WA News

Perth couple evict uninvited guest: a five foot carpet python

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A Perth couple came home to find an unexpected visitor waiting for them on their front porch - a five foot long South West carpet python.

The big snake was wrapped around the Darlington home's front light, so the couple contacted Perth Hills Reptile Removal through its Facebook page.

The South West Carpet Python (Morelia spilota imbricata) was around five feet long.
The South West Carpet Python (Morelia spilota imbricata) was around five feet long. Photo: Perth Hills Reptile Removal

"She was a good size for a wild animal, a very healthy animal. But she was cold so she was very placid, very nice to deal with," snake catcher Adam Firstenberg said.

"Pythons aren't venomous, they're harmless, but they can be a bit snappy, but she was gorgeous to deal with, and I even had a bit of a hold before I relocated her away from the house."

The snake, which was curled around a light, was relocated safely.
The snake, which was curled around a light, was relocated safely. Photo: Perth Hills Reptile Removal

Mr Firstenberg said snakes will become more visible around Perth as the weather heats up, but he said there's usually nothing to worry about.

"They are more scared of us than we are of them. So if you spot one, my advice is to stay still, keep and eye on it and call for help if you can. Then just back away slowly, keeping an eye on it, and get in touch with a removal service or wildlife authorities."


And keeping an eye on the snake is the most important part - even if it's the last thing you want to do.

"Often we'll get a call and drive twenty minutes and when we get there everyone's in the house and they have no idea where the snake is! So keep and eye on it, and stay calm. We do a lot of awareness talks, we've spoken in schools and even a day care and we always say just keep calm and remember they're more scared of you."

So while some love them and some hate, them, Mr Firstenberg is definitely a fan of snakes and reptiles.

"They are beautiful creates. We have forty at home - tiger snakes and death adders. The things we do for fun!"

If you spot a snake on your property and need it relocated, you can call the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.