complies with the laws of any country outside Australia.

5. Entrants in Competitions and Loyalty Programs
Entry in any Macquarie Media Syndication competition or loyalty program is open to all residents of Australia only and will be subject to conditions of entry.

6. Privacy Statement
Macquarie Media Syndication supports your right to know what information we collect about you when you visit our website. We also believe in safeguarding information about you and letting you know how we intend to use the information.

Our technology automatically collects non-personal information and data transmitted between Macquarie Media Syndication’s internet servers and your computer. This information will be used by Macquarie Media Syndication to help us serve you better by enabling us to assess our website’s popularity and how better to improve our services. To do this we may conduct a statistical analysis of the information and use the results.

Personal information may be collected from time to time for our own commercial purposes including but not limited to contest registrations, community postings, suggestions, and voting activities. We will not sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to anyone else without your permission. However, by providing the information, you agree to allow us to freely use the information.

We may also collect your e-mail address if you communicate with us by e-mail. We may use your e-mail address to notify you of any changes to our website and keep you updated about services. You should let us know if you don’t want us to communicate with you by e-mail. You may ask us how and where your records are kept.

You may also have your records amended if they are incorrect or removed from our system by your request. This privacy statement is not intended to and does not create any contractual or other legal right in or on behalf of any party.

Privacy Policy
Macquarie Media Syndication is bound by the National Privacy Principles outlined in Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and is therefore subject to obligations relating to the collection, use, disclosure, accuracy, security, accessibility and export of personal information.

Macquarie Media Syndication is committed to educating its employees on information privacy obligations and compliance.

This Privacy Policy Statement sets the policies of Macquarie Media Syndication with respect to personal information it collects, uses and discloses.

Collection of information
Macquarie Media Syndication may collect personal information in numerous circumstances.

The personal information collected and stored usually depends upon the circumstances but will often include an individual’s name, contacts details and details of the purpose for the individual contacting Macquarie Media Syndication.

In most cases, information will be collected directly from the individual concerned. Where it is collected through a third party, we shall endeavor to ensure you are made aware of this.

Disclosure of information by Macquarie Media Syndication
Macquarie Media Syndication will treat personal information we collect with the strictest confidence and will only disclose that information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988. We may disclose personal information in the following circumstances:

  • to a contractor under an outsourcing arrangement but only where the contractor is committed to meeting the same privacy obligations as those binding on Macquarie Media Syndication;
  • to other companies in the Macquarie Media Limited;
  • to operators of competitions for processing applications and delivering prizes; and
  • in accordance with any consent given to Macquarie Media Syndication or where Macquarie Media Syndication is compelled or authorised by law.

Use of information by Macquarie Media Syndication

  • Macquarie Media Syndication may use personal information for a wide range of purposes depending upon the circumstances in which it receives or collects the information.

Macquarie Media Syndication does not sell personal information to third parties.

Privacy Complaints
Complaints about Macquarie Media Syndication’s handling of personal information may be made by contacting the General Manager.

Access to personal information
Any request for access about the information Macquarie Media Syndication holds may be made by contacting the General Manager.

Any person may obtain access to information we hold about him or her in accordance with the requirements and qualifications in the Privacy Act.