- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 4212752
Zachary David Alexander "Zac" Efron (born October 18, 1987) is an American actor and singer. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s, and became known as a teen idol after his lead roles in the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical, the WB series Summerland, and the 2007 film version of the Broadway musical Hairspray. Efron has since starred in the films 17 Again (2009), Me and Orson Welles (2009), Charlie St. Cloud (2010), New Year's Eve (2011), Liberal Arts (2012), The Lorax (2012), The Lucky One (2012), The Paperboy (2012), At Any Price (2012), Parkland (2013), That Awkward Moment (2014), Neighbors (2014) and We Are Your Friends (2015).
Efron was born in San Luis Obispo, California, and later moved to Arroyo Grande, California. His father, David Efron, is an electrical engineer at a power station, and his mother, Starla Baskett, is a secretary who worked at the same power plant. Efron has a brother, Dylan, and had, as he has described it, a "normal childhood" in a middle-class family. He was raised in an agnostic household and did not practice any religion as a child. His surname, "Efron" (אפרון), is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname, taken from a Biblical place name (his paternal grandfather was Jewish, and Zac has described himself as Jewish).
Robert De Niro (/dəˈnɪroʊ/; born August 17, 1943) is an American actor and producer who has starred in over 90 films. His first major film roles were in the sports drama Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) and Martin Scorsese's crime film Mean Streets (1973). After being turned down for the role of Sonny Corleone in the crime film The Godfather (1972), he was cast as the young Vito Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
De Niro's longtime collaboration with Scorsese later earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Jake LaMotta in the 1980 film Raging Bull. He also earned nominations for the psychological thrillers Taxi Driver (1976) and Cape Fear (1991), both directed by Scorsese. De Niro received additional Academy Award nominations for Michael Cimino's Vietnam war drama The Deer Hunter (1978), Penny Marshall's drama Awakenings (1990), and David O. Russell's romantic comedy-drama Silver Linings Playbook (2012). His portrayal of gangster Jimmy Conway in Scorsese's crime film Goodfellas (1990) earned him a BAFTA nomination in 1990. De Niro has earned four nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, for his work in the musical drama New York, New York (1977), opposite Liza Minnelli, the action comedy Midnight Run (1988), the gangster comedy Analyze This (1999), and the comedy Meet the Parents (2000). He has also simultaneously directed and starred in films such as the crime drama A Bronx Tale (1993) and the spy film The Good Shepherd (2006). De Niro has also received the AFI Life Achievement Award in 2003 and the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2010.
Mi abuelo es un peligro (2016) Tráiler (Zac Efron, Robert De Niro) Español
Waka Waka (Esto es Africa) (Cancion Oficial de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA� Sudafrica 2010)
Robert De Niro sobre Trump: "es un perro, un cerdo y una vergüenza para el país".
"El 'no' en Colombia no es de Uribe, hay gente sensata también que tiene argumentos"
¿Cómo es la vida de quienes trabajan en dólares, pero viven en pesos?
Mafia III | En Español | Capitulo 3 "Jesús es amigo de todos"
Beginner - Es war einmal (official Video)
¿Qué es la relatividad especial?
¡¡ES PELIGROSO¡¡ !! TENGAN CUIDADO CON EL CIRUJANO!! Rancho El Aguaje En San Gabriel Hidalgo
Mi abuelo es un peligro (2016) Tráiler (Zac Efron, Robert De Niro) Español próximamente Jason Kelly (Zac Efron) está a una semana de casarse con la controladora hija de su jefe. Sin embargo, cuando el puritano de Jason es engañado para llevar a su grosero abuelo, Dick (Robert De Niro), al Daytona en vacaciones de primavera, el casamiento comienza a peligrar. Entre fiestas desenfrenadas, peleas en bares, y una noche de karaoke, Dick busca vivir su vida al máximo con Jason. Así, en el más salvaje viaje de sus vidas, ambos descubren que pueden aprender el uno del otro y del vínculo que nunca tuvieron. ¡ Subscribete ya para ver los nuevos y mejores trailers, extractos de pelis y mas videos en exclusividad !
