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  1. Twitter Party 9/21 7pmPT Celebrating BadAss Women of

  2. Classic Royalty? I'll say. Thanks for putting this pure powerhouse on your cover.

  3. Who's hidden in this photo?

  4. I read more than I do anything else, probably. I read about three books a week.

  5. I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies.

  6. The best reason to make a film is that you feel passionately about it.

  7. I'm interested in directing movies about situations that I've lived, so they are almost a pe

  8. BLU-RAY Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (Blu-Ray) NEW

  9. tonight @bar35hawaii The darker the movie, the better ...

  10. I spent a lot of time not in school, so I didn't have deep relationships with kids my own a

  11. No matter how many times I see this film, it simply blows me away. , আর ...

  12. I don't make movies because I love to act. I make movies because I like to make movies, and I

  13. I don't direct so that I can have an identity and so I can go on to CGI movies. I had a big

  14. It's very hard for me to get a new car. It's really hard for me to get a new house. It's reall

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