- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 5395
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is a financial intelligence and enforcement agency of the U.S. government charged with planning and execution of economic and trade sanctions in support of U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives. Acting under Presidential national emergency powers, OFAC carries out its activities against foreign states as well as a variety of problematic organizations and individuals deemed to be a threat to U.S. national security.
A component of the U.S. Treasury Department, OFAC operates under the auspices of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and is primarily composed of intelligence targeters and lawyers. While many of OFAC's targets are broadly set by the White House, most individual cases are developed as a result of lengthy investigations by OFAC's Office of Global Targeting (OGT).
Often described as one of the most powerful yet unknown government agencies, OFAC has been in existence for more than a half-century and is playing an increasingly significant role as a foreign policy lever of the U.S. government. The agency is empowered to levy significant penalties against entities that defy it, including imposing colossal fines, freezing assets, and altogether barring parties from operating in the U.S. Notably, in 2014, OFAC reached a record $1 billion settlement with the French BNP Paribas, which was a portion of approximately $9 billion penalty imposed in relation to the case as a whole.
BSA and OFAC Basics
OFAC Compliance: New Sanctions and Corporate Risks
International Trade Finance: What is OFAC?
How to Conduct and OFAC SDN Search
OFAC Specially Designated Nationals SDN Sanctions Law Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators
La O.F.A.C. (O'Fuck)
OFAC Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN)- US Sanctions Law- Foreign Narcotics Traffickers
جمعية أولاد فايت لألعاب القوى OFAC "صناعة النجوم" ..... دزاير نيوز ... زكريا حبشي
OFAC in 2014 Examiners are expecting even more!
Managing an Effective OFAC Compliance Program
BSA/AML/OFAC Policies: What should they include? How should we say it?
Reinforce OFAC Compliance
Como Generar Certificado OFAC (Lista Clinton)
06 29 2016 OFAC and Recent Changes to Cuba Regulations
BBC report on OFAC General License E
Oficina de control de activos extranjeros (OFAC)TARECK EL AISSAMI NARCOTRAFICANTE
OfAC Title
OFAC Compliance
OFAC, THE film
ofac infra
This webinar provides an overview of the Bank Secrecy Act and Office of Foreign Asset Control regulations and outlines the pillars of a strong BSA and OFAC program. This webinar could be used to train a financial institution's management, board of directors, or staff.
Navigating the quagmire of regulations governing international financial dealings can be daunting and costly. One wrong step involving a sanctioned country, entity or individual can land your company or your client in hot water with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Wrong moves resulted in more than $1 billion in OFAC civil penalties in 2014. Our panel of legal experts will explain best practices for a comprehensive compliance program. Key topics to be discussed include sanctions related to terrorism and financial intelligence. • OFAC—where it has been and where regulations are headed • What sanctions enforcement means to your clients • OFAC’s sanctions enforcement options • Types of conduct and the level of enforcement they generate • How c...
What is the purpose of OFAC? How does OFAC influence foreign transactions? Learn from experts from First National Bank and Scarbrough International on International Trade Finance. www.scarbrough-intl.com
Review of the BSA/OFAC in-person course-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
La periodista venezolana Maibort Petit, le informa a la opinión pública, las consecuencias que tiene una persona o empresa que forme parte de la llamada “Lista Negra” o “Lista OFAC” (Oficina para el Control de Activos Extranjeros), pertenece al Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos. Esto, por los negocios vinculados al terrorismo y narcotráfico donde están incluidos varios venezolanos. PRESENTADO POR: ALL SECURITY AND TECHNOLOGY www.allsecurityandtechnology.com TlF: +1 (305) 513-0049 MÁS INFORMACIÓN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS1MDaDNHX8
http://www.mcnabbassociates.com Attorney Douglas McNabb discusses Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators (NPWMD) as one of the subject matter sanctions programs.
Your OFAC compliance program needs attention! New payments channels like Remote Deposit Capture and its Mobile Deposit cousin, increased international ACH transaction (IAT) activity, have raised the stakes in the OFAC game, and regulators have been stepping up their scrutiny of OFAC risk at financial institutions of all sizes. To get a thorough understanding of the factors that affect your bank's OFAC risk exposure, and how they impact your OFAC monitoring burdens, join Tim White for his information-packed presentation on OFAC Compliance in 2014.
The stakes have never been higher, penalty figures are increasing and the threat of action can lead directly to significant stock depreciation. Now, state regulators are beginning to levy penalties related to sanctions violations. It’s never been more critical to have an effective OFAC compliance program. Join experienced practitioners, several of whom served at OFAC, from Bank of America, GE Capital and MasterCard as they explore the challenges they face, both internally and externally, with respect to OFAC compliance. This session will cover a variety of perspectives from different types of financial institutions on how you can more effectively manage your OFAC compliance program. (Original air date: September 17, 2013)
Are your BSA/AML/OFAC policies the product of several authors? Have they had amendments and new paragraphs plugged in to the point where they are the literary equivalent of one of those cars where all the doors and fenders are the right model and year, but each one is a different color? Have you ever thought of just starting over from scratch or at least wished you had some language for comparison purposes? Here's your chance!
Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and sanction programs are constantly changing. It can be challenging to navigate through the Office of Foreign Asset Control’s (OFAC) numerous pages of sanctions information and SDN (Specially Designated National) lists. But you must know how these regulations impact your shipments, and subsequently your business. In 2014 alone, 23 civil actions were taken against various companies for OFAC violations. The penalties totaled $1,209,000,000! A few examples are: A foreign subsidiary of a US company purchased briquettes made of Cuban-origin nickel. Settlement amount $2,057,000. A US company shipped audio and video equipment overseas, knowing the goods would be re-exported to Iran. Penalty of $4,073,000. A Canadian subsidiary of a US insurance company i...
Here's What You Need to Know About OFAC and Recent Changes to Cuba Regulations
The U.S. Department of the Treasury, OFAC issued two general licenses that authorize the exportation of funds and services by nongovernmental organizations to support humanitarian projects designed to benefit the Iranian people. The move means nonprofit groups focused on disaster relief, wildlife conservation, human rights and similar programs will no longer have to apply for special permission to enter Iran and conduct business there. "I would consider this as a perfect opportunity for Child Foundation to expand its activities and help more children living in poverty to remain in school," Said Dr. Peyman Raoofi, President of Child Foundation USA. "We expressed our appreciation for the move in a letter to the OFAC Director and Assistant Director for Licensing since this means that we can e...
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