Vídeo oficial de Shakira de su tema 'Waka Waka' ft. Freshlyground. Haz clic aquí para escuchar a Shakira en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ShakiraSpot?IQid=SWW Incluido en Sale El Sol. Haz clic aquí para comprar el track o el álbum en iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SSESiTunes?IQid=SWW Google Play: http://smarturl.it/SWWPlay?IQid=SWW Amazon: http://smarturl.it/SSESAm?IQid=SWW Más de Shakira Can't Remember To Forget You: https://youtu.be/o3mP3mJDL2k Loba: https://youtu.be/C7ssrLSheg4 La Tortura: https://youtu.be/Dsp_8Lm1eSk Pincha aquí http://smarturl.it/DLPlaylist?IQid=SWW para escuchar más vídeos de buen Divas Latino. Sigue a Shakira Página web: http://www.shakira.com/home Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shakira Twitter: https://twitter.com/shakira Instagram: https://instagram.com/shakira ...
Robert De niro sobre Trump: es un perro, un cerdo y una vergüenza para el país Sin intención de infringir el copyright. No copyright infringement intended (Fair use). Todos los derecho reservados © REDES SOCIALES ★ Facebook: https://goo.gl/DVBVKh ★Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jota_POV ★ Web: https://jotapov.wordpress.com/ ► LISTAS DE REPRODUCCION: ● Charlando con: https://goo.gl/opRdaJ ● Montajes/humor: https://goo.gl/SXTR3L ● Pantufladas: https://goo.gl/VCBsOH ● Marhuendadas: https://goo.gl/I1yuhT ● Mi gran noche: https://goo.gl/xxmVNO ● Contenido original: https://goo.gl/hDggC3
¿Cómo se han tomado las FARC el 'No' del pueblo colombiano a los acuerdos de paz firmados en La Habana y qué razones ven detrás de este resultado? ¿Cuál será el rumbo a seguir por Colombia tras el rechazo de estos acuerdos? ¿Cuál es la valoración de las FARC del Nobel de la Paz concedido a Manuel Santos? ¿Es posible que Álvaro Uribe vuelva a la presidencia del país? Iván Márquez, jefe negociador de las FARC-EP en el proceso de paz, habla de estos asuntos en una entrevista exclusiva con RT. SEPA MÁS: http://es.rt.com/4qb2 ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! http://www.youtube.com/user/ActualidadRT?sub_confirmation=1 RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT RT en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT RT en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts RT en Vkontakte: htt...
Cientos de personas cruzan la frontera entre México y EEUU cada día para poder llevar el pan a su mesa. Para ellos se ha hecho más rentable la vida del lado mexicano con el dinero que reciben por sus empleos en EEUU. Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSfST Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/4mSfKT Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/4mSfkB e Instagram: http://uni.vi/4mSfpC La revista dominical que presenta a profundidad las historias y temas más importantes para la comunidad hispana en Estados Unidos. Conducido por: María Elena Salinas y Teresa Rodríguez.
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Una teoría física que cambió la manera de concebir el espacio, la energía y el tiempo. En Date un voltio te explicamos qué es la relatividad especial. ¿Sabías que tuvo un gran impacto en la filosofía? ¡Suscríbete al canal! Sigue a Javier Santaolalla: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQX_MZRCaluNKxkywkLEgfA/videos http://twitter.com/jasantaolalla http://instagram.com/jasantaolalla/ Síguenos en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Date-un-Voltio-343219849200135/
SE PARTE DE JARIPEO EXTREMO ¡QUIEN DIJO MIEDO! SUSCRIBETE EN NUESTRO CANAL: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuZqEdGPSPr2U4dsGpzPDQ?sub_confirmation=1 MAS VIDEOS ► https://www.youtube.com/user/tvrevistajarext/videos FACEBOOK► https://www.facebook.com/JaripeoExtremoOficial/ PAGINA WEB►www.jaripeoextremo.com CONTACTO► 452-126-58-50 & 452-52-50-986 GRACIAS POR TU PREFERENCIA ATENTAMENTE► DIRECCIÓN GENERAL. ¡¡J A R I P E O E X T R E M O!! ¡¡A D I C T O S A L P E L I G R O!! ¡¡Q U I E N D I J O M I E D O!!
joaa ein video von zac in dem er ladies Choice von hairspray (2oo7) live singt :D is zwar kurz aber ich finds tooll viel spaaß und ich freue mich wieder über komentare :D
Zac Efron one on one conversation with Mr. Boy Abunda Penshoppe Fan Conference Starring Zac Efron "Mall of Asia Arena", Pasay City, Manila, Philippines
Zac talks about what it’s like to live with his little brother. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe Watch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy Watch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8 Connect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online: Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning "Jimmy Kimmel Live," ABC's late-night talk show. "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone...
