Category: International

Anarchist Critique of PKK

The following post is authored by WSA member JT and originally posted on their blog Rage Against Capital.  While this critique does not represent an official position of the WSA, it did find traction and preexisting sentiment among many members.  It

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative: Membership for Individuals and Existing Groups


In March of 2016, the Worker’s Solidarity Alliance (WSA) introduced the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), a project to develop a network of anarcho-syndicalist organizations across North America. The purpose of the initiative is to consolidate our strength as syndicalist oriented revolutionaries …

Announcing the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative


The increasingly precarious conditions facing the North American working class, along with a rising tide of distrust and disgust with both our political and economic systems, demands that revolutionary organizations such as Workers Solidarity Alliance take immediate action to address …

ZSP-AIT: Support the workers struggle at Poland

Dear Friends, Comrades & Fellow/Sister Workers,

Recently a group of Polish Amazon warehouse workers struck against unsafe working conditions and pay issues at two Polish fulfillment centers. The workers are contracted through Manpower, Addeco and other temp agencies.

According to