- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 1253
This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et cetera. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and literature reached its peak centuries before the rise of ancient Rome.
Coordinates: 38°52′59″N 77°0′59″W / 38.88306°N 77.01639°W / 38.88306; -77.01639
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958 with a distinctly civilian (rather than military) orientation encouraging peaceful applications in space science. The National Aeronautics and Space Act was passed on July 29, 1958, disestablishing NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The new agency became operational on October 1, 1958.
Since that time, most US space exploration efforts have been led by NASA, including the Apollo moon-landing missions, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. Currently, NASA is supporting the International Space Station and is overseeing the development of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, the Space Launch System and Commercial Crew vehicles. The agency is also responsible for the Launch Services Program (LSP) which provides oversight of launch operations and countdown management for unmanned NASA launches.
Incredible Flare 10/11 June 2014 The second X-class flare of June 10, 2014, appears as a bright flash on the left side of this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. This image shows light in the 193-angstrom wavelength, which is typically colorized in yellow. It was captured at 8:55 a.m EDT, just after the flare peaked. [ITA] Nelle ultime ore l'attività solare pare essersi improvvisamente risvegliata. Sulla nostra stella si sono verificati tre brillamenti di classe X in sole 24 ore, registrando uno dei periodi più prolifici del ciclo undecennale. Ad una prima analisi sembrava che le nubi di plasma e di particelle cariche, ossia l'onda d'urto degli eventi, non fossero dirette verso il nostro pianeta, ma ulteriori e più approfondite osservazioni hanno suggerito che una parte di tal...
La Nasa ha dato l'ok alla fase finale di sviluppo del gigante dello spazio, lo Space launch System (Sls). Ne ha dato annuncio l'amministratore delegato dell'agenzia spaziale statunitense, Charles Bolden. “Siamo in un viaggio di esplorazione scientifica e umana che porta verso Marte”, le parole con cui ha indicato il pianeta rosso come la destinazione finale degli sforzi sostenuti dalla Nasa. “Siamo risolutamente impegnati a realizzare il veicolo di lancio e altri sistemi di supporto che ci porteranno in questo viaggio”, ha specificato Bolden. Il gioiello a cui è legato il futuro dell'esplorazione spaziale è un vettore che porterà gli astronauti dalla Terra a Marte entro gli anni '30 di questo secolo. La costruzione del razzo da 2,8 miliardi di dollari è stata affidata alla Boeing. La lungh...
Massimo Mazzucco, nel suo video pubblicato in YouTube col titolo “La “diretta TV” dalla Luna” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbZcuN77bqc ), afferma che le trasmissioni TV realizzate con la telecamera montata sul Rover nelle missioni Apollo 15, 16, 17 sarebbero troppo pulite, senza alcun disturbo o perdita di segnale, pertanto false. A suo dire la High-Gain Antenna che inviava a Terra il segnale televisivo avrebbe avuto bisogno di un puntamento assolutamente perfetto col mirino ottico, 2 gradi secondo lui, per poter funzionare, mentre in tante scene si vede il Rover (e l’inquadratura) ondeggiare senza che il segnale scompaia. Prima di tutto va detto che Mazzucco si è “dimenticato” di segnalare una frase importante che compare nel manuale di quella antenna, ovvero che "The antenna has a...
This is Omega Project Your Progressed Horoscope translated into Music. As the planets progress through the heavens they generate harmonic vibrations which are personal to an individual throughout their life. The music interprets all the Aspects which occur during your life time. From this data we create a natural Midi File, which we then add the musical probable tonalities. Dit is Omega Project Je progressieve horoscoop omgezet in MUZIEK. Terwijl de planeten door het universum bewegen, genereren ze harmonische vibraties. Die vibraties zijn voor elk persoon anders en beinvloeden je ganse leven.De muziek interpreteert dus alle aspecten gedurende je ganse leven.Met die data, creeeren we de muziek, JOU 'levens'muziek. Indien u meer informatie wenst, contact mij via fb of email. Aub...'share'...