Zac Efron interview LIVE with Kelly co-host Cedric the Entertainer May 18, 2016
Special Thanks to EA Games for sponsoring this video. Subscribe for more GTLive action! ►► http://bit.ly/1Oo7KH9 BatPat is a Dick! - Batman Telltale ►► http://bit.ly/GTLbatman1 EA Games invited me to an awesome Battlefield 1 event where I got to play against other YouTube Gamers and a handful of other celebrities. It was looking to be a perfect experience; that is until my rival reared his beautiful face - Darn you Zac EFRON! Subscribe & hang out with us every day! ►► http://bit.ly/1Oo7KH9 Follow us on Twitter at @MatPatGT and #GTLive More GTLive Videos: High School 101 - Cheaters Always Win! ► http://bit.ly/2c1SGBo Happy Wheels 3D - Spill my Guts & Glory ► http://bit.ly/GTLguts Banned POKEMON?! Pokemon Uranium ► http://bit.ly/PokeUran1 YouTuber's Life - WAY TOO REAL ►► http://bit.ly/1...
Zac reviews a clip of himself doing a high school theater production and moonwalks for the audience. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe Watch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy Watch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8 Connect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online: Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning "Jimmy Kimmel Live," ABC's late-night talk show. "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is well known for its huge viral video successes wi...
'Charlie St. Cloud' movie scenes Jesse McCartney - Because You Live
ZACHARY "ZAC" EFRON (AGE 28) - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES - ACTOR Simone Biles finally meets her crush Zac Efron and Zac Efron meets his newest Olympic hero. All-Around Final Results: Rank Gymnast Total 1st Simone Biles (USA) 15.866 14.966 15.433 15.933 62.198 2nd Aly Raisman (USA) 15.633 14.166 14.866 15.433 60.098 3rd Aliya Mustafina (RUS) 15.200 15.666 13.866 13.933 58.665 4 Shang Chunsong (CHN) 13.883 15.233 14.833 14.600 58.549 5 Elsabeth Black (CAN) 14.866 14.500 14.566 14.366 58.298 6 Wang Yan (CHN) 14.733 13.733 14.666 14.900 58.032 7 Jessica Lopez (VEN) 14.833 15.100 13.800 14.233 57.966 8 Asuka Teramoto (JPN) 15.100 14.566 14.266 14.033 57.965 9 Eythora Thorsdottir (NED) 14.833 14.200 14.066 14.5...
очередной выпуск Шоу Грэма Нортона (с русскими субтитрами) с участием Зака Эфрона, Сета Рогена и Мэтта Леблана, музыкальный гость Kaiser Chiefs. Субтитры включаются в настройках видео.
ATUALIZAÇÃO NO BLOG | Celebridades à Prova de Tudo - Zac Efron - 1ª Temp. Ep.1 - Completo (HD) http://alanvelosoalves.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/celebridades-prova-de-tudo.html Sinopse: Bear Grylls levará seis celebridades para os locais mais selvagens e remotos do planeta em uma viagem de 48 horas repleta de adrenalina.
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PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrMVHJe38ZM PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-he7UZXfPH0 ---------------PHYSIQUES--------------- 9:43 - Kinobody: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtBw4N4-EiaAqK9TvZGlGDw 11:29 - Marc Fitt: https://www.youtube.com/user/fitnesspageforall 12:45 - Omar Isuf: https://www.youtube.com/user/OmarIsuf 14:44 - Jeff Cavalier: https://www.youtube.com/user/JDCav24 18:20 - Hugh Jackman (Wolverine): http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0413168/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm 20:17 - Dom Mazzeti: https://www.youtube.com/user/BroScienceLife 21:20 - Zac Efron: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1374980/?ref_=nv_sr_2 22:53 - Rob Lipsett: https://www.youtube.com/user/RobLipsett 24:22 - Chris Evans: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0262635/?ref_=nv_sr_1 26:01 - Brian Turner: https://www.youtube.com/u...
