- published: 11 Oct 2016
- views: 67
The fourth millennium of the Gregorian calendar will begin on January 1, 3001, and end on December 31, 4000. It will be the fourth millennium in the Anno Domini or Common Era.
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What if we're right? Non humans that control humans until they're found out about and then destroy the mass majority to 'start all over' while the rest comfortably in their underground cities? Food for thought, human. It's about the information. In trying to make the videos' shorter, I dare say, jam packing them full of information takes a lot more time than I expected. Made for content. The visual is to stimulate the minds eye. The evidence in history seems to imply just such the further back you look. Leave a comment below, and let the debate begin. :) - They were depicted in two different ways - one, as humanoid, - the other, as some kind of ''bird-man''... - the most ancient of all Chinese texts is the mysterious 'I Ching' which describes how humans were genetically modified by a Godde...
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