La macchia solare AR1540 ha eruttato l'11 agosto, producendo un'eruzione solare di lunga durata, di classe M1, che ha raggiunto il suo picco attorno alle 1220 UT (ore 1420 Italia). Il Solar Dynamics Observatory della NASA ha registrato il flash ultravioletto estremo. C'è stata produzione di una lieve CME, non diretta verso la Terra (spaceweather.com). Video : NASA *** Seguici su: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LoScientifico Twitter : https://twitter.com/Lo_Scientifico Sito : http://loscientifico.it/
24 Hours Live Camera coverage of Bloemfontein City, South Africa.
Comet Ison C/2012 S1. This is the orbital trajectory of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) as of April, 2013 This comet has the potential to be visible with the naked eye in daylight. Comet of the Century :- http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/18jan_cometison/ NASA's Deep Impact Spacecraft Eyes Comet ISON: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/asteroids/news/asteroid20130205.html http://www.cometison2013.co.uk
Music video by Darren Espanto performing In Love Ako Sa 'Yo. (C) 2015 MCA Music, Inc.
@ http://www.twitter.com/Jamzen John Lash The ChosenPeople, The ArchonInfectionm & White Genocide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U424pnjADE Magnus Olsson: Transhumanist Agenda are mind stealers! Conference to feature NSA whistleblower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYIej-sHhS4 http://exopolitics.blogs.com/peaceinspace/2014/10/magnus-olsson-transhumanist-agenda-are-mind-stealers-brussels-conference-to-feature-nsa-whistleblower-william-binney.html MeBlindByTheLight Friday 10/10/14 10-10-14 ZenMeds Gen1:14: #Quantum #Hoax? #FalseFlag Signs: #Sun #Moon #BloodMoon #LunarEclipse. http://youtu.be/gZC-Wc7Np6M Thursday 10/9/14 YT Search “378 nano” How To Make Nano Colloidal Silver In An Emergency by ZeroFossilFuel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ2_htS-bW0 Pastafarian D...
This video is of the NASA & ULA Osiris-REx Atlas V Launch that happened on September 8th 2016. It was a quick and smooth jolt of rocket fuel that entertained spectators on it's way up to space. The payload was the Osiris-REx Asteroid Sample Return probe. We are about to tango with an asteroid, now that's cool.
Dengan menggunakan Tambak Organik Nasa (TON) meningkatkan hasil udang windu, udah cepat besar dan gemuk, hemat pengeluaran pemeliharaan. Untuk Info, pemesanan dan reseller, silahkan menghubungi Pin Bb 5c665DF7, dan Hp/Wa. 0857 4386 4633, dengan saya Anis S Kis. (N-418479).
Add me: MF721
POC NASA meningkatkan hasil panen tanaman jagung manis, pertumbuhan pagus, lebih tinggi dan tonggol jagung besar. Untuk Info, pemesanan dan reseller, silahkan menghubungi Pin Bb 5c665DF7, dan Hp/Wa. 0857 4386 4633, dengan saya Anis S Kis. (N-418479).
ExoPlanteas.com NOTICIA: La imagen del día de la NASA publicada el 15 de Septiembre es esta ilustración creada gracias a los datos del telescopio espacial WISE (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer) juego de palabras y siglas y en inglés de explorador de campo amplio de infrarrojos. la luz infrarroja nos permite, entre otras cosas ver la temperatura de las cosas; y lo de juego de palabras es que WISE significa en inglés "sabio". Así que gracias a este sabio telescopio espacial se ha conseguido detectar el flujo de de material radiante de una estrella que está siendo devorada por un agujero negro. En este caso concreto el agujero negro se encuentra rodeado por un anillo de polvo que se iluminó por las llamaradas de radiación de alta energía que emite el material de la estrella que gira cerca...
Budidaya padi dengan pupuk organik dan greenstar NASA Jogja, hasil meningkat, anakan tanaman padi dan bulir padi meningkat tajam. Supernasa, granule, glio, greenstar, hormonik dan pestona. Untuk Info, pemesanan dan reseller, silahkan menghubungi Pin Bb 5c665DF7, dan Hp/Wa. 0857 4386 4633, dengan saya Anis S Kis. (N-418479).