The Graham Norton Show -- Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Matt LeBlanc, Kaiser Chiefs (Full Episode) The Graham Norton Show 2014 - 25 APRIL The Graham Norton Show Season 15, Episode 4 -- Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Matt LeBlanc, Kaiser Chiefs
In November 1937, high school student and aspiring thespian Richard Samuels takes a day trip into New York City. There, he meets and begins a casual friendship with Gretta Adler, their friendship based on a shared love and goal of a profession in the creative arts. But also on this trip, Richard stumbles across the Mercury Theatre and meets Orson Welles, who, based on an impromptu audition, offers Richard an acting job as Lucius in his modern retelling of Julius Caesar, which includes such stalwart Mercury Theatre players as Joseph Cotten and George Coulouris. Despite others with official roles as producer John Houseman, this production belongs to Welles, the unofficial/official dictator. In other words, whatever Welles wants, the cast and crew better deliver. These requests include everyt...
Bear Grylls leva uma celebridade toda semana para à prova de tudo, e esta é a vez de Zac Efron o galan de Hollywood.
Zac told Ellen about his experience co-starring with the legendary – and surprisingly fit – actor in "Dirty Grandpa."
http://www.joblo.com - Anna Kendrick, Zac Efron & Adam Devine Exclusive Interview (CinemaCon 2016) JoBlo.com Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Joblomovienetwork?sub_confirmation=1 Check out more interviews from CinemaCon: INDEPENDENCE DAY - Brent Spiner & Jeff Goldblum: https://youtu.be/m8w-UcHtGyM INDEPENDENCE DAY - Sela Ward & Vivica A. Fox: https://youtu.be/GGpWcxN7CGg Jessie Usher & Maika Monroe: https://youtu.be/Folg2Ey0V3Q We caught up with the Anna Kendrick, Zac Efron and Adam Devine for some fun chat and to talk about their upcoming comedy "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates" alongside co-star Aubrey Plaza. Our Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/joblomovienetwork/ https://www.pinterest.com/joblocom/ https://twitter.com/joblocom
"Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates" is the reason Zac Efron plays "Dave" & his movie co-star Adam "Harley" DeVine plays "Mike" (Harley will be revealed towards the end via his mate Zac) are in Australia at the moment and the fun these two had doing this movie as we hear AND getting paid for it at the same time sure was a very good move for Adam as we hear and as we can see these guys get along like a house on fire so sit back and enjoy a very funny trailer & interview. Released in Australia today, July 7th. 2016 CLICK hyperlink & Subscribe http://bit.ly/17vdRiq LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Regarding Copyright law Any video from this channel may or may not at any time contain in full or multiple series of derivative works which are LEGAL under fair use law. The "Fair use" Provisions outlined in T...
Zac Efron talks to Jimmy about his intense encounter with a tiger shark during a dive while filming a movie in Hawaii. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: http://bit.ly/1nwT1aN Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: http://Twitter.com/JimmyFallon Like Jimmy: https://Facebook.com/JimmyFallon Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Follow The Tonight Show: http://Twitter.com/FallonTonight Like The Tonight Show: https://Facebook.com/FallonTonight The Tonight Show Tumblr: http://fallontonight.tumblr.com/ Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: http://bit.ly/1dM1qBH Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://nbctv.tumblr.com/ NBC Google+: https://plus.google.co...
Final Five Members: - Simone Biles - Aly Raisman - Gabby Douglas - Madison Kocian - Laurie Hernandez Original Airdate: Wednesday August 17, 2016 (ICE-TV)
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews Zac Efron & Adam Devine are getting up close and personal with Clevver about being naked, dating, penis sizes and weddings to promote their new comedy 'Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates' which also stars Anna Kendrick & Aubrey Plaza. For More Clevver Visit: Website: http://www.clevver.com Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/heyerinrobinson
Zac Efron, Interview, Live, with ,Kelly ,and, Michael
If I were rain
You could watch the colours bleed
If I were time
We could go to where we're happy
If I were tease
Every evening we'd die laughing
I am love
I am love
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love never is
If I were words
I would turn a phrase of you
If I were star
The sky-like eye would open
If I were the sea
A wave from you might drown me
I am love
I am love
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love never is
Love, love is everywhere
Every day
Every way
She's got a mind of her own
Love is bigger than me
Bigger than you so
Just let in in and stop thinking to yourself that
I am love
I am love
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)
Love is not not good enough (love is..)