- published: 08 Mar 2011
- views: 10922697
Asteroids are minor planets, especially those of the inner Solar System. The larger ones have also been called planetoids. These terms have historically been applied to any astronomical object orbiting the Sun that did not show the disc of a planet and was not observed to have the characteristics of an active comet. As minor planets in the outer Solar System were discovered and found to have volatile-based surfaces that resemble those of comets, they were often distinguished from asteroids of the asteroid belt. In this article, the term "asteroid" refers to the minor planets of the inner Solar System including those in co-orbit with Jupiter.
There are millions of asteroids, many thought to be the shattered remnants of planetesimals, bodies within the young Sun's solar nebula that never grew large enough to become planets. The large majority of known asteroids orbit in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, or are co-orbital with Jupiter (the Jupiter trojans). However, other orbital families exist with significant populations, including the near-Earth asteroids. Individual asteroids are classified by their characteristic spectra, with the majority falling into three main groups: C-type, M-type, and S-type. These were named after and are generally identified with carbon-rich, metallic, and silicate (stony) compositions, respectively.
Actors: Chad Mathis (miscellaneous crew), Sam Riegel (actor), Matt Walsh (actor), Matt Besser (writer), Casey Wilson (actress), Matt Besser (director), Ian Roberts (actor), Tim Meadows (actor), Horatio Sanz (actor), Amy Poehler (actress), Drew Droege (actor), Matt Besser (actor), Angela Trimbur (actress), Andrew Daly (actor), Neil Mahoney (director),
Genres: Comedy, Musical,Actors: Frankie Faison (actor), Vincent Spano (actor), Steven Randazzo (actor), Bill Raymond (actor), John Sayles (actor), Tony Lo Bianco (actor), Josh Mostel (actor), Mason Daring (actor), Tony Denison (actor), Joe Morton (actor), Jude Ciccolella (actor), Joe Grifasi (actor), Chris Cooper (actor), Lawrence Tierney (actor), David Strathairn (actor),
Plot: City of Hope is a portrait of a typical middle-sized American city of the present day. The crux of the story is an old apartment block which stands in the way of a major commercial development. Joe Rinaldi is the building contractor who owns the buildings, and is being pressured to torch them to permit the development to occur. His estranged son, Nick, soon becomes a pawn in the power politics of the city. Corrupt Mayor Baci and policeman O'Brien are determined to push the development, while idealistic city councilman Wynn soon finds himself torn between what he knows is right and what his black constituents want.
Keywords: african-american, arson, broken-windshield, burglary, construction-company, father-son-relationship, fictional-city, homophobia, independent-film, italian-american● Discovery Channel - Large Asteroid Impact Simulation (2008). Earth was born as a result of repeated asteroid collisions, the moon was created by a single giant impact event. Then, Earth's size attracted huge meteorites, which slammed into it, causing super-high-temperature rock vapour to cover the entire surface and evaporate all ocean water. The earliest life-forms survived such infernal events by escaping deep into the ground, miraculously emerging again and again. The Earth has gone through innumerable catastrophic events, and life has survived by acquiring new abilities to live through each crisis. Humans are part of the grand history of life's evolution, which has been closely intertwined with repeated cataclysmic events. Learn what would happen if an asteroid hit the Earth with t...
What I know about the info circulating the web about potential asteroid strikes this week. Our Website http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w07Y8LbjEk http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/nasa-planetary-defense-office_us_5693359de4b0a2b6fb70aaee
Alert ! NASA Warns of Asteroid That Could Hit Earth Causing ‘Immense Suffering And Death’ If Asteroid will Hit Earth – NASA Says Pray , If So ! Asteroid which is actually a SMALL PLANET is BENNU. OSIRIS REX steroid Redirect Mission of NASA has launched to arrive there by 2018 to bring back sample... ~~ Links: 1) http://www.prepperfortress.com/alert-nasa-warns-asteroid-hit-earth-causing-immense-suffering-death-asteroid-will-hit-earth-nasa-says-pray/ 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101955_Bennu 3) NASA VIDEO: File:1999 RQ36.ogv, Animation of OSIRIS-REx collecting a sample from asteroid Bennu, Public Domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101955_Bennu 4) Thumbnail image - Asteroid impact by Getty, Wikimedia commons images, Bennu sample collecting OSIRIS-REx artist rendetion, Wikipedia public...
In this Space and Universe video, we are going to present you a documentary which explains the scenario of asteroid hitting earth i.e., doomsday predictions. Learn what will happen when an asteroid hits earth by watching this video. By watching this Doomsday video, you can learn about the doomsday predictions, doomsday asteroid, asteroid hitting earth, NASA earth asteroid predictions, asteroid impact on earth, asteroid impact simulation, etc. Watch Doomsday Predictions - Asteroid Hitting Earth (Full Documentary) in high definition (HD) here. If you would like to watch more videos related to space, universe, black holes, white holes, worm holes, time travel, space travel, cosmos, etc., subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoZ0kJ1M8zVD5G8n1FLifQ If you would like t...
