New Internationalist

Articles by Vanessa Baird

Twitterview: Saudi Arabia and the West

NI editor Vanessa Baird responds to questions on Twitter about her latest magazine ‘Blood brothers’.

  • March 22, 2016
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Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Its not just for show, as the bombing of Yemen illustrates, writes Vanessa Baird.

  • March 1, 2016
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'Our friends': Saudi Arabia and the West

Vanessa Baird takes a look at this ‘special relationship’.

  • March 1, 2016
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10 reasons not to bomb Syria

British politicians will decide this week whether to extend airstrikes against Islamic State into Syria. Vanessa Baird on why they should vote ‘no’.

  • December 1, 2015
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Paris attacks – the Saudi connection

To tackle Islamic State’s terrorism we must stand in solidarity with its mainly Muslim victims, argues Vanessa Baird.

  • November 17, 2015
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The transgender revolution

In this video, New Internationalist co-editor Vanessa Baird introduces our October magazine looking at the transgender revolution.

  • October 16, 2015
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The trans revolution

It’s about basic human rights – and relinquishing fixed ideas that are doing harm, argues Vanessa Baird.

  • October 1, 2015
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Refugees are welcome here – seize the moment!

Compassion for refugees is spreading across Europe. Could it lead to a saner ‘open borders’ policy? asks Vanessa Baird.

  • September 7, 2015
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Who would be English today?

Vanessa Baird tries to think positively about the UK election results…

  • May 8, 2015
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Eduardo Galeano – a tribute

Vanessa Baird remembers a remarkable and utterly original beacon of the Latin American Left.

  • April 14, 2015
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The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

Around the world, people are mobilizing against biotech bullies.

  • April 1, 2015
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Total control: is Monsanto unstoppable?

Monsanto has a mission. But where will it lead the rest of us? Vanessa Baird begins this month’s investigation into one of the world’s most powerful and hated corporations.

  • April 1, 2015
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Breaking the taboo of media ownership

A campaign to clean up the media and restrict ownership is gathering momentum. Rupert Murdoch won’t like it, writes Vanessa Baird

  • March 20, 2015
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Breed or else! Iran’s ultimatum to women

What is Iran doing – trying to force women to have children? asks Vanessa Baird.

  • March 12, 2015
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Thaw at last – Cuba and the US get talking

This week’s announcement by Obama and Castro is momentous. But getting rid of the embargo is unlikely to be swift or easy, writes Vanessa Baird.

  • December 18, 2014
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A new Cuba in the making

The communist island is opening up for business. Vanessa Baird begins an investigation into what’s going on - and what it means.

  • October 1, 2014
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Cuba's big bet

In the shadow of the US embargo, Cuba is building a gigantic port and free trade zone. Vanessa Baird looks into the issue.

  • October 1, 2014
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Making space

Cuba is inching towards a free media and political choice - or is it? Vanessa Baird takes a closer look.

  • October 1, 2014
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PHOTO ESSAY: Cuba is changing

Vanessa Baird captures a country in cautious transition.

  • September 25, 2014
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Confessions of a (tentative) climate optimist

There’s something in the air. Vanessa Baird dares to hope that growing mass action on energy might make a difference

  • September 23, 2014
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Are we walking into a trap set by Islamic State?

Amnesia rules as the war to ‘ultimately destroy’ Islamic State begins. Vanessa Baird seeks alternatives.

  • September 16, 2014
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‘In Cuba, my books fall apart and vanish’

Top novelist Leonardo Padura talks with Vanessa Baird on why his books disappear in Cuba, and his hopes and fears for the country’s future.

  • September 10, 2014
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Will Argentina go into default on Monday?

The US supreme court’s decision to back vulture funds could damage all indebted economies. Vanessa Baird reports.

  • June 26, 2014
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No more austerity!

The fight against cuts gears up for a summer of resistance. Vanessa Baird reports from London.

  • June 23, 2014
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Are we sleepwalking into a fascist Europe – again?

Dog-whistle populism may be more toxic and enduring than we think, writes Vanessa Baird in the aftermath of the European Parliament elections.

  • May 27, 2014
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QUIZ: Could you be a whistleblower?

Have you got what it takes? It’s not for the fainthearted…

  • April 1, 2014
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Don't shoot the messenger!

