
Since December 2007, the Kasama Project website has featured a wide variety of writings on subjects of interest to revolutionaries. It featured rich theoretical, strategic, and historical writings; reports from struggles worldwide including eyewitness reporting on revolutionary situations in Nepal and Greece; and it hosted lively discussions between writers and readers inside and outside of our Project.

With the current relaunch of the Kasama Project website, it has not been immediately possible to combine all our previously published posts here, though that remains our goal.

For now, please visit for material between December 2007 and December 2012. Posts between January 2013 and April 2015 are temporarily accessible at In the future we hope to have both these chapters archived and completely searchable via the current active website.

In the interim we will occasionally repost important and interesting content from Kasama’s previous websites for today’s Kasama Project readership.

Stay tuned to this space.