Asteroid 2009ES, not Bennu was the target for the Osiris Rex rocket. The asteroid, which shows a close to near earth impact on September 23-25th has been nuked and fragments are now falling to earth as fireballs and "meteors" Reports coming from Montreal, Quebec, Massachussets, New Hampshire
NASA Asteroid mission to DESTROY INBOUND ASTEROIDS - - INBOUND ASTEROID to Strike Earth Sept 23 - 25th 2016 - Rockets with Nuclear Warheads Broke it in Huge Pieces Inbound to Earth. ~~ Links: 1) Video: ASTEROID ALERT 🔴 SEPTEMBER 23rd to 25th 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iQxR8KlqVc&feature;=youtu.be 2) Video: Impact and Tsunami re Nuclear Plants Nibiru 2016 Latest Intel New Update About Planet 7X #26 3) https://truthernews.wordpress.com/2016/09/16/global-asteroidcomet-attack-imminent-sep-16-2016-cia-likely-plotting-asteroidcomet-like-strike-on-september-21-2016-possibly-via-newly-discovered-mystery-object-niku-impending-atta/ 4) Thumbnail image -Asteroid Destruction by LASERS from EARTH for protection of Planet. (Getty) http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/684589/World-Asteroid-Da...
WARNING MESSAGE TO THE WORLD FROM THE LORD! ORIGINAL CHANNEL LINK BELOW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_QZiUaynMr9dPXfa3h3gg PRINT/EMAIL/TEXT THIS MESSAGE. YOUR ETERNITY DEPENDS ON IT: If you are reading this, you have hit the jackpot. First of all, Bible prophecy has been fulfilled (Israel has been restored as a nation, homosexuality has been accepted, people deny that GOD created the universe, people deny that Noah’s flood ever happened, the Scriptures tell us that there will be money-hungry Bible teachers who will slur the Christian faith and deceive many, scoffers will mock the Second Coming by claiming these signs have always been around, etc.) We are living near the END OF TIMES. If you think the Bible is just a random book written thousands of years ago, you are WRONG. God’s f...
Ученые получили видео крупного астероида и были в шоке, когда обнаружили на его поверхности пирамиду! НЛО призраки призрак привидения секретные материалы мутант мутация полтергейст паранормальное явление страх аномалия аномальная зона летающая тарелка шаровая молния йети чупакабра лохнесское чудовище вампир вампиры оборотень оборотни дух демон бес злой дух одержимость экзорцизм изгнание дьявола дьявол ангел чёрт черт рейк рэйк слендер ад рай номад вий фантом химера иллюзия вурдалак зомби дракула франкенштейн носферату уфо уфолог уфология пришелец пришельцы инопланетяне монстр чудовище урод гуманоид экстрасенс колдун маг ясновидящие ванга демон UFO ghost secret materials mutant mutation paranormal poltergeist fear anomaly anomalous zone fireball Bigfoot Chupacabra Loch Ness monster vampire...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) asteroid to hit the earth really soon can I just ask everyone to pray and fast the lord jesus Christ is coming very soon for his bride and he cannot allow this horrible things to happen to his children so he will protect us if we obey his requirement
https://youtu.be/EbjbGrv5x8k Main channel this is the link of my video about the rapture of the church which will take place very soon and the lord jesus christ is waking up his church his bride to go home it time it all over it has been 2000 years ago the lord jesus christ revealed to his prophet the rapture and now it all over it finish now we are going. Amen praise god.
NASA Asteroid mission to DESTROY INBOUND ASTEROIDS - - INBOUND ASTEROID to Strike Earth Sept 23 - 25th 2016 - Rockets with Nuclear Warheads Broke it in Huge Pieces Inbound to Earth. ~~ Links: 1) Video: ASTEROID ALERT 🔴 SEPTEMBER 23rd to 25th 2016 2) Video: Impact and Tsunami re Nuclear Plants Nibiru 2016 Latest Intel New Update About Planet 7X #26 3) / 4) Thumbnail image -Asteroid Destruction by LASERS from EARTH for protection of Planet. (Getty) 5) Music - Youtube Audio Library "Ambient Ambulance"
This program repeatedly hammers home the catastrophic impact of a large asteroid impact on earth. Several known large impacts of the past are recounted as well as some recent near hits. Recent and planned missions to explore objects in the asteroid belt are reviewed.