This week, Matty, Zach, Ted, Josiah, and special guest Mark from Spectrum Pulse talk Black Flag, hardcore punk, Neon Indian, Billy Joel, Regina Spektor, Aesop Rock, El-P, Run the Jewels, Mick Jenkins, Animal Collective, country music, Frankmusik, Marianas Trench, Uncommon Nasa, and the new Deerhunter album, Fading Frontier. Subscribe to us on iTunes: http://apple.co/1FacExX Check our archives at: https://rindieheadspodcast.wordpress.com/ E-mail us at rindieheadspodcast@gmail.com And follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/indieheadspod This Episode's Cast: Matty http://www.reddit.com/user/ReconEG Zach https://www.reddit.com/user/waffel113 Ted https://www.reddit.com/user/dankdadburrito Josiah https://www.reddit.com/user/wildimp Mark https://www.youtube.com/user/SilensCursor Che...
26 mei 2015 Het naoorlogs erfgoed staat flink in de belangstelling tegenwoordig. Begin april werd officieel bekend gemaakt dat Tilburg er vier nieuwe rijksmonumenten bij heeft: de schouwburg, het station, het Cobbenhagengebouw van de universiteit en de kapel Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Nood. Al deze gebouwen komen uit de wederopbouwperiode. Over een ander beeldbepalend gebouw uit die tijd, Stadskantoor 1, wordt in de stad nog stevig gediscussieerd. Lezing en gesprek Op 26 mei gaan we in gesprek over naoorlogs erfgoed. Hoe kunnen we wederopbouwerfgoed typeren? Wat kenmerkt bouwwerken uit die tijd? Wat is de waarde ervan? En hoe kunnen we met die waarden omgaan bij herontwikkeling? Om deze en meer vragen te beantwoorden nodigen we een expert op het gebied van wederopbouwerfgoed uit. Ook vragen we ...
Complot Compleet. Platte Aarde Documentaire 2016. Engelstalig. Deel ons op social media! Het Nederlandse compleetdenkers kanaal met de laatste compleettheorieën en hier en daar een vleugje red pill. Zelfstandig denken is vereist. U noemt het complot denken? Wij noemen het compleet denken. De meerderheid heeft niet per definitie gelijk. # Drie duidelijke huisregels. 1. Wees respectvol. Onbehoorlijke commentaren worden verwijderd en leiden tot permanente banning. 2. Sta open voor ieders ideeën en zienswijze. Dat jij iets niet gelooft betekend niet dat het niet mogelijk is. 3. Het posten van interessant complot- en red pill materiaal wordt door ons gewaardeerd. Welbedoelde disclaimer voor de dames. Lieve dames, neem geen aanstoot aan het red pill materiaal maar zie het als een mogelijkh...
Complot Compleet. Bewijs Dat De Eerste Maanlanding In 1969 Nep Was - Docu. Engelstalig. Deel ons op social media! Het Nederlandse compleetdenkers kanaal met de laatste compleettheorieën en hier en daar een vleugje red pill. Zelfstandig denken is vereist. U noemt het complot denken? Wij noemen het compleet denken. De meerderheid heeft niet per definitie gelijk. # Drie duidelijke huisregels. 1. Wees respectvol. Onbehoorlijke commentaren worden verwijderd en leiden tot permanente banning. 2. Sta open voor ieders ideeën en zienswijze. Dat jij iets niet gelooft betekend niet dat het niet mogelijk is. 3. Het posten van interessant complot- en red pill materiaal wordt door ons gewaardeerd. Welbedoelde disclaimer voor de dames. Lieve dames, neem geen aanstoot aan het red pill materiaal maar...
http://www.medicinaeinformazione.com/ https://www.facebook.com/MedicinaEInformazione L'applicazione di alcuni elettrodi in determinate aree del cervello, collegati ad uno stimolatore, può aiutare nel controllo dei sintomi di molte malattie neurologiche e non solo, dal momento che pur essendo nato come trattamento per i pazienti affetti da Malattia di Parkinson resistenti ai farmaci negli ultimi anni ha trovato applicazione in moltissimi campi con la possibilità di affrontare patologie fra le più varie come cefalea a grappolo, tremori post ictus, sindrome della Tourette, disturbo ossessivo compulsivo, depressione, distonie e molte altre. Per conoscere meglio la tecnica e capire in quali patologie - e in quali pazienti - può essere utile abbiamo intervistato il Prof. Angelo Franzini, Dirett...
