Monday, October 10, 2016

Late Night

Rock on.

Monday Night

It's alright.

Afternoon Thread


Undecided Voters

If at this point in a campaign season you claim to be genuinely undecided, you're lazy, lying, or stupid. New information coming in might change your mind, of course, but if you've bothered to put any time in at all to pay attention (and much respect for people who have other hobbies, to be honest), you should be decided.

It isn't the deep dark ages, like 15 years ago, when maybe someone who didn't pay all that much to politics would actually have to spend some effort to figure out information about the candidates. There are candidate websites and the google. You can get enough information to make a decision. Even if some of that information is bullshit, it's information.

And it's also not the glorious era much loved by reporters when tip-n-ronnie had a beer, when southern democrats were democrats, and when genuine cross-party coalitions existed. That historical aberration is gone. You know pretty much what Generic Democrat and Generic Republican will support and suppose. Not all the details, of course, but at least the basic direction.

Beet Down

Always somewhat interested in foods that some people hate to the point of revulsion and some people like/love. Cilantro is the obvious one (Personally, I barely taste the stuff. You have to tell me it's in something. I neither like nor dislike it, it just doesn't exist) that seems to have some sort of genetic link. I wonder about beets. I get puzzled when people express disgust for them (as opposed to just not liking them, we all have personal preferences). They seem sweet and tasty to me, but more to the point I don't see how they're disgusting.

If Only

There was some way that employers could attract better workers to work in their places of employment.

This guy is completely full of shit, obviously.

Just say "Slum"

Not the worst of his offenses, but that Trump assumes all black people live one kind of life (his greater sin) and that they all live in the "inner city" really bothers me. Basically he's using "inner city" as a synonym for "urban slum" so just say that. It would still be wrong, but that's what he means. "Inner city" isn't actually a synonym for urban slum. It's a term to describe the geography of a certain kind of poverty, a poverty not just related to race (though that too), but of location, reflecting the result of history and a set of policies, along with a specific problem to be addressed. It doesn't just mean where the poor black people are. It means the "inner cities" where concentrated poverty was a big deal.

I say was, because a lot of those inner cities are doing okay. Donald Trump lives in an inner city. The geography of poverty has changed, and it's been moving out of the inner cities. Urban poverty still exists, but it's being pushed out of the inner cities to the fringes and beyond in many areas. The word "inner" is there for a reason. It meant in the center, in the core. As opposed to the "outer" city.

Also, to, he's a horrible racist who doesn't know anything about the reality of black life in America. He just thinks they all live in slums.

The Morning After

Was it all just a dream?

I need a vacation. Light blogging today. It's a holiday!

Morning Thread

One person needed a home run at last night's debate to stop the bleeding. He didn't get it.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Debate 3

Get your final drinking in.

Debate 2

Trapped in the Matrix.

On the Book of Faces


How does Donald watch himself on teevee when he's live on teevee?

Afternoon Thread

BBL, heading out to buy all the bourbon.



When I was a kid/teen I thought people grew up. I don't mean that I thought adults were all perfect. I had eyes. I just didn't think they behaved the way children do, with narcissistic neediness and unable to usually keep control of those emotions. You know, no tantrums when it's not all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

And then I realized there are adults like Trump.

The Clenis Maneuver

Rudy 9/11 will probably spit out "Bill Clinton" to every question on the 400 Sunday shows he's doing this morning as Trump's last defender. Bets on whether any host will bring up his own imperfect marital past?

Sunday Morning Thread

The bobble head shows should be interesting this morning, if only to keep track of who shows up and who doesn't.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Saturday Night

Your moment of Zen.

This Movie Is A Bit Too Long

I kinda hate myself for getting sucked into all the shit which should not matter (yes, yes, it matters that Donald Trump is a horrible person who boasts about sexual assault, but the rest of it is mostly entertainment). But it is all pretty hilarious. At least if he doesn't win.

Saturday Evening

Rock on.

Who Will Think of the Children?

Specifically, who will explain all of this to them?