Admired by the public, reviled by those in power, whistleblowers are on the frontline of democracy. But need they be martyrs? Vanessa Baird asks.

  • April 1, 2014
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Sex, lies and complicity in India

Rita Banerji on girl-hating sex selection, rape and the chances of a ‘true feminist revolution for India’.

  • January 8, 2014
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Cellphone justice for sterilized women

Survivors of forced sterilization in Peru are using mobile phones to speak out.

  • December 1, 2013
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‘I was at the dentist, your honour’

Members of Peru’s armed forces have still not been brought to justice for the atrocities they committed during the country’s civil war, reports Vanessa Baird.

  • November 7, 2013
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Technology gives survivors of forced sterilization a voice

Women in Peru are using mobile phones and an Inca communication system to tell their stories, writes Vanessa Baird.  

  • November 1, 2013
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Is peaceful protest a waste of time?

Vanessa Baird ponders the tactics needed to resist austerity. 

  • October 11, 2013
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Girls not allowed

Vanessa Baird reports on the scandal of sex selection and what it is doing to women - and the world.

  • October 1, 2013
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The girls are back in town

How South Korea sorted out its sex ratio.

  • October 1, 2013
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Faith and fight in the battle to save the NHS

Vanessa Baird reports from Manchester, where 50,000 hit the streets in a bid to save the National Health Service from those determined to kill it.

  • September 30, 2013
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Get your legal high in Uruguay

Is this the beginning of the end for the world’s deadly and ill-conceived ‘war on drugs’? asks Vanessa Baird.

  • August 1, 2013
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Argentina pulls more growth out of the bag

Red faces for pundits as maverick economics trumps – again. Vanessa Baird reflects.

  • July 19, 2013
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Stuff your austerity! We want something different

Is this the turning point, when British people find the courage, power and unity to say ‘no’? Vanessa Baird on the People’s Assembly.

  • June 24, 2013
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Trans revolutionary

Activist Lohana Berkins explains how Argentina is pioneering transgender rights.

  • June 1, 2013
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Facing the vultures

Argentina is not in the habit of being cowed by international pressure and financial big-hitters – or by proponents of austerity. Vanessa Baird reports.

  • June 1, 2013
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Argentina’s challenge

Stormy times ahead in the world’s eighth largest country. Are there lessons to be learned? asks Vanessa Baird.

  • June 1, 2013
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Is Europe becoming more homophobic?

Asks Vanessa Baird as a shocking new survey is published to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.

  • May 17, 2013
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How close was Pope Francis to Argentina’s military dictators?

Vanessa Baird tunes in to some rumblings in the Southern Cone.

  • March 14, 2013
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The pain of blows

A violent mugging in Montevideo brings New Internationalist editor Vanessa Baird face to face with the greater crime of health inequality.

‘The islands belong to Argentina, but…’

Writing from Argentina, Vanessa Baird finds little enthusiasm for the President’s renewed Malvinas campaign.

  • February 27, 2013
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PODCAST: Vanessa Baird and Owen Jones on the feral rich

The super rich are gaining from the economic crisis while the poor get the blame – what can be done to stop them?

  • January 29, 2013
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Britain has gone to war – and the poor are in the firing line

The benefit cap is another example of how we are letting the feral rich destroy society says Vanessa Baird.

  • January 9, 2013
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The feral rich

How do they get away with it? Vanessa Baird investigates.

  • January 1, 2013
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Don’t be fooled by economic growth

A meeting in London this weekend looks at what it does for Peru’s poor.

  • November 16, 2012
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Illegal Drugs - The Facts

The demand for illegal drugs is solid and the trade in them resilient - despite expensive and punitive attempts to stop it.

  • September 18, 2012
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Legalize drugs - all of them!

NI editor Vanessa Baird looks at the many reasons why this is the only option that makes sense.

  • September 1, 2012
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Podcast: Vanessa Baird on legalizing drugs

Vanessa Baird explains why legalizing drugs could save lives and money around the world.

  • August 30, 2012
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Bob Diamond: fall guy for the greedy

Vanessa Baird argues the ex-Barclays boss is being used to divert attention from the real problem: the relationship between finance and politics.

  • July 4, 2012
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Is Vale working in mysterious ways?