@ http://www.twitter.com/Jamzen Coincidences Not Coincidences ... Lunar Cycle = Menstrual Cycle .... Puppetstrings .... DaughtersOfJerusalem ... FallenAngels ... Satan/SaturnsWork .... They On The Darkside Of The Moon For Sure ...#RU93 MillionsMiles AwayFromAwakening ? Could The Moon & The Sun Be Only 2000 Miles Away? BOOK 3 OF ENOCH C72V37: THE SUN & THE MOON THE SAME SIZE!. #BoycottTheFed #BoycottIsrael #FreePalestine #GenocideInGaza’ #Israel #Hamas #MH17 #ISIS #ISRAEL #GAZA #RUSSIA #NEPHILIM #Ebola My Keystone Notes: A Brief History Of The US Nazi New World Order 1900 - ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHE72DX8xQAKMTYgjl4QCdv1sk46jQtrxC5SI7gDj0w/edit?usp=sharing FRiday Oct 17 2014 10.17.14 #Whistleblower: #COINTEL #Lightworkers, #Nazi Propaganda, A(lie)n Agenda21 http...
@ http://www.twitter.com/Jamzen @ http://www.twitter.com/Jamzen Start Of Jamzen Journal…..zzz Coincidences Not Coincidences ... Lunar Cycle = Menstrual Cycle .... Puppetstrings .... DaughtersOfJerusalem ... FallenAngels ... Satan/SaturnsWork .... They On The Darkside Of The Moon For Sure .. .#RU93 MillionsMiles AwayFromAwakening ? Could The Moon & The Sun Be Only 2000 Miles Away? BOOK 3 OF ENOCH C72V37: THE SUN & THE MOON THE SAME SIZE!. #BoycottTheFed #BoycottIsrael #FreePalestine #GenocideInGaza’ #Israel #Hamas #MH17 #ISIS #ISRAEL #GAZA #RUSSIA #NEPHILIM #Ebola My Keystone Notes: A Brief History Of The US Nazi New World Order 1900 - ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHE72DX8xQAKMTYgjl4QCdv1sk46jQtrxC5SI7gDj0w/edit?usp=sharing 10.27.14 Yahweh/Satans #AI Using AntiChrists@...
20160103 MostHiQuantumChristZenMeds: Simulation-BlendedTimelines::FlatEarth/BallEarth 20160103 ChristZenMeds: 2 Fathers in Heaven!? Overstanding RaceWars https://youtu.be/Y4hM8eio8gs 20151227 MostHi Meds: Jamaica Slaves, IrishWomen, BlackGoo, ChristZen Skip2 14:04 https://youtu.be/pQ1kONjVC3M 20151227 unlisted 1/2 Behead The Beheaders! RecursiveProgramming 20151227 #FlatEarth Vegan Meds: GEN1:30 GreenVeg4Food Skip2 8:00 https://youtu.be/BHmaew_1wy4 20151226 unlisted Msg2 HaraldKautzVella https://youtu.be/6tnm6nYeHio 20151224 Pt4B #CODEBREAKER BlackGoo NoahsArk TowerOfBabel BitumenPitch Petro https://youtu.be/jcQi3jaQ8Rg 20151225 unlisted Pt3 MostHiAI Meds: 2Pet3 Christmas COINTEL RebekahRoth,CaraStLouis https://youtu.be/zJYJBmtL7z0 20151225 unlisted Pt2 MostHiAI Meds: Christma...