The Latest in Lesbian Life
Emotional Affair? - © Oscar Wong/Getty Images
Can their relationship bounce back from an emotional affair?
She's been in a six year relationship and in that time her girlfriend has had 4 emotional affairs. Will the relationship end? Is it worth fighting for?
LGBT Bathroom Law - © Getty Images
What exactly is the anti-gay law in North Carolina?
What exactly is the anti-gay bill in North Carolina 2016? HB2 in North Carolina explained and explored.
Girlfriend Cheated - Free Digital Photos
7 Ways to Tell if Your Partner is Cheating on You
How can you tell if your lesbian partner is cheating on you? What are the surefire signs that a parter, girlfriend or wife is cheating on you?
Best Friends - © David Woolley/Getty Images
8 Reasons You're Not Having Sex
Lesbian couples stop having sex for different reasons. Let's unpack some of the reasons lesbians who are in relationship stop having sex and what can be done about it.
hot doctor - © Dan Dalton/Getty Images
Is it Okay to Ask Your Doctor on a Date?
She's newly out and has a crush on her doctor. She's not sure her doctor is a lesbian. Should she ask her doctor out?
© Elijah Zarwan/Getty Images
Is there a simple answer to the question: "Am I bisexual?"
How does one know if they are bisexual or straight? What are the signs or indicators of sexual orientation?
Blizzard - © getty images
Why Did Her Girlfriend Leave her Freezing During the Blizzard?
Her girlfriend left town just before the big blizzard hit and left her all alone to shovel out from under, while she was off hanging out with friends. Does this make her a bad girlfriend? Or is there something that could have happened differently to make her stay?
9 Things You Hope Don't Happen on a Date--Number 5 is the Worst!
What are some of the worst things that could go wrong on a first date? Have any of these 9 things happened to you on a first date?
Hidden - © Karin Smeds/Getty Images
Is True Love Worth Hiding For?
Her girlfriend wants her to move to Texas, but she wants to keep their relationship a secret. What should she do?
Abby Wambach - © Stacy Revere/Getty Images
The Year in Review A-Z
2015 was a stellar year for the LGBT community. From Abby Wambach gaining our attention to Bre-Z joining the cast of Empire. Marriage equality became law of land in the US and the White House turned rainbow for a day. Check out the highs and lows of 2015 for the LGBT community.
Depression - © Tom Merton/Getty images
Bash the Winter Blues--Tips for the LGBT Community
6 Simple things you can do to beat winter depression. Tips for the LGBT community to stay sane and healthy during the holidays and winter season.
O Wow Orgasm Book - Jenny Block
How to Tell if Your Partner has an Orgasm and Other Sex Questions Answered
How do you know if the person you're with is really turned on? How can you tell if she's had an orgasm? How can you improve oral sex? All these lesbian sex questions and more are answered by Jenny Block, sexuality and orgasm expert.
Jenny Block - © Steph Grant
The Answers to the Sex and Orgasm Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask
Author Jenny Block answers lesbians' most pressing questions about sex, orgasms, penetration, sex toys and sexual identity.
Lesbian Love Questions - © Kris Timken/Getty Images
36 Questions to Make a Lesbian Fall in Love with You
Want to make a lesbian fall in love with you? These 36 questions will help you get to know one another better, create a sense of intimacy and may even cause you to fall in love.
© deborah arndt
10 Lesbian Literary Tropes to Make You Swoon
What is a lesbian trope and why should you care? These lesbian literary tropes will make you swoon.