Vanessa Baird ponders the treatment of a whistleblower on the eve of the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

  • June 19, 2012
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Legalize drugs! Any questions?

New Internationalist will soon be tackling the thorny issue of drug legalization and we want your questions and comments on how it could be done. 

  • May 25, 2012
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Stop the City of London laundering blood money from mining

Vanessa Baird reports on a new campaign pressing for tighter monitoring of unscrupulous mining companies.

  • March 12, 2012
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Put equality first

Both inequality and economic instability are growing. How deep does the connection go? wonders Vanessa Baird.

  • March 1, 2012
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A roadmap for a fair economy

Here’s how to get from where we are to where we want to be…

  • March 1, 2012
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What next after Occupy LSX?

Look out for Occupy 2.0! Vanessa Baird on a movement that won’t lie down and die 

  • February 10, 2012
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Best of the Arts 2011

We watched, we read, we listened: New Internationalist’s favourite films, books and music from last year.

  • January 1, 2012
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VIDEO: ‘The banks have taken over democracy’

New Internationalist editor Vanessa Baird dissects the financial crisis at Occupy London’s Tent City University.

  • December 1, 2011
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Victory for Asháninka against Amazonian dam-builders

Respect for indigenous rights leads to company pull-out on controversial dam project in Peru, reports Vanessa Baird.

  • November 25, 2011
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Who profits from the 7 billion population frenzy?

Vanessa Baird on why, when it comes to human numbers, nothing sells like fear.

  • November 1, 2011
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Radio 5 Live: Vanessa Baird on World Population

Radio 5 Live: Vanessa Baird talks about what’s behind the panic as World Population hits 7 billion.

  • October 31, 2011
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Seven billion - the no-nonsense guide to population growth

The world’s population is about to hit seven billion - should we panic?

  • October 26, 2011
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We are all Greeks

Divide-and-rule doesn’t wash as popular resistance to austerity grows, writes Vanessa Baird.

  • October 7, 2011
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Peruvians rise up against the mines

The scale of indigenous-led protests against mining in southern Peru took most by surprise. Vanessa Baird on what led to such flare-ups.

  • October 1, 2011
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Avatar for real

From Canada to Congo, from India to Australia, indigenous communities are fighting for their lives and livelihoods.

  • October 1, 2011
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Peru's dam busters

Vanessa Baird discovers why the Asháninka people of the River Ene are taking a hard line against dam builders – and others.

  • October 1, 2011
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Podcast: Vanessa Baird on nature's defenders

An interview with Vanessa Baird, author of our October issue’s main feature on the indigenous peoples resisting environmentally damaging projects in South America and across the globe.

  • September 30, 2011
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Peru's narrow escape from more Fujimori

Vanessa Baird reports from Peru, which has just elected a left-leaning President.

  • June 7, 2011
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Amazon knock back is sign of strength!

New Internationalist’s co-editor Vanessa Baird is reassured by the Asháninka community’s refusal to talk to journalists in Peru, where she is investigating indigenous resistance to mega-projects.

  • June 2, 2011
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When people rise up...

As the ripples of rebellion spread through the Arab world, what’s next for democracy?

  • April 1, 2011
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Just who is being violent?

The London anti-cuts demo has prompted much hissyness and prissiness.

And who's pushing European Commissioners' buttons?

MEPs’ fury over European Commission secrecy

  • February 22, 2011
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In the halls of shame

Who shapes the policies and laws that govern us? If you think the answer is ‘our elected politicians’, read on. Vanessa Baird examines the secretive but expanding power of corporate lobbying.

  • January 1, 2011
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Fat-cats, tax and useful numbers

As the rich pig-out on austerity, others are gearing up for action

  • October 29, 2010
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Cuts, ahoy! Women and children first!

Slashing public services the Tory way is sexist, elitist, deceitful and disastrous. There is an alternative… and it adds up.

  • October 18, 2010
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Big democracy revisited

Why aren’t we more like Latin Americans? Vanessa Baird asks.

  • October 8, 2010
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The beauty of Big Democracy

Vanessa Baird celebrates the joys of disenchantment and the birth of hope.

  • October 1, 2010
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The Catholic Church goes to confession

On the eve of the Pope’s visit to Britain, a confession at last…

  • September 15, 2010
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Che committed suicide

By Petros Markaris

  • July 1, 2010
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Population - the panic grows

Enter the babies of mass destruction…

  • March 4, 2010
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To live...

