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Emma Watson's UN speech dismissed as 'whining, leftie, PC crap' by UK columnist

In a scathing and bizarre piece of writing, a British newspaper columnist has dismissed Emma Watson's speech at the UN summit in New York last week as "whining, leftie, PC crap". 

Referring to Watson's role in the Harry Potter movies, The Sun columnist Rod Liddle began his wrap of her address in Friday's paper with "Hermione Granger has been addressing the United Nations General Assembly. Nope, not kidding."

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UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and actor Emma Watson makes remarks on the state of gender equality and violence against women in Universities, during a speech for the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which she helped launched.

Liddle continued, "Anyway, instead of telling them all the rules of quidditch or how to turn someone into a frog, she bored them all rigid with whining, leftie, PC crap.

"Just like all actresses do if people are stupid enough to give them the chance."

The only explanation for Liddle's shock that "Hermione Granger" would be speaking at the UN seems to be that the man had just woken from a two-year coma, missing Watson's continued involvement with the UN since 2014.

He must have been out cold when Watson previously attended the UN's New York headquarters to launch its "He for She" gender equality campaign, addressed the 2015 World Economic Forum and ranked 26 on Time magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people.


It's also interesting to note that Liddle seems to have a particular problem with "actresses" using their public persona to push for social justice issues, name-checking Watson and Angelina Jolie while other celebrity social justice warriors such as Leonardo DiCaprio were spared.

"I suppose they got Emma in because Angelina Jolie is a bit tied up with other stuff at the moment," he wrote.

That, or because she is literally the face of the global gender equality campaign she was speaking about. But, you know, whatever you think, Mr Liddle.

For those interested, Brown University graduate Watson spoke to the UN about the need to tackle sexual assault on campus.

"What if our experiences at university show us that women don't belong in leadership?" Watson said.

"What if, as is the case at far too many universities, we are given the message that sexual violence isn't actually a form of violence?"

The actress went on to announce the He for She Impact 10x10x10 report, a commitment by 10 of the world's leading universities to take steps towards achieving gender parity.

The universities are Georgetown University (in the US), Institut d'études politiques de Paris (France), Nagoya University (Japan), Stony Brook University (US), the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), the University of Leicester (Britain), the University of Oxford (Britain), the University of São Paulo (Brazil), the University of Waterloo (Canada), and the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa). No Australian universities are involved.