Category: Magazine

Yugoslavia: Model of workers self-management?

Note: The following article is reprinted from the German magazine Direkte Aktion, organ of the Free Workers Union (FA U) – German section of the International Workers Association.

Translation by Chris Ecks.

Direkte Aktion introduction: For us as revolutionary unionists

A few more theses on Marxism

By Steve Parr, Libertarian Workers‘ Group

Although it has died down for the‘ present, the debate and discussion on Marxism and the relationship of marxism to anarchism did rage hot and heavy within the North A.rneri-can movement for some time. …

Co-ops or workers’ revolution?

By Richard Laubach


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by-richard laubach

People have formed co-operatives or collectively-run businesses for a variety of reasons. To create or save jobs. To get food at lower prices. But apart from limited aims such as these, …

The ACF experience

The Decline and Fall of the ACF

By Steve Parr, Libertarian Workers’ Group

It is now over six months since the Libertarian Workers’ Group withdrew from the ACF, with the majority of the organization following suit. I have had that time …