The question we must ask ourselves is if we are to understand that The Son of Man comes through the clouds in all His glory and power, then how does He come as a thief in the night, in the twinkling of an eye. We have been conditioned into believing Jesus' image is that of a handsome man. Isaiah 53:2 "He grew up before Him like a tender shoot and like a root out of dry ground. He had NO beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, NOTHING in His appearance that we should desire Him. One of the reasons The Lord points this out, is we have grown accustomed to accept what we are told. Not setting ourselves apart and seeking the truth in His words and truth. Many declare there is no rapture. This is completely contradictory of what His chosen servants have been instructed to sound the alarm on an...
Every year, thousands of objects both natural and manmade plummet through our atmosphere and crash into the Earth. These menacing messengers from the sky provide scientists with amazing insights into the natural, and not so natural, phenomena. The Universe is full of explosions that both create and destroy. The Chicxulub impact on the Yucatan peninsula, which may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, was two million times more powerful than the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated.
Subscribe to Naked Science - http://goo.gl/wpc2Q1 Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's his...
[iNFORMATiON- Artist: Asteroid Album: II Genre: Stoner/Doom Metal MA: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Asteroid/38993 Official website: www.asteroid.se/ ----------------------------] [UPLOADER NOTES- I do not intend to infringe on any copyright in any way, I merely intend to share culture and advertise certain bands I deem good. Music needs to be heard. So here you have it. ----------------------------] [TRACKLIST- 1. 00:00 Garden 2. 04:27 Disappear 3. 09:56 Karma 4. 15:31 Edge 5. 19:17 River 6. 23:10 Lady 7. 27:32 Towers 8. 33:16 Fire 9. 38:33 Time ----------------------------]
See what I did there? Is NASA Trying to Stop an Asteroid Impact This Weekend? (No) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4VyxR7dOFQ&spfreload;=5 URGENT: "Some Say An Asteroid To Strike Planet In 48 Hours?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmvGvuUIPao ASTEROID TO STRIKE PLANET IN 3 DAYS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1lS8gvVEjY METEOR / ASTEROID UPDATE SEPTEMBER 20th 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUagrysqrc Huge Asteroid headed Towards Earth??? URGENT!!! POSSIBLE EMERGENCY ALERT FOR FEMA REGION III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REbuE9Ir82E New World Agenda Links: Youtube Channels: New World Agenda (main channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xHAfZZqbMMWjc1ed1ajow Supreme Lord Commander: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ Free Radio Revolution CLASSICS https://www.youtube.com/chan...
Ever wonder why the dinosaurs disappeared? HHMI BioInteractive investigates the cause of the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period—and the clues come from paleontology, chemistry, physics, and biology. This three-act film tells the story of the extraordinary detective work that solved one of the greatest scientific mysteries of all time. Explore the fossil evidence of these prehistoric animals, and other organisms that went extinct, through this lively educational video. See more HHMI BioInteractive short films and classroom resources here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/explore-short-films Free teacher resources supporting this short film can be found at http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/day-mesozoic-died
Officials from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and NASA held a live Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) discussion at the space agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. During the event on Wednesday, Sept. 14, OSTP’s Dr. William Holdren, NASA’s Administrator Charles Bolden and ARM Program Director Dr. Michele Gates, highlighted the mission’s scientific and technological benefits, how the mission will support NASA’s goal of sending humans to Mars in the 2030s, and how ARM will demonstrate technology relevant to defending Earth from potentially hazardous asteroids.
BREAKING: "Massive Blackout Puerto Rico Island Wide", https://youtu.be/DSnTIKHcNRw Paul Begley URGENT: "Some Say An Asteroid To Strike Planet In 48 Hours?? https://youtu.be/VmvGvuUIPao Pastor Paul Begley ASTEROID TO STRIKE PLANET IN 3 DAYS?, https://youtu.be/E1lS8gvVEjY BPEARTHWATCH Dangerous Toxin Found In Tap Water Drunk by 218 MILLION Americans, https://youtu.be/qzfYC2FqTak DAhboo777 Huge Asteroid headed Towards Earth???https://youtu.be/tVNW4smIiEg https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=YiiUD0ng3hk Pastors Testimony of Efrain About Asteroid Coming How high will East Coast gas prices spike after pipeline leak? http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-high-will-east-coast-gas-prices-spike-after-pipeline-leak-2016-09-17 Alabama, Tennessee, & Georgia Declare States Of Emergency As Gas Shortages...
Floating in time and emptiness
waiting for the loss of empty hands
coursing, rewind eternity
in the universe's eyes I see
the lines will be us
the space is the loss
awoken by chance
led by our sense
the stars are the way
the suns are the prey
to feed every life
Floating in time and emptiness
waiting for the loss of empty hands
coursing, rewind eternity
in the universe's eyes I see
a movement circular
an extended moment
a lesser piece of forever
in and through the vast
the cycle of the day
shifts the heat away
slowly leads the sun to decay
to the end
of existence