
MAPW National Conference -Free Registration now open

It’s all about war…

Farewell Dr Bill Williams

Dear Friends,

No Airport Arms Advertisements Campaign - Bulletins

This new series of bulletins explores many aspects of the global arms trade, including its participants, its promotion, its victims, and some of the lessons of history. The information is very relevent to Canberra and its identity.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki remembered : call for a nuclear weapons ban



MAPW supports Doctors4Refugees High Court Action

3rd August 2016

The Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW) strongly endorses the High Court challenge to the secrecy provisions of the Border Force Act launched last week by the organisation Doctors for Refugees.

Push to Ban Weapons Advertising at Canberra Airport - op'ed by Dr Sue Wareham

Monday 25 July 2016 : Opinion Piece – Canberra Times

Australia needs an inquiry into the decision to invade Iraq

7th July 2016

Australia needs an inquiry into the decision to invade Iraq

Australia urgently needs war powers reform, so that the decision to go to war is no longer the prerogative of the prime minister.

Preparing for war isn't a suitable economic boost

As a society, do we want the government to focus on using military spending as a way of creating jobs?  Defence spending has been "decoupled" from the fiscal restraint of the rest of the Australian economy, with generous increases in funding. It is now on target to reach 2 per cent of GDP by 2021, significantly earlier than initially planned.

SA groups launch No Dump Alliance in response to nuclear Royal Commission findings

Monday 16th May 2016 - Following the recommendation of the Nuclear Royal Commission to pursue a high level nuclear waste dump in SA, Traditional Owners and representatives from health, union, faith, and conservation groups, and other prominent South Australians have responded by launching the 'No Dump Alliance.'