New hope for international action on global warming has come from Bolivia, where President Evo Morales is convening a People’s World Conference on Climate Change. Vanessa Baird reports on a multifaceted initiative.

  • March 1, 2010
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The missing pieces

Is hell really other people? Vanessa Baird concludes with some sobering facts and reflections on equality.

  • January 1, 2010
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Frontline Bangladesh

The climate refugees of tomorrow.

  • January 1, 2010
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When sperm didn't meet ovum

China and Iran: two ways to do family planning.

  • January 1, 2010
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Sex action

How ‘abstinence’ is pushing up the abortion rate.

  • January 1, 2010
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A brief history of population

Includes a murky past.

  • January 1, 2010
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Ageing - 7 myths

The average age of the population is increasing – people are living longer. Also, women are having fewer children. But is this greying of nations really a ‘crisis’?

  • January 1, 2010
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Blame the coffee

Why tiny Timor Leste is undergoing a baby boom.

  • January 1, 2010
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Too many people?

Vanessa Baird wonders why the demographers aren’t panicking.

  • January 1, 2010
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Get ready to counter the G20!

Forget the G20 - Help set a new agenda

  • October 30, 2009
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The purpose of aid

The Aid Debate continues with Teresa Hayter challenging a cherished premise

  • September 22, 2009
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Boon or burden?

Some call it ‘live aid’. Some call it ‘dead aid’. The debate is raging. Vanessa Baird and Jonathan Glennie tell the story so far…

  • September 1, 2009
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Summing up...

Vanessa Baird draws a few conclusions.

  • September 1, 2009
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Bombs, bikes and handsome boys – Aghanistan gears up for election day

‘Even if there are 100 bombs on voting day, all Afghans should vote,’ President Karzai recently urged. From Kabul, Travis Beard surveys the – rugged and character-rich – scene in the build-up to next week’s presidential elections:

  • August 14, 2009
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The big clash - indigenous v multinationals

Blind to bloodshed, Peru signs big new oil deal…

  • June 30, 2009
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South African SPECIAL

A selection of post-election South African reading.

  • June 1, 2009
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Havana Fever

Like the best, most haunting bolero, Havana Fever is liable to linger in the mind well after its final phrases.

  • May 1, 2009
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Historic victory for human rights as Peru jails its ex-President

Leaders who violate human rights beware! Peru shows the way…

  • April 9, 2009
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G20 summit verdict

And what does it mean? Initial reactions to the G20 deal from the Put People First coalition

  • April 3, 2009
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Photos from Put People First rally in London

Photos from the Put People First rally in London taken by NI Production Manager Fran Harvey.

  • April 3, 2009
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Asking for trouble?

The April 1 protests in London were remarkably peaceful, considering public anger and provocative police tactics, writes Vanessa Baird

  • April 2, 2009
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Naked Emperors

It’s time to ask some very basic questions, like: What are banks for? What are houses for? What’s credit for? What’s the economy for? Or, for that matter, what’s the environment for? Vanessa Baird suggests a 10-point economic detox programme.

  • April 1, 2009
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Put People First - just the beginning of a week of G20 action

Vanessa Baird on the Put People First march and what’s next

  • March 29, 2009
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New debt tsunami as crisis hits South

Shocking new report on how the crisis is affecting the global South

  • March 20, 2009
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Financial Fools -- just too tempting!

Tell them what you think! Here are some ways in which people are mobilizing around the G20, writes Vanessa Baird.

  • February 20, 2009
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It's our economy, stupid!

If the G20 think they can quietly stitch up the world’s economy on April 2 they better think again.  Protest is mounting, with a massive demonstration planned to coincide with their meeting.

  • January 14, 2009
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The White Tiger

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

  • January 1, 2009
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Afghanistan on the edge

And the West acting like it knows best… again. Isn’t it time we listened to Afghans, asks Vanessa Baird?

  • November 1, 2008
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Morales wins – and so do his enemies!

Bolivia’s indigenous president easily won Sunday’s ‘recall vote’, securing between 60 and 63 per cent of the vote. That’s even more than the landslide election victory that brought Evo Morales to power in 2005.

