The Latest in Visual Basic
How to Handle Collections of Controls in VB.NET
VB.NET no longer supports VB 6 control arrays Here are three ways to handle collections of controls that are somewhat like VB 6 control arrays.
Write a Tic Tac Toe Program in Visual Basic
Get started learning how to program games by programming Tic Tac Toe in Visual Basic. How to build the GUI, determine play, and find a winner.
Full Frame Shot Of Program Codes On Screen - Degui Adil / EyeEm / Getty Images
Visual Basic Glossary Terms
Find definitions of technical terms focused for Visual Basic here.
Smiling businesswoman working at laptop in office - Paul Bradbury/OJO Images/Getty Images
How to Use 'Filter Functions' in String Processing (VB.NET)
Strings may be the second most useful "type" in VB.NET. (Integers are probably the first.) So there is a lot of useful string processing built into VB.NET. The Filter function is one and this article is a fast explanation showing how to use it.
Male office worker at workstation, hand on computer mouse - David Lees/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images
Understanding 'Shallow Copy' and 'Deep Copy' Coding (VB.NET)
The pair of terms Shallow Copy and Deep Copy are seen quite frequently in articles about programming. This article explains what they mean.
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Why Copying 'Reference Types' in VB.NET Causes Glitches
When you copy a reference type in VB.NET, you can get just a pointer to the same object in memory. This can result in an obscure bug if you're not clear about what's happening. This Quick Tip explains it and how to avoid the bug.
Coding the Double Linked List "The Hard Way"
The linked list is one of the foundation concepts of programming and it's supported directly by VB.NET language elements. But you can code one "the hard way" too. This article shows one way to do that for a double linked list. The article also features some interesting code details with inherited classes and objects on the heap. Understanding this example is a great way to make sure you understand what's really happening in your code.
Design Patterns - The Factory Pattern
Design Patterns deal with the fundamental techniques of how and why you write code in a certain way. This article is one of a series that explains the popular design patterns using the syntax of Visual Basic - VB.NET. The subject of this article is the Factory design pattern.
A Real World Example of the Delegation Design Pattern - Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a series about the Delegation design pattern in VB.NET. This part shows a more real world example of the delegation pattern based on the general case code in part 1 that you can contrast with the inheritance based example in part 2. Part 1 is a theoretical "general case" of the Delegation design pattern and part 2 is a counter example coded using inheritance.
Inheritance - A Contrast with the Delegation Design Pattern - Part 2 of 3
Design Patterns can be difficult. So this article, part 2 about the Delegation design pattern in VB.NET - is actually all about inheritance since it explains an example intended to contrast with delegation that is based on inheritance instead. Parts 1 and 3 explain the delegation pattern.
How to Use 'TimeSpan' and 'DateTime' in VB
There are two ways to represent time in VB.NET, DateTime and TimeSpan. They're very different, even though they're companion objects. This Quick Tip reveals how they work.
UML class diagram for Singleton software design pattern. - Trashtoy/Public Domain
The Singleton Design Pattern
Technical articles, including those at About Visual Basic, usually discuss the detailed syntax of VB.NET, not the overall philosophy of why you might want to do things in a certain way. Design Patterns, on the other hand, are all about the why and how of programming, not the syntax. This article, one of a series about design patterns in VB.NET, discusses what might be the most popular design pattern, the Singleton pattern.
Young guy using laptop at desk - Lilly Roadstones/Taxi/Getty Images
Multiple Interfaces
Programmers of the C++ religion believe that something called "multiple inheritance" is the only path to true enlightenment. The rest of us make due with "multiple interfaces". This Quick Tip shows the difference and explains how multiple interfaces work.
The Abstract Base Class
VB.NET fully supports what is called an "abstract base class" but there is no abstract keyword in VB.NET. You're just supposed to know what an abstract base class is. (Hint: The keyword is "MustInherit".) This Quick Tip tells you.
How to Raise an Event in an Inherited Class
When a class contains an event that you want to raise using the RaiseEvent keyword in an inherited class, you can have a problem. VB.NET doesn't allow you to raise the event directly. This Quick Tip tells you how to do it indirectly.