Category: Debate

Anarchist Critique of PKK

The following post is authored by WSA member JT and originally posted on their blog Rage Against Capital.  While this critique does not represent an official position of the WSA, it did find traction and preexisting sentiment among many members.  It

Are you sure that it’s Syndicalism we’re discussing here?

By Steve Ongerth – IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus, June 15, 2015

I have been closely following the debate between various members of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and Tom Wetzel (a syndicalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area) which …

Boring from Within Won’t Work

By Tom Wetzel

In their reply to my attempts to defend revolutionary syndicalism, Joe Richard and Ty Carroll try to force the debate into an arbitrarily narrow set of choices.

The attack on “dual unionism” seems to be designed to …

Reply to ISO on Syndicalism

By Tom Wetzel

The International Socialist Organization’s webzine recently published a critique of revolutionary syndicalism in the form of a review of Radical Unionism by Ralph Darlington. The review, by Tom Goulet, makes a number of mistaken claims.…