  • August 11, 2008
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Bluff calling

A key government official responsible for developing the Yasuní-ITT proposal to keep some of Ecuador’s oil in the ground, has recently handed in her resignation. Juana Ramos resigned her post citing ‘personal reasons’. This follows the resignation of Alberto Costa, the main architect of the groundbreaking proposal from his position as chair of Ecuador’s Constituent Assembly.

  • July 9, 2008
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Endgame in the Amazon

Is Ecuador’s bold proposal not to exploit a billion barrels of oil in the Yasuní National Park a serious option for combating climate change? If so, the world is going to have to move fast, warns Vanessa Baird.

  • July 1, 2008
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Bolivia divided

It comes as no surprise that the southern province of Tarija voted for autonomy from Bolivia last weekend.

  • June 24, 2008
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My Grandmother – A memoir

Every family has its secrets. So does every nation. But Turkey’s official secret remains extraordinarily potent because public references to the massive event that occurred 93 years ago are forbidden.

  • June 1, 2008
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Swimming Against the Tide

Thoroughly researched and with heart-warming personal accounts, Tom Fawthrop’s Swimming Against the Tide is an inspiration.

  • June 1, 2008
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Bloodshot Monochrome

A new collection of poems by one of Britain’s most significant poets

  • June 1, 2008
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Buddhists at loggerheads

‘It’s too confusing for me,’ I heard a student confessing outside Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre. To the right was a group of Tibetan exiles with their brightly coloured flags, here to greet the Dalai Lama on the Oxford leg of his UK tour.

Flame, shame and symbols

It couldn’t have been more symbolic. We all strained to see the Olympic flame, barely visible, ringed by a double band of Chinese security guards and British police as it approached Downing Street.

  • April 7, 2008
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Tibet’s Olympian struggle

This Sunday – 6 April – the official Olympic torch rally comes to London. If you can make it, you can show your support for the people of Tibet and send a message to world leaders by taking part in the Free Tibet Campaign’s peaceful protest.

  • April 4, 2008
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I will return...and I will be millions

Are things beginning to look up for the world’s indigenous peoples? Vanessa Baird begins a series of three reports from Bolivia, where the signs look most hopeful – and most precarious.

  • April 1, 2008
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Tibet - hope at last

Suddenly, for the first time in many years, there’s hope.

As tension and protests mount in Tibet - and within Tibetan communities outside the country - there is a sense that at last something is shifting, however fraught with perils that change may be.

  • March 19, 2008
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Vanessa Baird examines the global trade in girls and young women sold into the sex industry.

  • September 1, 2007
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Stop Traffick!

Creative ideas from around the world.

  • September 1, 2007
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Sex trafficking – the facts

The Facts

  • September 1, 2007
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The suitable Mr Wolfowitz?

It was just sitting there, waiting to happen – the Paul Wolfowitz corruption scandal.

But over so small a thing! I don’t want to belittle the World Bank chief’s actions, but using his position to ensure a plum job (salary $200,000) for his lover Shaha Riza is chicken feed by World Bank standards.

  • April 30, 2007
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The Cave of the Yellow Dog

DVD: The Cave of the Yellow Dog directed by Byambasuren Davaa.

  • March 1, 2007
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Anatomy of a scam

Whistleblower John Githongo speaks to Vanessa Baird; plus extracts from his explosive dossier.

  • December 1, 2006
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Corruption's big funder – or how to ‘lose’ $100 billion without really trying

Tainted projects brought to you by the World Bank

  • December 1, 2006
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Action against corruption

Contacts, campaigns and other useful stuff on where to go from here.

  • December 1, 2006
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Can the rot be stopped?

Vanessa Baird traces the wily ways of corruption – and the war against it.

  • December 1, 2006
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Corruption busters

Bravery and integrity from around the world.

  • December 1, 2006
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As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela: Underground adventures in the arms & torture trade

As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela by Mark Thomas

  • November 1, 2006
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Havana Black

Havana Black by Leonardo Padura and translated by Peter Bush

  • August 1, 2006
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Trade Justice

What is it? Vanessa Baird embarks upon a journey of discovery.

  • April 1, 2006
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Hope in the Dark

  • December 1, 2005
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Revolución rampista!

When local government had to move out of the way of activists on a mission. Tomás Hernández explains.

  • November 1, 2005
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Stop the War: The story of Britain's biggest mass movement

Stop the War by Andrew Murray & Lindsey German.

  • July 1, 2005
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What is to be done?

Brain-drain. Racism. Exploitation. Poverty. Inequality. Charting a path through the healthcare minefield.

  • June 1, 2005
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Action contacts and resources.

  • June 1, 2005
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We are sorry... We stole your daughter

Nancy helps repair a tradition that was damaged in her absence.

  • June 1, 2005
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If... migrant workers left the rich world what would happen?

There are 86 million economically active migrant and immigrant workers, including refugees, in the world today. Nearly half of them are working in North America and Europe.

  • June 1, 2005
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In Banana Hill much is expected of a nurse from abroad.

  • June 1, 2005
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Stop being corrupt!

Kenya’s struggle with sleaze.

  • June 1, 2005
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The Kikuyu cradle

A journey through the country’s troubled past to visit Nancy’s 90-year-old mother.

  • June 1, 2005
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Acute Phase

Hospital visits reveal the brain-drain of nurses and a deepening crisis in Africa’s health provision. Who is to blame?

  • June 1, 2005
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Kenya Profile Population: 33.5 million Total area: 582,646 square kilometres Life expectancy: 44 years

  • June 1, 2005
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Introducing nurse Nancy Wambui Itotia, her dilemma – and her country’s. Vanessa Baird reports.

  • June 1, 2005
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Hope FM

To Kenya with Nancy to see what she has left behind – and the effect that the money she sends home has on her family.

  • June 1, 2005
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  • May 1, 2005
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Another world is possible if...

Another world is possible if… by Susan George

  • December 1, 2004
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Interview with Olava

Homophobia is still so strong in Indian society that Shaina, from the Organized Lesbian Alliance for Visibility and Action (OLAVA), does not want to give her real name.

  • November 1, 2004
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Undercurrents News Network

Undercurrents News Network produced by Paul O'Connor and Zoe Broughton

  • July 1, 2004
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Interview with Daud Sharifa Khanam

Indian villager Daud Sharifa Khanam’s dream is to build a mosque for women – with a female priest.

  • May 1, 2004
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Equality's Progress

It’s been a tough time for equality. But is it really ‘an endangered species’, as some have suggested? Vanessa Baird takes stock.

  • February 1, 2004
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End tailpipe tyranny

Jim Motavalli charts a route for hydrogen-fuelled cars.

  • June 1, 2003
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Toxic sceptics

six climate-change deniers and their views.

  • June 1, 2003
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The big switch

Global warming is with us. So are the solutions. Why don’t we wake up to them? asks Vanessa Baird.

  • June 1, 2003
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Fear eats the soul

Vanessa Baird examines the fears that are fuelling the debate about refugees.

  • October 1, 2002
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Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather by Guy Dauncey with Patrick Mazza

  • July 1, 2002
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Sharp focus on Lindsey Collen

Sharp Focus on the Mauritius-based fiction writer Lindsey Collen

  • June 1, 2002
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The Element of Water

The Element of Water by Stevie Davies

  • July 1, 2001
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Out South

Gay activism is growing worldwide – especially in the Global South. But where’s the equality asks Vanessa Baird.

  • October 5, 2000
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Lethal Lies: the Arms Trade

The murky world of the arms trade escapes public scrutiny most of the time. Vanessa Baird visits Somalia, where its bloody consequences are all too apparent, and asks what can be done in a world awash with weapons.

  • November 5, 1994
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Editor's Letter

  • November 1, 1989
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About Vanessa Baird

2013-01-07 vanessa profile.jpg

Vanessa Baird lived and worked as a journalist in Peru during the tumultuous mid-1980s, and she maintains a passionate interest in South America. She joined New Internationalist as a co-editor in 1986 and since then has written on everything from migration, money, religion and equality to indigenous activism, climate change, feminism and global LGBT rights. She also edits the Mixed Media, arts and culture section of the magazine.

Vanessa’s books include The No-Nonsense Guide to World Population (2011), Sex, Love and Homophobia (2004), The Little Book of Big Ideas (2009) and, People First Economics (2010). In 2012 she won a prestigious Amnesty International Human Rights Media award.

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